Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2679: Standing opposite each other, living side by side

"Older years, more secret secrets?"

Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Xia Chuan didn't talk about it anymore, only pointed at a distance, "After that hour, that girl will leave the body and cross the sea of ​​souls in the state of spiritual consciousness."

"And the moment she stepped back on the land that gave birth to her, she was able to evolve and soar into the sky."

"At that time, she was the real breakthrough success."

Xiao Yi said lightly, "Evening and sublimating, soaring into the sky? It seems very powerful."

"Of course it's amazing." Xia Chuan blurted out, "At that time, she will truly control the power of the other side and have the ability to communicate with the ghost."

"If she can grow up in the future, she will become a strong person in the sky and underground."

"Of course, before she grows up, no, she needs to be guarded just now, she needs to go through almost impossible tests."

Xia Chuan regained his solemn tone, "The spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​souls, every way, is extremely eager to become stronger."

"Only stronger, they can have a greater certainty to reach the other side of the sea, truly step into the underworld, and regain their vitality."

"The spiritual sense in the sea of ​​souls may even swallow each other, so you can imagine how fierce the spiritual sense there is."

"As far as spiritual sense is concerned, the power of the soul cherry tree is more attractive than swallowing other spiritual sense."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "You mean that the spiritual consciousness inside can swallow each other to grow stronger."

"But if they can swallow the spiritual sense of the ancient cherry tree, they will grow more directly and stronger."

"So for them, the spiritual sense of the ancient cherry tree is the biggest temptation."

Xia Chuan nodded, "The ancient cherry tree also calls the other shore flower. As its name suggests, the ability of the ancient cherry tree itself is to cross the other shore."

"Passing the soul to the other shore?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

"Yeah." Xia Chuan replied, "It is rumored that in the oldest years, the ancient cherry tree was still growing in the underworld."

"At that time, if the spiritual sense is recognized by the Nether Realm, the Nether Realm can directly use the ability of the ancient cherry tree to cross the sea with a leaf of cherry blossom."

"Spirit consciousness no longer has to endure the difficult wandering of the sea of ​​souls, and go straight to the underworld."

Xia Chuan glanced at Xiao Yi, "So, you can imagine how crazy the spiritual sense in the sea of ​​soul will be to the power of the ancient cherry tree."

"Once they have swallowed these forces, they will no longer have to suffer the millions of years of ups and downs, endless dangers, and directly enter the underworld safely."

"Passing the soul?" Xiao Yi said in shock, "This is the real power of the soul cherry tree?"

Xia Chuan smiled and said, "The sacred tree that came into being with the heavens and the earth is a part of the law of reincarnation, and its power is naturally terrifying."

"The other shore flower..." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Have the Lord Xiachuan ever heard of no shore flower?"

"Banzhihua?" Xia Chuan said, "Baizhihua?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

Xia Chuan smiled, "Of course I know, what? You, the Lord of the Eight Palaces, don't know?"

"If I remember correctly, there are detailed information on the Eight Palaces, especially the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace."

Xiao Yi was startled, "There are detailed records in the main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace? Why haven't I seen it?"

Xia Chuan sneered, "That proves that someone doesn't want you to see it."

"There are people who don't want you to know these things, so naturally you can't."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Hall Master Xia Chuan said so, it proves that you know."

"You told me the same."

"This..." Xia Chuan hesitated, "Since those eight old things are hiding from you, there must be a reason..."

I want to know that with Xiao Yi's current status, he can conceal the secrets of the Eight Palaces, if only the eight main hall masters are the only ones.

Xiao Yi interrupted, "In terms of level and authority, I am higher than you."

"There is no reason you know, but I don't know."

Xia Chuan chuckled, "I have to tell you about this. It's one of the things you need to know and prepare."

"Ashoreless flower, also known as Baizhi flower, is the purest flower in the world."

"It's rare, perhaps not as good as the ancient cherry tree with only one tree in the sky and underground, but its efficacy or level is only slightly lower than the ancient cherry tree."

"The flower without shore is exactly the opposite of the flower from the other shore."

"The other shore flower crosses the soul to the other shore, and the flower without shore, attracts the soul without shore, and allows the spiritual sense to escape from the evil land of the underworld and return to the world."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "If the two oppose each other, wouldn't the other shore flower be an evil flower; the bankless flower is a pure flower?"

Xia Chuan nodded, "This is the case."

"The other shore flower, which grew on the other shore of the underworld, and the no shore flower, grows at this entrance under our feet."

"I just don't know when. Peanuts from the other side are here, and the sesame flowers grow on the opposite side."

Xia Chuan once again pointed at a distance, "On the other side of the sea of ​​souls, there is exactly the place where the ancient cherry tree grew. At this moment, there is a pure Baizhi flower growing.

Xiao Yi temporarily ignored the matter on the other side of the sea of ​​soul, but asked, "I heard that the Baizhi flower is a fierce flower."

Xia Chuan nodded and replied, "It is indeed a murderous flower."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Xia Chuan frowned and said, "This is not the time for you to ask these insignificant things..."

Xiao Yi interrupted, "I need to know."

Xia Chuan nodded, "Bangzhihua is the purest flower in the world."

"But, because of its incomparable purity, it must not be contaminated with filth."

"When it is pure, there is no shore for the soul, and it has the effect of saving the soul."

"When contaminated with filth, if there is no shore in itself, there is no chance to turn back, so it is a fierce flower."

"If this kind of flower is born into a spirit and completely transformed; in other words, a human warrior awakens this kind of martial soul; at the beginning, it must be pure in mind and hate all the filth in the world."

"But, also because of its incomparable purity, it is extremely easy for things to be reversed. You can call it deterioration."

"At that time, the whole body was pure white flowers, black and air existed; the mind would be either black or white, acting extreme."

"It is called a fierce flower because it can easily turn from the extreme of purity to the extreme of filth. Both are extreme."

Xia Chuan said in a deep voice, "Because Baizhihua can attract souls without shore, it has the power to contemplate the soul, and its ability is extremely terrifying."

"If it is said that the other shore flower can transfer the spiritual sense into the underworld; then the shoreless flower can lead the spiritual sense out of the confinement from the underworld for several purposes."

"Under normal circumstances, the Baizhi flower has a slightly lower level than the Yinghun ancient tree."

"But once it becomes a fierce flower, it will completely level the ancient cherry tree, and its ability will be better than itself."

"Originally, it was just to attract the soul without shore. Once it becomes a fierce flower, it has the ability to enslavish the soul and turn the spiritual consciousness into its own puppet.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Can you be more direct?"

Xia Chuan said, "In the ancient desolate years, the ancient cherry tree grew on that end, and the Baizhi flower grew on this end. The two stood opposite each other."

"The other shore flower, cross the soul and leave; the Baizhi flower, bring the soul back."

"But, once the Baizhi flower becomes black, the two are no longer opposed to each other, but live side by side."

"The other shore flower crossing the soul, the shoreless flower contemplating soul, are all used by the underworld, like the ecstasy in the underworld."

"No Bank, Fierce Flower, Raksha Flower." Xia Chuan said the last sentence.


Second more.

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