Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2674: Don't bother, please help

Under this dark land, the fighting is endless.

Purple thunder and lightning, fierce flames of different colors, and pure and immaculate but icy snow, never stopped.

Time passed slowly.

Time was slow, and the fighting was fierce, but it didn't slow down by half.

Every second, the ghosts and spirits with their teeth and claws are smashed and dissipated, burned into nothingness, and frozen into annihilation.

With every point, the sword shadow was broken, and Xiao Yi suffered light injuries from time to time outside of the critical area.

In this non-stop battle, there seems to be some repetition under this slow passage of time. Some ‘ten thousand years are like a day’, but in reality, everything is changing rapidly in every second.

This is a life and death battle between the two sides.

Xiao Yi had to deal with it, every minute and every second burst out of the strongest strength, exerting his whole body's fighting instincts and fighting standards.

In my mind, there is a rapidly changing battle prediction, and it is very likely that thousands of pictures flashed in a single thought.

This kind of intensity is much more complicated than fighting alone, and it is even more expensive.

No one can imagine what Xiao Yi is enduring at this moment.

No one can see the change of face under his mask.

All you can see is those clear eyes that have been cold and cold.

Time came to the sixth day, with three days left.


A yin wind suddenly penetrated Xiao Yi's body.

Xiao Yi staggered, almost unstable.

A cold palm, from a tricky angle, took Xiao Yi's head straight.

Under so many intensive attacks, the figure suddenly stunned, and when exposed to this angle, it was almost inevitable and fatal. Normal people are afraid that it has already been in chaos.

This palm should be no chance to escape.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed, and the sword shadow stopped abruptly, but the sword didn't stop and only swept out.

Sweep for a moment, and move a few minutes.

Just a few minutes, it was obviously a mortal situation, but it suddenly came back to life.

The figure that moved sideways miraculously escaped the fatal hand, and accurately avoided all the attacks around it.

Is this really a miracle?

No, that was the control of the battle situation in an instant.

"Dead." Xiao Yi backhanded his sword, and the spiritual consciousness that struck with a yin-li palm split instantly.

After the battle, the sword shadow was restored again.

Xia Chuan also stopped attacking, frowning.

"His sword speed has begun to slow down, although it is only a trace, it is extremely unnoticeable."

"This proves that he is getting weaker."

Tang Zhan said coldly, "It was also a momentary lack of strength. Only in the three days of this fierce battle, the flaw appeared for the first time, and he almost had to take that fatal palm."

Gu Lie narrowed his eyes and said, "But he still reacted to the limit, and once again held the sword."

"It's terrible."

Yan Feng grinned and said, "How long do you think he can last?"

The first said, "At most one day."

Everyone nodded, obviously the same judgment.

"One day later, I tore his skin myself." Han Liang grinned.

Time gradually passed by again.

One minute and one second, hour after hour.

Time came to the seventh day, with two days left.

Xiao Yi's sword shadow trembled suddenly.

Chi... Chi... Chi... Chi...

Nearly a hundred cold attacks, instantly wearing.

"Puff." Xiao Yi sprayed several mouthfuls of blood.

With a sword in one hand, he barely supported the ground, barely standing still.

Gu Lie sneered, "He has been fighting for four days and four nights without stopping. He is great."

Tang Zhan said coldly, "To be precise, he can already die unjustly."


For a moment, the purple electricity rushed again, and the ice and fire burst out.

"Can still fight?" Han Liang squinted.

Xiao Yi waved the sword in one hand, but an indifferent voice came from his ear.

"Sin Luo Demon King."

That was the voice of Saint Sakura Demon Venerable.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his eyes were a little jerky, a few drops of sweat dripped from the beginning that was already covered with sweat, and they almost dipped into the eyes from the mask.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi said in a voice, "Princess Yingyue is fine."

"I know." Saint Sakura Demon Venerable said in a deep voice, "Although I can't know what's happening to you now, Sakura Yue's situation is under the perception of the deity."

"The deity is just asking about your current situation..."

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "Very well, everything is fine, don't bother me with voice transmission, it's considered a help."


Outside the cherry soul space.

The holy cherry demon's old eyes stared at the huge and ancient cherry soul tree in front of him.

On the ancient cherry tree, layers of brilliance emerged.

See it more seriously, there are seven floors.

"The seventh floor." Sheng Ying Yaozun smiled, "The brilliance is dazzling, it proves that Yingyue is fine at this time."

"Just waiting for the time to come, these tens of thousands of years of opportunity will be on Yingyue."

"The generation of my holy cherry clan is coming."

Hundreds of miles away, there was a commander, a demon master, all of them were surprised and anxious.

All of their Tianjiao and Young Masters of all races are still in the ancient cherry tree.

However, the movements and reactions of the current Saint Sakura Demon Venerable are obviously very abnormal.

And they couldn't get close to the ancient cherry tree, and they didn't know what happened, they were all anxious.

At this time, the mad lion demon lord frowned, "The brilliance emerges from the ancient cherry tree, and the brilliance is shaped like a tree wheel, which seems to record the passage of time, and it seems to be...through some ancient laws..."

"For millions of years, I have never seen such a vision."

"Something is wrong."

On the side, Liuyun Two Lions whispered, "Demon Lord, Black Lion and Li that boy are all in the Sakura Soul Ancient Tree, I'm afraid there is something unexpected."

The mad lion demon master nodded, "Fortunately, Black Lion, I know my son's character and ability. He hasn't had the ability to make waves or fall into any crisis."

"I'm afraid that if you leave this kid, everything will be messed up, if you don't know the edge, and regardless of the consequences, you will get into trouble."

Liu Shi gave a wry smile.

Yunshi whispered, "After watching the change in the face of the Saint Sakura Demon Venerable a few days ago, I am afraid that the origin of the matter should be above the Sage Sakura family."

"We can't decide on the matter here."

"I think it's better to inform Yao Zun as soon as possible."

The mad lion demon lord nodded, "The matter here is no longer within the scope of our intervention. We can only ask the old demon lord to ask clearly."

"No need." Just at this moment, an old and cold voice sounded.


Around, a force of restraint was deployed.

The Holy Sakura Demon Venerable stood in the air, scanning everyone, "Before I release the restriction, you can just wait here."

"But, Demon Lord..." The Demon Lord of Mad Lion was anxious.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable coldly interrupted, "Your old mad lion demon Venerable doesn't have the idle time to take care of business."

"I don't have the idle time to talk nonsense with you."

"Don't force the old man to shut you up."

The Mad Lion Demon Lord had an ugly face, but could not say more.

"Humph." The Sage Sakura Demon snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he returned to a hundred miles away again.


Underworld, under the dark world.

Xiao Yi was already breathing heavily, and said in secret, "There are still two days left."


Second more.

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