Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2686: That purple sword shadow

Calculating the time, more than seven hours have passed, nearly eight hours.

Princess Yingyue should almost wake up.

What Xiao Yi has to do now is already done.

His fist shook slightly, and the martial arts trajectory around him was shattered one by one.

Of course, although the martial arts trajectory was shattered, the space within the ancient cherry tree was extremely powerful, under the power of the ancient cherry tree.

Therefore, in a short while, the collapsed space and broken martial arts trajectory will be automatically repaired by the power of the ancient cherry tree.

It's just that what happened when I came here for nearly half an hour can't be traced back in martial arts. Even if you look back, it will only be a blank.

Xiao Yi took back the Senluo token and dissipated the Senluo Law coverage of the surrounding space.

Do everything well, just sit cross-legged, just sit and wait.

While waiting, Xiao Yi naturally felt the amazing changes in the strength of his sword heart.

If Han Liang, Daiichi Xiao and others' martial arts memories are an unexpected gain.

So, this enhanced Jianxin might be the biggest gain of Xiao Yi's trip this time.

Before the comparison, at this moment, his swordsmanship was dozens of times stronger, no, far more than that, it should be said that it was nearly a hundred times stronger.

Yes, Jianxin was nearly a hundred times stronger than before entering the ancient cherry tree.

At this moment, he, not to mention the heart demon, even the terrible backlash of the breath demon would never want to appear again.

This swordsman was even enough to support him on the long road to martial arts to travel far farther than today, and during the period, there will never be a situation of losing the road of martial arts.

"Respiratory Demon, just a joke." Xiao Yi was secretly pleased.

Intuition tells him that at this moment, his swordsmanship is even stronger than that of the Old Demon Venerable and the Master Hall Master.

Even compared to the level of Liuheng Demon Lord, it was only strong or not weak.

Xiao Yi smiled and waited secretly.


On the other side, outside the ancient cherry tree.

The Saint Sakura Demon Venerable had already withdrawn her perception, and also dissipated the ban on the surrounding area.

Just as after opening the ancient cherry soul tree half a month ago, just standing with his hands on his own, and simply waiting.

Calculating time, except for the five days that Xiao Yi and Princess Yingyue wandered in the ancient cherry tree, plus the nine days and nights they spent in the underworld, and the current eight hours.

Half a month has passed.

In other words, the arrogance of the heavenly arrogances in the ancient cherry tree is about to end this chance trip.

At this time, the demon lord, the commander, and the demon clan have all returned to the ancient cherry tree.

A group of strong monsters, all holding a piece of life card in their hands.

That is the life card of the best Tianjiao of this generation belonging to their clan.

These life cards were all unharmed, and the monster clan powerhouses were relieved.

Although they don't know what happened to the blockade of the Saint Sakura Demon Venerable before, but their Tianjiao is no problem, they don't delve into anything more, just a little puzzled in their hearts.

At the forefront, Saint Cherry Demon Venerable waited for himself.

"It should be almost." Xiao Yi glanced at the brilliance on the huge ancient cherry tree.

The brilliance, like a tree ring, has more than nine realms at this moment.

After a long while, the brilliance of the nine annual rings disappeared.

Saint Sakura Yaozun smiled, nodded slightly, and said in a secret voice, "Yingyue is awake."

She knew that Yingyue's awakening had been completely completed.

The strongest arrogant in the history of her Sage Sakura clan has completed awakening and soared into the sky.

Being immersed in joy, if she perceives the ancient cherry blossom tree, she will definitely find that the power in the ancient cherry blossom tree has disappeared out of thin air at this moment.

That is a huge force that is extremely difficult for her Sage Sakura clan to make up for.


In the cherry soul space, Xiao Yi opened his eyes suddenly while meditating.

He had already noticed that Princess Yingyue slowly woke up from her deep sleep.

Xiao Yi seemed to think of something, his eyes flickered a little, as if there was a guilty conscience.

Taking a close look at Princess Yingyue's clothes, Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't change the clothes with his own hands. It was just a big wave of his hand, and he walked with the demon element. In his previous thought, he changed it only with a flash of light.

And this gorgeous dress is exactly the same as the one she wore before.

In the Qiankun ring of the strong, there will be multiple sets of identical costumes.

These costumes all have meanings, or represent their own power, or a certain status symbol of their own family, and so on.

After all, Princess Yingyue has a special status. If she becomes mad because of this, and then causes the Saint Ying clan to fall back on the account and refuse to make up for the consumption, Xiao Yi will really suffer a blood loss.

The so-called lessons learned, Xiao Yi didn't want to go through the second time about Lu Lingshuang's crazy woman.

The countless soul pills and spirit stones consumed in the entire nine days and nine nights, as well as the vital energy and three ice patterns that he has consumed today, will be an astronomical figure afterwards to be filled with cultivation items.

If the Shengying clan were really reluctant to account, Xiao Yi might really go violently and smash her Shengying clan land.

Xiao Yi thought to himself, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

In front of her, Princess Yingyue woke up, noticing the cold flashes in Xiao Yi's eyes, she was suddenly startled, "Sen Luo Demon King?"

"But there are enemies?" Princess Yingyue got up quickly and scanned her surroundings.

"You are injured, and the next battle will be handed over to Yingyue."

Princess Yingyue said coldly, but her face was puzzled. In her glance and perception, the surroundings were calm and there were no enemies.

"Um." Xiao Yi returned to his normal gaze and said, "It's okay."

"Huh? Oh." Princess Yingyue was stunned, then nodded.

In the next second, Princess Yingyue saluted Xiao Yi heavily.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "What?"

Princess Yingyue said seriously, "Xie Senluo is the guardian of the demon king for these nine days and nine nights."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "Do you know these nine days and nine nights? Didn't you faint?"

Xiao Yi's heart burst, don't it be this girl who has been aware of everything since she woke up.

"Um." Princess Yingyue was surprised at Xiao Yi's startled tone, but she answered seriously, "I fainted."

"For these nine days and nine nights, I have been sleeping all the time, and my body is awakening instinctively."

"But I naturally know that I am experiencing awakening, and that the Demon King Sun Luo has been guarding me."

"Although I am unconscious, I can still feel the Demon King Sun Luo being by my side."

"Oh, that's the case." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Princess Yingyue was slightly puzzled at this time, and said, "When I stepped onto the other side of the underworld, the moment I successfully awakened, I seemed to wake up for a moment."

"I naturally know that the Demon King of Sun Luo is holding me and leaving."

"However, Yingyue seemed to see..."

Princess Yingyue frowned, and a familiar but unfamiliar purple lightning sword flashed in her mind.

"That purple sword light, I seem to have seen it somewhere..." Princess Yingyue muttered to herself.

Xiao Yi's heart burst again and said in secret, "Not good."

Princess Yingyue's eyes lit up, "Yes, I remembered that, more than a month ago, the Human Race Demon sacrificed the human kendo evildoer who fought with me in Japan."

"What I used was a divine sword emitting purple thunder and lightning."

"Suffer." Xiao Yi was startled.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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