Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2683: Again... gone again

"You..." Xiao Yi was shocked.

"What are you doing with me back?"

"Baizhihua, can't it only return with a spiritual sense?"

Around, all the spiritual senses only smiled lightly, with a knowing smile on their faces.

Xia Chuan replied, "Hall Master, you are not spiritual knowledge, but a stranger, so naturally you are not included."

"And for those of us with spiritual sense, we didn't want to stay in the Nether Realm, and we didn't have the evil spirit in the sea of ​​souls. Naturally, we can come back together with the power of the Baizhi flower."

There is no black qi in all the spiritual senses, but pure spiritual senses.

"Well, the blockade of the space point has been released, and the main hall master should also leave." Gu Lie said with a light smile.

Tang Zhan pointed to the other shore in the distance, "The monsters and ghosts who have just been startled by the aura are only the weak among them, unable to forcibly cross the sea of ​​souls."

"Can't come here either."

"But when the real demons in the underworld come, they can easily ignore the sea of ​​souls coming here."

"The main hall master, still has to leave this land of the underworld immediately."

A hundred miles away behind Xiao Yi, the blockade of the space point had been released.

Even if separated by a hundred miles, one can see the other end of the space point, the cherry blossoms are blooming and full of vitality, completely opposite to the atmosphere of this land today.

Obviously, the Saint Sakura Demon outside can clearly know whether Princess Yingyue succeeded in the breakthrough, and the life and death of Princess Yingyue.

Now that Princess Yingyue has successfully broken through and her life is safe, the blockade will naturally be unlocked.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Don't worry about me, the distance of a hundred miles is just a moment for me."

"I'm leaving, how about you?"

Xiao Yi's brows became tighter and tighter, "Isn't it good to be on the other side of the underworld just now and regain life?"

Xiao Yi originally thought that these elite spiritual senses would stay on the other side of the underworld.

Even though the previous crossing was dangerous and even damaged one hundred thousand elite spiritual senses, it was all worth it compared to the sea of ​​souls floating for countless years.

Everyone shook their heads, "Once upon a time, the monsters and ghosts on the opposite side were our enemies."

"Now, let us join in?"

Gu Lie chuckled, "We said earlier, even if you enter that land of the underworld, even if you regain your vitality, it's just like walking dead, we don't need that kind of rebirth."

Tang Zhan said in a deep voice, "I will protect you all the way, regardless of loss, just because I know that if this girl doesn't break through, you will be trapped here too."

"So, I can only help this girl."

"Of course." Yan Feng smiled, "Also let the main hall master review it."

This elite who has been abandoned by the Eight Palaces for countless years has become a lonely ghost wandering here for countless years, waiting for countless years.

Perhaps, what is waiting is only the Chief Palace Master who once served for them to come here and order them again.


More than 700,000 elite, now there are only more than 600,000.

More than 600,000 elite, neatly arranged, sitting in all directions.

At this moment, the spiritual consciousness is dissipating.

Han Liang took a step forward and handed a ring to Xiao Yi's hands, "This is the Yuhun Ring. The name sounds powerful, but in fact, it is just a holy weapon for spiritual consciousness."

"This was originally a treasure of the Soul Palace. Because it is a Horcrux, it has been with me and kept here."

"Later, all of our spiritual consciousness will self-dissipate, and the spiritual consciousness power will enter the Royal Soul Ring, and you can leave with the Royal Soul Ring."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "Zhihua dissipated? You..."

If the spiritual consciousness dissipates by itself, it is completely dissipated.

Just like those spiritual senses encountered in the cherry soul ancient tree, after being forcibly dispersed, only a touch of spiritual sense power remains.

"Why?" Gu Lie sneered, "If you don't dissipate, do you still stay here? Always be this lonely ghost, wandering endlessly in this dark sky and underground?"

"We have had enough of those days."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Wait for me, maybe I can do it."

All around, the spiritual consciousness continued to dissipate.

Xiao Yi was startled and coldly shouted, "Stop first."

Everyone shook their heads, "The main hall knows that we are dead, just a touch of spiritual consciousness."

"There is no way to save us, unless we take home."

"It's just that, in the main hall, we do these shameless deeds like those demons and ghosts in the underworld?"

Xia Chuan said solemnly, "Under the blockade of this space, our spiritual senses cannot leave."

"Only when you dissipate and become a touch of power can you be taken away."

Xiao Yi squinted, "But then, you will disappear completely, just a simple force."

"That's enough." Xia Chuan nodded.

The complexion under Xiao Yi's mask is already extremely complicated, "You haven't even seen my true face, you don't even know my name, and you don't even know everything about my coming here."

