Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2696: Requiem

Cherry blossoms are everywhere on the mountain.

All you can see is pink, making everything gorgeous and beautiful, making people just feel like they are in a fairyland.

That kind of comfort from the heart made Xiao Yi's body, and even his soul, quiet and peaceful.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yi lay on this sea of ​​pink flowers, looking up at the sky, slowly falling asleep.

The body is tired, and the wind and rain in the spiritual consciousness over the years seems to erupt in an instant, making him extremely tired and sleepy.

"Are you tired?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, looking at the cherry blossoms flying in the sky with a blurred vision.

Tired, in fact he is extremely tired.

Over the years, he is more tired than anyone else.

Rushing all the time, experiencing crises all the time, grievances, trespasses, and conspiracy games.

Over the years, every step he took was almost filled with these constant struggles.

From the time when the cultivation base was at the end of the year, he smashed the four directions, repeated life and death, always striving for a ray of life among the nine deaths, and continued to grow.

Up to now, there are many who are strong and capable of doing nothing.

Over the years, one man, one sword, and one pair of fists, how much has he passed and how much has he experienced?

Countless, endless.

He was not afraid of this difficult road.

At this moment, he was gradually tired, and the scenes of the past emerged in his heart, which actually made him confused.

The only thing that allowed him to rest for a while was that one and a half years of travel.

The gradual approach of the variable days still made the travel during that period of time full of depression.

Well, it's not a stop.

The blurred vision gradually darkened.

His eyes finally closed completely, falling asleep in them.

Time, I don't know how long has passed.

Or a moment? Or is it so long?

"Tired, tired, there are still too many things to deal with."

The water in the Middle Territory, or the water of this continent, is very deep; but he has already wade through this muddy water, and he will definitely explore the depth until he reaches the depth of the muddy water.

My heart seemed to sigh.

At that moment, the quiet soul and leisurely body became surging and enthusiastic.

This is his Xiao Yi!

"Huh?" At this moment, Xiao Yi's six senses recovered, and he clearly felt a faint aura next to him.

Xiao Yi was shocked and opened his eyes suddenly.

However, after opening it for a moment, the first thing that catches the eye is a pair of beautiful eyes that meet with him.

Then from the gaze spreading from the beautiful eyes, what I saw was a face that was indifferent and beautiful.

At this moment, the cold eyes met these beautiful eyes.

At this moment, the ice-cold mask was only a few minutes away from the face of the country.

Xiao Yi could even smell the delicate scent of the face owner.

Although the mask was cold, the slight hot snort of the owner of the face still came from the gaps in the mask.

"No Yue Si Ming?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly, was also startled, and quickly turned sideways and sat up.

At this time, Xiao Yifang could see clearly that Wuyue Siming had just kneeled and sat beside him, bending over to look at him.

"Xiao Yue Si Ming has something to do with me?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

Wuyue Siming shook his head, but nodded again.

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly, "Is there or not?"

Wuyue Siming nodded, but shook his head quickly.

Xiao Yi was full of black lines, and only said lightly, "It's been a long time since the death of the moon has been here?"

"Just here." Wuyue Siming said indifferently, with a cold tone.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Since you have something to do with me, why don't you call me?"

Wuyue Siming said softly, "You are asleep."

Xiao Yi frowned and patted his slightly dizzy head. It was the first time he slept like this, and even no one next to him could react immediately.

Wuyue Siming seemed to see the distress in Xiao Yi's eyes, and said softly, "Cherry blossoms are the flowers of soul crossing, and they have the effect of calming souls."

"So that's it." Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly appeared.

"You are very tired, and very powerful." Wuyue Siming suddenly uttered a word.

"What?" Xiao Yi let out a bewilderment when he heard this inexplicable sentence.

Wuyue Siming stood up, took two steps forward in Yingying's posture, and then sat down beside Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Wuyue Siming whispered, "Sakura, although it has the effect of resurrecting souls, it does not make people sleepy in an instant. For those at your level, these effects can almost be ignored."

"Cherry blossoms will arouse deep-seated fatigue of living beings; in the legend, when crossing the soul, it also allows the soul to go back to the life of the soul, and then the soul will disappear."

"The tiredness you arouse makes you sleepy and sleeps easily, which proves that you are tired and have experienced countless times."

"But you only fell asleep for a second." The beautiful eyes of Wuyue Siming stared at Xiao Yi, with some horror.

"In peace of mind, I pulled away from it in an instant and restored the six senses."

"Your mind must have gone through thousands of tempers, and it has never been experienced before, and it is as strong as ever."

Xiao Yi's heart suddenly burst as he listened to the sentence after sentence of Wuyue Siming.

At this time, Wuyue Siming looked at Xiao Yi seriously, and spit out, "You must have had a hard time outside before returning to the demon domain."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

There was a trace of killing intent and concern in Wuyue Siming's eyes, "I haven't been out of the demon domain."

"But I have seen in the clan records. Outside the demon domain, the human race is ferocious and hunts me and other demon races all the time."

"You are alone and there is no one to help you. You must be frightened day and night, and you will often run away from the ferocious pursuit of the human race."

"Over the years, it must have been hard to worry about being captured and killed by the human race day and night."

"Um..." Xiao Yi wanted to say something.

Wuyue Siming said seriously, "Follow me back to the Wuyue clan. It is safe there and I will protect you."

"One day, the Yaozu will return to the Central Region."

"By then, those who have bullied you and want to kill you, no matter what people or demon, I will kill them and avenge you."

The face under Xiao Yi's mask suddenly twitched.

"I don't need your protection yet."

Wuyue Siming frowned slightly, but still seriously said, "Living in the Wuyue clan is much better than wandering alone."

"In the Moonless Clan, we are born in charge of life and death, but other than that, the clan is very simple, there is no intrigue, it is a rare piece of paradise."

Xiao Yibai glanced at Wuyue Siming, secretly slandering, "I think you are very simple."

Xiao Yi glanced at Wuyue Siming. Obviously, Wuyue Siming came here without any malice.

However, Xiao Yi didn't bother to talk to her. He just sat quietly, his eyes returned to indifference, and he scanned the surrounding scenery.

Xiao Yi was silent.

Without a month's life, he was also silent, obviously his character was not happy to talk.

Of course, this kind of quietness is also quiet.

For a long while.

In the end, Wu Yue Si was the first to frown slightly and asked seriously, "Aren't you willing?"

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "What do you say? Am I familiar with you, Huizu land with you?"


First more.

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