Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2642: Sakura Giant Tree

A stream of light leapt across the sky.

It looks like a stream of light, but in the streamer, it seems that there are layers of phantoms.

Streamer is Xiao Yi.

Six ghosts and demons follow each other like a shadow.

"Master, this Saint Ying Clan is far enough away." The ghost said boredly and impatiently.

"It's been an hour."

Xiao Yi nodded, "As far as I know, the Saint Sakura clan is the oldest clan in addition to the top ten monster clan in the demon domain."

"I heard what the Mad Lion Demon Lord said before, even more so."

"What." Xiao Yi glanced at Guiyi, "You have already walked in the demon domain, don't you know these things?"

"I thought you knew better than me about the Sage Sakura clan."

Except for those you've already contacted or investigated deeply, otherwise, most of the things that exist in the Demon Domain are unfamiliar to Xiao Yi.

As for the ghosts and monsters, they have long been walking in this demon territory, so they should know more about it.

The ghost smiled and said, "I can't touch the existence of this level."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi asked inexplicably, "Crazy Greyhound formation, even I didn't recognize it immediately, but you did."

"I don't think you can touch these levels."

Guiyi smiled bitterly, "That's different."

"The mad grey lion formation is actually one of the secrets. Generally, even the demon lord only hears about it, and has never seen it in person."

"And the reason why I recognize it, and also know it, is because I have been with a master of the wild lion clan."

"Of course." The ghost scratched his head, "I ate this guy later."

"Lord, you looked at the eyes of the mad lion demon lord before, if you weren't there, the old thing might have shot me to death on the spot."

"Who?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Yi asked, naturally, who was the mad lion clan that the ghost ate.

Guiyi replied, "He is a young arrogant, his status should be second only to Black Lion."

"It's not the arrogant Tianjiao in the wild lion kingdom, nor the son of the demon lord. It seems that it is the talent of the wild lion clan. No, it should be the top talent."

"Back then, this kid ran to the cold realm by himself and caught me."

"Later, hehe, I counter-killed."

Xiao Yi nodded.

As expected, if it is a strong lion clan that has grown up, with Guiyi's strength in the past, he can't beat the Lord.

"Is there no way to solve it?" Xiao Yi asked solemnly.

The ghost instantly condensed, shook his head, and said, "No."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Before in the cold and quiet place, you almost couldn't help it, but you still managed to endure it forcibly."

In the land of cold silence, those grinning smiles that the ghost showed before have already proved that he was ready to move at that time.

But then Guiichi still forcibly held back.

Guiyi smiled bitterly, "In the clan, the destiny that belongs to our ghost and demons clan has become stronger and harder to resist."

"That's why I always advised the Lord not to go into the Holy Land. You must not listen."

"I can bear it because I have the determination to die."

"Of course, it's fortunate that I can bear it, otherwise I may have been buried in the Holy Land, and the Lord has already erected a monument for me."

"Really can't solve it?" Xiao Yi asked again.

The ghost shook his head, "Fate, so."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "I can dissolve the relationship between master and servant and disperse the spiritual sense that imprisoned you."

"It's useless." The ghost shook his head, "In fact, as long as we recognize the Lord, the master's breath already exists in our destiny."

"Even if the master is now in contact with the master-servant relationship, one day, we will still come back to find the master, thinking of eating the master."

"On the contrary, the Lord has been imprisoning a touch of our spiritual sense now, which is more secure for the Lord's own safety."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "Even without this guarantee, what can I do with you?"

The ghost's face twitched, "That's why I said long ago that with such a perverted talent as the Lord, the terrible growth of our ghosts and monsters is not enough in front of you."

"I have known for a long time that we will never have that strength to eat the Lord."

"It's just that the fate is like this. If that day really comes, the Lord may be able to reap another opportunity for this."

"Chance?" Xiao Yi had doubts in his eyes.

The ghost nodded, "Our ghosts and monsters are extremely cruel, and we have the mastermind. However, there are still countless strong people who want to earn us under our command."

"For our ghosts and monsters, the major forces can even be regarded as rushing."

"One is that we are indeed mysterious and rare, and the other is our terrible growth, and we can become a powerful person just around the corner."

"The most important thing is a touch of chance."

"If we fail to eat the Lord, the Lord will be able to get the talent that belongs to our ghost and monster clan."

The ghost said seriously, "We ghosts and monsters are also strange monsters. We are born from heaven and earth, and one of the darlings that heaven and earth bestows unique abilities.

"This ability will go to the Lord later."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head slightly.

Gui Er asked doubtfully, "Master, what are you doing with your head shaking?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Yi smiled, "I just know that the ghosts and monsters I know are cruel, ferocious, fierce and not afraid of death, killing people like hemp."

"The Ghost One I know is almost a fake, timid, afraid of death, cunning, and wretched."

After Xiao Yi said, he glanced at Guiyi, "I don't believe you all."

"What happens in the future, let's wait and see."

The ghost smiled and said, "Master, you doubt my loyalty."

"You must have heard too much nonsense about Bai Xing in the past..."

Xiao Yi interrupted, "I listen to your nonsense a lot."

Gui Yi just wanted to refute.

Xiao Yi stared into the distance and said, "Holy Cherry Clan, here."

The distance is gorgeous.

The first thing that catches the eye is a giant tree with pink cherry blossoms, towering into the clouds, huge.

I can see this tree from such a distance, and I feel huge.

If you look closely, this cherry tree is probably too huge to describe.

With this cherry tree as the center, the surrounding area is full of blooming mountains and flowers, which is simply a sea of ​​flowers.

"Curious and wonderful place." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Right." Xiao Yi looked at Guiyi again, "You haven't told me yet, do you know the Sage Sakura family?"

As soon as the ghost shook his head, "The Saint Sakura clan is ancient and mysterious. As far as I know, it is much older than our ghost and monster clan."

"And this clan is quite closed. Except for the clan of the top ten monster clan, almost no other monster clan can contact them."

"The only people walking on the land of the demon territory are like the Xueying clan under the command of the Shengying clan."

Xiao Yi asked, "One of the fifty kingdoms, Xueying Kingdom?"

"Yes." The ghost nodded, "The Saint Sakura clan did not establish a kingdom by itself, so there is no Saint Sakura Kingdom in the fifty kingdoms."

"The Xueying Kingdom basically represents the participation of the Shengying clan in the kingdom's power."


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