"Just..." Xiao Yi paused. He was speechless for a while, only spit out a complicated sentence, "Just trust me like this?"

More than an hour ago, they were in the same life and death battle.

Half an hour ago, the battle suddenly stopped, and the spiritual senses chose to believe in him, Xiao Yi.

In that instant, the black qi disappeared, proving that they had no resentment in their hearts and restored their normal spiritual consciousness.

These spiritual senses, just believe him Xiao Yi like this?

Everyone didn't answer, Gu Lie just smiled and asked, "Isn't the main hall master trusting us without hesitation?"

"I..." Xiao Yi's tone was stagnant.

In those nine days and nine nights, the fierce battles, fighting with each other for life and death, suddenly stopped all in an instant.

When they were willing to trust Xiao Yi unconditionally, Xiao Yi also trusted them unconditionally.

When Xia Chuan said that he would cross the land of nine deaths, Xiao Yi didn't question much.

If you let go of the past, being cautious like Xiao Yi, you would never be so rash.

But he still did so, and he did not hesitate to believe what Xia Chuan and others said.

It was because at that time, he didn't see half of the eyes of Xia Chuan and others wrong; even, he saw a pair of eyes that he could trust.

Perhaps, after the battle of nine days and nine nights, what a group of spiritual consciousness saw in Xiao Yi was the shadow of the eight palaces, a trustworthy master of the eight palaces.

So they stopped attacking.

Perhaps what Xiao Yi saw in these eyes was a pair of serious and persistent gazes that he had only seen in the hall masters of the Eight Halls.

Therefore, he believed without hesitation.

Xia Chuan chuckled, "The main hall master is still very young, maybe he doesn't know many ancient secrets, the deep secrets of the eight halls."

"But it's meaningless. When the main hall master is willing to trust us, the main hall master knows the significance of the eight halls."

"Perhaps, this is the Eight Palaces." Xiao Yi, Xia Chuan and others said one sentence at the same time, smiling at each other.

The spiritual consciousness around him continued to dissipate at an astonishing speed.

All the spiritual senses have said everything they wanted to say to Xiao Yi when they were left behind.

But Xiao Yi, the complexity of his mind became calm, but still had some questions to ask.

"I want to ask what happened here back then." Xiao Yi asked seriously.

"Back then, what happened in the Eight Halls, why the civil war, and what happened?"

Gu Lie smiled, "Back then, we were naturally sent here to guard this line of defense in the underworld."

"Eight palace elites, as well as countless experts from the mainland have been called up."

"And as a result, we defended for a long time, and finally exhausted, the entire army was wiped out."

Gu Lie's words stopped abruptly.

Xia Chuan said solemnly, "We can only answer you this."

"As for what happened back then, since those eight old guys chose to hide from you and didn't tell you, then we won't say it either."

"If we guessed correctly, they don't want you to touch these things, it's a kind of protection."

"Protection?" Xiao Yi frowned, "What if I have to know?"

All kinds of things these days, there is fog everywhere, which makes him more troublesome, but he can't find out anything, on the contrary, he has more doubts.

He had had enough of these feelings.

Xia Chuan shook his head, "We refuse to answer."


Xiao Yi waved his big hand and five cold tokens appeared out of thin air, floating in the air.

Xia Chuan's pupils shrank, "I have the four guardian decrees of the ice palace and the palace master's order?"

Xia Chuan said in shock, "The Palace Master's order will only be granted when the Palace Master actually appears; when our Ice Palace has a Palace Master, it proves the inheritance of Master Bingzun..."

Xiao Yi nodded and said with a smile, "I have solved the secret of the fourth floor of the Ice Palace, and I have also completed all the inheritance of Senior Ice Venerable."

"Up and down the Ice Palace, from the guardian elders to the ordinary disciples, you can practice the true martial art inheritance of the line of Bingzun."

Xia Chuan's eyes widened and muttered to himself, "My Bing Venerable line of martial arts inheritance is fully reproduced? The last wishes of the four ancestors have been completed?"

"See the palace lord." Xia Chuan quickly knelt on one knee.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I order you to answer the question just now."

"Uh, this..." Xia Chuan's face was full of complexity.

Xia Chuan smiled bitterly, "We are almost completely gone, why should the palace owner make us uneasy?"

Xiao Yi's heart burst upon hearing the words.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, nodded slightly, and put away the token, "Okay."

Xia Chuan got up.

The spiritual consciousness around him has become thinner.

Only Xiachuan, Han Liang and others are still relatively solid.

