Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2670: Fusion of thoughts

His mind and Dao mind are indeed constantly being sharpened and growing rapidly.

Such an astonishingly terrifying intensity, he can also bear.

And these countless siege of spiritual consciousness, he can also cope.

It's just that, with such a crazy soul power consumption, his soul pill can no longer bear it.

Around, high in the sky, at every moment, every minute, every second, there is spiritual consciousness that turns into nothingness, and there are invisible swords that are cancelled out.

Xiao Yi's spirit power was continuously consumed at an astonishing speed.

The invisible sword was offset or shattered, and he had to immediately condense a new one.

Wannian Sword Intent, already each adopts means, or forms a formation.

Thousands of invisible swords are all under his perfect control, and he uses them to the fullest, each with its own use.

Therefore, each one has its function and is a key.

Xiao Yi frowned. As long as his soul power has not disappeared and the soul pill has not been exhausted in a day, this countless spiritual sense can't break through his ten thousand thoughts sword intent protection.

This is the only thing he can feel at ease today.

Xiao Yi frowned and scanned the countless battles around him.

Or the spiritual consciousness, or the invisible swords.

After a while, Xiao Yi's brows tightened.

After ten minutes, Xiao Yi's brows were loosened.

After half an hour, there was a little light in Xiao Yi's eyes.

"Wan Nian Jianyi now carries all my martial arts, one ability and one method."

"Although ten thousand swords are strong, I can separate ten thousand thoughts to perfect control, but if all ten thousand thoughts are used to control only one sword? How much power can it carry?"

"Although Wanjian is strong, it is still mixed, just like martial arts fusion, Fang is the future road of martial arts."

"What if I can fuse these invisible swords transformed by soul power?"

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "If I succeed, this will be a faster way and means for me to integrate martial arts."

Xiao Yi closed his eyes instantly.

Although he closed his eyes, it was just a more precise control of his mind and a more precise feeling of every battle here.

Every battle here, what happened, can't hide from his perception, and even accurate to the number of confrontations on each sword, the trajectory of power erupted by collision with each other.

"Huh? Close your eyes and wait for death?" Xia Chuan stared at Xiao Yi from a distance and sneered.

No one has noticed that this invisible sword that ravages the surrounding world is quietly undergoing earth-shaking qualitative changes.

No one has noticed that this terrifying young evildoer is growing at a terrifying speed.

Even if he was in such a dangerous situation, he was still able to calm his mind and comprehend safely.

Is this a state of mind that is not shocked, or is it a character that ignores even his own life?

No one knows.

After half an hour.

Xiao Yi still closed his eyes, grinning across his mouth.

Thousands of invisible swords around the world disappeared, leaving only nine thousand.

This change was immediately discovered by the spiritual consciousness who had experienced many battles in the past.

"Huh? The number of swords condensed by soul power is decreasing sharply." Tang Zhan said.

"This kid is almost unable to hold it." Gu Lieyin smiled coldly.

However, no one noticed that the smile on Xiao Yi's mouth became stronger.

It was another half an hour later.

The invisible sword is only eight thousand.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

A handful of invisible swords seems to be sharply reduced.

However, from the two thousand swords that disappeared, all the martial arts and methods that they originally carried were added to the remaining eight thousand.

His martial arts are blending in this different way.

If only one of these eight thousand swords were left, Xiao Yi at that time was a perfect fusion of all martial arts and skills.

Xiao Yi smiled inwardly.

Fusion of martial arts was originally a kind of martial arts enlightenment.

If it is said that the normal enlightenment of a warrior is a way of enlightenment such as retreat thinking, understanding the world, and traveling the world.

So, what Xiao Yi is doing now is to turn simple thoughts and perceptions into ‘substantialization’. These invisible swords are all possible in his mind.

Transform thinking and insight into the current way of ‘fighting’.

Obviously, this way of ‘fighting’ is more direct.

The premise is that one's own mind and spirit can withstand this ever-changing battle.

There are countless battles here and there, any second, any confrontation, should not be missed.

This is an extremely difficult test that is almost unimaginable for almost all the qualities of the martial artist himself, such as talent, intellect, awareness and so on.

Of course, Xiao Yi will never disappoint, let alone let herself down.

It was another half an hour later.

Around the world, there are only 7,000 invisible swords left.

This time, even if these spiritual senses are fools, they can find that something is wrong.

"Something's wrong, what's the matter?"

"The sword of soul power is clearly declining, which proves that this kid's soul power has become increasingly unsupportable."

"But these swords of soul power are constantly decreasing, and their power is even greater." Tang Zhan's face was full of shock.

Gu Lie and the others squinted, "It looks like seven thousand, three thousand less than before, but the power is far stronger than the previous ten thousand times."

"It's the fusion of martial arts." First Xiao suddenly shouted.

"That kid is enlightening at the limit."

"Using this battlefield as a board, countless soul power swords and countless spiritual senses of us are used as chess, deducing the possibility of fusion between his martial arts and himself."

Yan Feng's eyes became cold, "Dare to use us for tempering?"

Han Liang nodded slightly, "It's indeed a gift from Heaven, but unfortunately, he can't hold it anymore."

Han Liang looked directly at Xiao Yi, the soul pill in front of Xiao Yi had become scarcer, and the speed of the soul pill flying out of the universe ring was far less than before.

Xiao Yi's side.

Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

Such an astonishing speed of martial arts fusion, he could not even think of it before.

If he continues at this speed, he will be able to integrate all martial arts within half a day.

But at this moment...

Bang... bang... bang...

High in the sky, a handful of invisible swords were constantly blasted away.

But within a few breaths, hundreds of them have been shattered.

"Huh? The power of these soul power swords has become weaker?" Tang Zhan frowned.

"No, it's not that it's getting weaker, it's always getting stronger, it's just that this kid's spirit power really can't be supported this time."

"The strength of the sword condensed by soul power is constantly missing."

"Suffer." Xiao Yi suddenly said a bad cry.

He still underestimated the consumption speed of the soul pill, the soul pill floating in front of him was already exhausted.

In the Universe Ring, there are only a few less than dozens.

The spirit power that he exploded, without the support of enough spirit pills, has become thinner and thinner.

Bang... bang... bang...

The number of invisible swords around the world is becoming less and less, not diligent, but constantly broken.

"Everything is over here." Gu Lie sneered, "Shoot."

Boom... Tang Zhan punched out.

Although the first hall master of the original Shura Palace's defense line is no longer physically present, he only has spiritual sense, but he can also transform the power of spiritual sense into normal power and explode the terrifying physical martial arts of the Asura Hall.

With a punch, the ground broke in a few days.

The sword blizzard that trapped Xia Chuan and the sixty invisible swords trapped Han Liang were instantly blasted into dust.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spewed out a mouthful of blood, "Not good."


Third more.

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