Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2660: Transmogrification


The land of the sacred cherry, outside the ancient cherry tree.

The huge ancient cherry tree, trembling non-stop.

Pink cherry blossoms are flying down.

"Huh?" The Saint Sakura Demon Race frowned, "What's the matter, the ancient cherry tree is trembling?"

Behind them, a group of demon masters and Si Ming also showed doubts and frowned, "Although the ancient cherry tree has been opened for many years, it seems that this kind of tremor has not occurred in countless years."

The Holy Sakura Demon Venerable squinted his eyes, the next second, his face suddenly changed, "Could it be..."

"not good."


The Saint Sakura Demon Venerable held a virtual hand with one hand, and a monstrous force snapped out.

A group of demon masters and lifemen, including the elders of the clan, were all retaken.

"From now on, no one is allowed to get close to the ancient cherry soul tree for hundreds of miles." The holy cherry demon drank coldly, then waved his hand.


From the Saint Sakura Demon Venerable as the center, a forbidden blockade suddenly escaped.

In an instant, the range of a hundred miles was empty.

Only the Sage Sakura Demon stood alone in front of the ancient cherry soul tree, frowning.


In the cherry soul space.

Xiao Yi just stepped into the space and looked out through the entrance of the space, just to see the entire sea of ​​cherry blossoms turning into nothingness.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a deep breath. If he hesitated for half a second just now, I am afraid that it has now become nothingness with that piece of space.

Nowadays, the external source of power is still raging, and it is impossible to get out.

You can only look for other connections in this space today.

"This is..." Xiao Yi looked around.

Around him, it was pitch black, and an astonishing cold breath came to his face.

Xiao Yi subconsciously wanted to ask, but saw Princess Yingyue fainted in her arms.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, felt it, and sighed slightly, "Although he is weak, his breath has not decreased, and there is no danger of death."

"This is..." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

The breath here is so familiar, he only felt it a few days ago.

Looking closely, the surrounding darkness was dark and inexplicable, while in the distance, there was a wave of evil breath like a storm.

That is the most evil aura in this world, making people tremble.

Here, he felt exactly the same as the space he had entered through a dark land a few days ago.

The feeling he felt when he stood in that space and stared into the distance was the same as he felt when he stared into the distance now.

However, these are obviously two different spaces.

At that time, there was a black spot in the space where there was no black land, and it could lead to Fengxue Nether Road.

And here, there is no black pan, and there seems to be no other space to connect.

In the distance, or millions of miles away, there seems to be the sound of gurgling water, and sometimes the sound of waves sweeping.

But whether it is the sound of running water or the sound of ocean waves, there are dense and harsh screams.

It's too dark here, it's darker than the darkness, and it's impossible to see what the distance is.


Suddenly, an icy breath struck strangely.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and he escaped instantly.

Even in such a dark environment, even if he is holding a person in his hands, he is equally sensitive, and he also has the most amazing physical instinct and crisis judgment.

"Who?" Xiao Yi squinted coldly.

That icy breath just now was an attack, and its power definitely reached the late stage of the Holy Venerable Realm.




The sneer laughter was endless for a moment, full of joking, full of coldness.

"It's all here in this ghost place, and who is it?"

"Couldn't there be two fools here?"

Around him, the cold breath kept emerging.

The ghosts and spirits appeared out of thin air.

Densely dense, with teeth and claws, ferocious and vicious.

"Tear them apart." In the darkness, he drank coldly.

Xiao Yi's footsteps kept retreating, and his flexible figure walked easily among the dense ghosts and spirits.

While retreating, relying on physical instincts to figure out this dark environment.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Under the feet, it is not empty space, but real land.

The situation here may not be as bad as he thought.

His figure gradually moved away from the entrance of the space.

Outside the space, the sea of ​​Sakura Soul that has turned into nothingness is still submerged by the original power, and it is impossible to get out of here.

He can only look for other connections in this space.

Rather than fighting this group of spiritual consciousness, it is better to find out the situation here quickly.

For a long while, in the darkness, Xiao Yi wandered a hundred miles away.

But there seemed to be more and more ghosts and spirits around him.

Xiao Yi stopped, his eyes narrowed tighter.

"Two little mice, where do you want to escape?" In the darkness, the dense cold banter sounded endlessly.

"You are looking for death." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, his fingertips condensed his sword energy.

Sword Qi raged instantly, raging around.


In Xiao Yi's arms, brilliance suddenly appeared.

It was a pure pink light.

"Princess Yingyue?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

The light comes from Princess Yingyue.

The light instantly shines on the surroundings.

This time, Xiao Yi saw it very clearly. Around him, countless hideous spiritual senses firmly surrounded him, one layer after another, and the water was impenetrable.

Such an astonishing number is probably no less than hundreds of thousands.

"His, it's hot." Xiao Yi took a breath, only to feel his hands hot.

The feeling of hotness comes from the body of Princess Yingyue.

Xiao Yi only felt that he was holding a flame that was extremely hot.

The sleeping princess Yingyue seemed to be unaware, not even moving, only the faint but continuous breathing.

The hot feeling became more intense, and even Xiao Yi felt uncomfortable all over.

The air seemed to melt a bit.

And the clothes on Princess Yingyue were melting.

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, it was almost he had just reacted that Princess Yingyue was already impeccable, sleeping quietly in Xiao Yi's arms.

Xiao Yi's hands were in tight contact with the smooth silky skin, and he felt the astonishing heat from the skin.

Xiao Yi was just about to release perception and exploration.

Wow... the impeccable body of Princess Yingyue Bai Zhe turned into pink flying, a burst of cherry blossoms fluttered, and a cherry tree of about ten feet tall condensed on the ground.

"Transfiguration ontology?" Xiao Yi frowned.

On the cherry tree, the pink light is even more, almost illuminating a hundred li.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, it seems that they are all set against a piece of pink light, beautifully.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi also saw more clearly, within a hundred li, there are ghosts and spirits, this...the number is more than one million!

"Bad." Xiao Yi swallowed, trying to force a breakthrough, but the cherry blossom tree transformed by Princess Yingyue beside him seemed to grow completely in the ground.


Just at this moment, an old misty voice came in the air.

"Holy Sakura Demon Venerable?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled first, and then happy.


Third more.

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