"Master Hall Master." Xia Chuan, Han Liang, Gu Lie, Yan Feng and others saluted heavily.

"Although I know that you are very good, but in the end, I would like to remind you."

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Xia Chuan said solemnly, "The eight old guys, we don't deny that they really protect you and treat you like the successor they value very much."

"But sometimes, one's own desires can change many things."

"In fact, we don't know much about what happened back then."

"However, we can only tell you that none of the existences that can be the master of the palace will be a general generation."

At this time, even the spiritual consciousness of Xia Chuan and others had begun to thin.

"Oh yes, there is one more thing at last." Gu Lie said in shock, "Later, the main hall master remembered to use the power of the ancient cherry tree to turn our spiritual power into soul crystals."

"Although this will consume the ancient cherry tree itself and its immense power, it is a fool not to take advantage of it."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Condensing the soul crystal itself consumes the power of the soul cherry tree?"

"Of course." Yanfeng replied, "The Saint Sakura clan spends every year on the power consumed by the growth of the ancient cherry soul tree, but it is a huge consumption of heaven, material and earth."

"And once the Sakura Soul Ancient Tree is opened, it takes an extremely large amount of power."

"If we want to condense such a large number of elite spiritual powers into soul crystals, the Sage Sakura clan will make up for the loss of the ancient cherry soul tree, and I am afraid that even if the power of the whole family is not used, it will be hurt.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Didn't you say that Yaozu is not an enemy?"

Gu Lie's eyes widened, "Didn't that fail, it's still an enemy now."

Yan Feng said seriously, "If you don't take advantage, that's a fool."

Han Liang said coldly, "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The spiritual consciousness around him is already thin and almost nothing.

Surrounded by spiritual consciousness, suddenly bent down and bowed, "See the main hall master."

This is their last action, the last word.

Wow... like a breeze blowing.

More than six hundred thousand elite spiritual consciousness, all disappeared.

Xiao Yi glanced at the imperial soul ring in his hand. Inside, there was already a powerful monstrous pure spiritual consciousness.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again, bowed slightly, and bowed back, "Thanks, seniors."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi picked up Princess Yingyue who was still fainting.

At this moment, Princess Yingyue is no longer the main body of the cherry tree, but has restored her former body without an inch...

"Goo." Xiao Yi swallowed, took the Universe Ring in her hand, sacrificed a set of costumes, and quickly put on her.

At this time, Xiao Yifang picked up Princess Yingyue, her figure flashed, returned to the space connection point, and left.


A few minutes ago.

Underworld, somewhere.

Several figures seemed to be thinking about something, investigating something.

The laws of martial arts are like a despicable plaything in their hands.

Above several silhouettes, that ancient aura was as if it were older than this eternal; that gloomy aura was as if it were even colder than the Nether Realm itself.

They just stood, but it seemed like several terrible abysses shaking the world.

One of them was slightly burly, "It has appeared again, outside the Nether Gate, the king's breath has reappeared, but why is it so late?"

On the other hand, the body was thin and stiff, "Ten days ago, the Underlord had clearly returned to the gate of the Netherworld again, and there was still a breath remaining on the Bingming Youhuo body, which penetrated directly into the Nether realm.

The man with an old and ferocious face said, "But it's been a whole dozen days, and we haven't found out anything."

Wow... Suddenly, in the distant sky, pink brilliance filled the way, shining on the sky.

"Huh? The brilliance of the ancient cherry tree?"

"The third ancient cherry tree in the world has awakened and returned to the other side of the underworld."

The burly one's eyes were startled, "Go and catch it quickly, or you will definitely leave again after awakening."

"Bastard." The man with an old and squalid face said, "Although the ancient cherry tree is precious, the whereabouts of the king is not worth mentioning. No one is allowed to leave unless he is clear about the meaning of the underworld."

In the sky, the pink light spread all the way. After a while, the brilliance dissipated, and the huge phantom of the ancient cherry soul disappeared without a trace.

Only a little lingering breath remained, still pervading.

Until a few minutes later, these pink afterglow scents drifted away.

Several figures trembled abruptly, "What's the matter? There is a trace of the king's faint aura in the remnant of the soul of the ancient tree?"

"The king appeared on the other side of the underworld?"

"The king is back, hurry up." Several figures were surprised.


At that moment, the underworld trembled, and the underworld land, which was even larger than the demon realm, actually had no spatial distance under several silhouettes, spanning several breaths.

However, when several figures ignoring the sea of ​​souls and directly came to the ground on the other shore, the residual aura had already dissipated.

"It... disappeared again..." Several figures were dumbfounded.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Sorry, this chapter has been written for a long time.

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