Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2652: Soul


In the air, grains of white brilliance fell.

A few seconds ago, there was still a sea of ​​fire here, with countless ghosts and charms in the fire.

And under the sword of Princess Yingyue, within a few seconds, the flames disappeared and the ghosts and charms disappeared.

The ghosts dissipated and turned into white brilliance.

On the white brilliance, there is still a little fire.

Xiao Yi frowned. In his perception, these fire lights seemed to carry an inexplicable breath of coldness.

That kind of cold, biting, and seems to penetrate the soul.

This feeling was felt when he first entered this space before, and it also made his mind more puzzled.

Just now, it was obviously a sea of ​​fire, with scorching waves, but in the flames, there was a sense of coldness, which was breathtaking.

Nowadays, even if the sea of ​​fire dissipates, the remaining flames on the white brilliance still carry this chill.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand, sucking a brilliance into his hand.

Just as I was about to perceive it carefully, the flames had already dissipated, leaving nothing but pure coldness.

"This is..." Xiao Yi looked at the white Guanghua in his hand.

It was more like a cold crystal, pure white and flawless.

Although it has a sense of coldness, it makes people unable to feel a sense of disgust.

"This is a soul crystal." Princess Yingyue replied.

"Soul crystal?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Yes." Princess Yingyue's voice was actually very crisp and melodious, with a touch of tenderness.

Just listening to the voice does not seem to be a strong and sturdy monster woman.

Just looking at the surface, this is indeed a beautiful woman who is graceful and noble, gentle and can't help but feels pity, the princess of the Yao clan.

Princess Yingyue explained, "The soul crystal is a unique thing in the ancient cherry tree, and it is also the chance for us to enter the ancient tree."

"In every space of the ancient cherry tree, there are a lot of ghosts and spirits, which are evil and fierce."

"Every space is different, either with flames blazing, or flooding, or a quiet place."

"In short, in the ancient cherry tree, there is one flower and one world, and there are countless spaces. The ghosts and spirits that exist are different, and the strengths are also different."

"After killing these ghosts and spirits, the power of the spirits will turn into the purest soul crystals in the world through the ancient cherry tree."

Princess Yingyue smiled slightly and looked at Xiao Yi, "Sin Luo Demon King can feel it."

Xiao Yi nodded, squeezing his fingers lightly, the white brilliance in his hand shattered, and then turned into a pure pure power, which penetrated into his body.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed.

The next second, Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "Dao Xin seems to have strengthened."

After absorbing this soul crystal, Xiao Yi's internal vitality or physical strength remained unchanged, and there was no half-cent increase, but Dao Xin seemed to increase a little.

This trace was extremely small and faint, but Xiao Yi still felt it.

"How is this possible?" Xiao Yi said in surprise in his heart.

Dao Xin is one of the most important foundations of warriors.

If you want to improve your Dao Xin, you can only go through thousands of tempers, and only through the world. The other most important way is to improve your cultivation level.

But conversely, only Dao Xin is tough enough to control the next level of cultivation and make a breakthrough with this.

Martial artist, if Dao's heart is unstable, it will produce inner demons.

If the Taoist heart collapses, the lightest is the end of a complete loss of cultivation, and the heavy is the end of death.

Dao Xin, for a warrior, is absolutely the top priority.

On the other hand, Dao Xin is the basis for controlling strength.

The reason why the martial artist uses secret methods to forcibly increase his strength will have backlash, and the more the increase, the greater the backlash, because his explosive strength exceeds Daoxin's control and control.

The warrior, once the power bursts far beyond, it will lose control and cause extremely serious consequences.

This is common sense that almost any warrior knows.

This is also the reason why martial artists often need a certain amount of time to sharpen and stabilize after their cultivation base breaks through; or the cultivation base stagnates, they need to experience and temper.

The Taoist heart of the swordsman is called the sword heart, which is stronger and purer.

If you want to improve Dao Xin, there is almost no external force. Even if there is, it is a very small number of certain heaven, material and earth treasure powers, and the increase is limited, and there are various restrictions on use.

And now, these soul crystals can actually increase the firmness and level of Dao Heart out of thin air?

On the side, Princess Yingyue seemed to see through Xiao Yi's suspicion, and smiled lightly, "Siluo Demon King controls all things in Sura. You should know that everything in the world has a soul."

"Heaven and earth give the soul, Fang gives birth to the spirit, and the spirit grows through the baptism of countless years, and Fang Chengzhi is called the spiritual wisdom."

"The Sakura Soul ancient tree has no intelligence, but it possesses the purest soul in the world."

"It can give birth to the purest Dao Heart Soul Power in the world."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Human martial artists have martial souls, and awakening martial souls means that after martial arts enlightenment, the martial artist looks at something, knows its essence, obtains its soul, and then awakens the martial soul.

Everyone has different understandings and feelings about everything, and because of their own chances and talents, different martial arts are born.

As a child, he was the most innocent, so the more he could penetrate the essence of things and awaken his favorite martial soul.

Therefore, martial arts enlightenment is extremely important. The younger you start to practice, the better.

Martial artist, martial soul, and Dao Xin are the things that are indispensable for his growth.

On the other hand, Yaozu does not have martial arts, but they will control their souls more directly and exert their own essential power.

Just like controlling fire, human martial artists need to awaken a martial soul with the ability to control fire before they can control fire.

As for the demon clan, if he is a monster with a fire attribute, he is born to start controlling fire.

Soul, everything in the world exists; but only the spiritual wise one, the soul, can become spiritual consciousness.

The stronger the cultivation level, the stronger the spiritual consciousness.

And the one that stabilizes the spiritual consciousness, or in other words, keeps the powerful spiritual consciousness from getting out of control, is the Dao Xin.

"It really is a good place." Xiao Yi smiled.

At this time, Princess Yingyue had picked up the fallen soul crystals around and counted them, "Exactly one hundred."

"On this road, I will split equally with the Demon King Sun Luo."

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Since these evil spirits were killed by Princess Yingyue, the soul crystal belongs to Princess Yingyue herself."

Princess Yingyue shook her head, insisting on dividing half.

Xiao Yi also shook his head and refused.

Princess Yingyue frowned slightly, "This is unfair to you, the Demon King Sun Luo."

"What's unfair?" Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

Princess Yingyue said earnestly, "In this half a month, the Demon King of Sun Luo will join me in the Sakura Soul space here."

"If I took it all, Sun Luo Demon King's chance would be wasted."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "If it were the evil spirits I killed myself, I would accept it without hesitation."

Princess Yingyue frowned, "But if I make a move, the Demon King Sun Luo will not have a chance to kill."

"Unless they are evenly divided, the Senluo Demon King may not even get a soul crystal in this line."


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