Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2703: The man who escaped from fate

"Fate? Destiny?" Xiao Yi shook his head, "The same sentence, I never believe in fate, and I never believe in the word destiny."

"I never believe in this sky."

"I only believe in my fists."

"Hahahaha." Saint Sakura Demon Venerable smiled with satisfaction, "Is strength the respect? What you said is not wrong."

"What you are doing today is not wrong."

"After opening this chat box, the old man will remind you a bit."

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable once again recovered his solemn tone, "As you said, rely on your own fists to break the shackles of fate."

"In fact, it is true."

"This, at the same time, is what every warrior or strong person is doing."

"Why does the world stipulate my longevity like this? Under what fate, I need to finish this mediocre life?"

"Whether it is a human warrior or a monster clan powerhouse, pursuing this long road of martial arts is not just to change these? Isn't it going against the sky?"

"Under the reincarnation of destiny, everything has its own destiny; and those who pursue martial arts use their fists to break this endless shackles time and time again."

"Just, when is this head?" Saint Ying Yaozun looked at Xiao Yi and asked.

Xiao Yi remained silent, with doubts in his eyes.

The Sage Sakura Demon said solemnly, "Along the way and growing all the way, you are indeed breaking everything again and again; but as long as you have not really reached the end of this martial art road, you will eventually fall under the rules of fate."

"You may still be able to speak wild words now and be full of confidence; but what about in the future, a million years later, tens of thousands of years later? When your cultivation is stagnant and the road to martial arts is stagnant, everything becomes extremely difficult and even What will you say when it is impossible again?"

"Angry? Disappointment? Lost? Hoarse?"

"At that time, wasn't it also because of fate that I was secretly sighing about my powerlessness?"

The Saint Sakura Demon Sovereign said suddenly cold, "Destiny can determine your life and death. Starting from a time even more ancient than the ancient years, how many amazing people have been so far? How many people have made the mainland? Without exception, they have failed. Escape the shackles of fate."

"No matter how powerful he was during his lifetime, how famous, how earth-shattering, after his death, there is not only one remaining world? Even this simple name will gradually be forgotten as the years pass."

"In that case, destiny determines the changes in this world, how difficult is it?"

Xiao Yi frowned, his eyes solemn as water.

The Sage Sakura Demon sneered again, "Warrior, strong, always talk about fighting the world, arrogant and awe-inspiring."

"In fact, the constant cultivation and constant strengthening are nothing more than struggling hard in the shackles of the cage."

"How ridiculous is all this? How sad is it under the mercy of fate?"

"Fate, the Eight Palaces can't escape, the Demon Territory can't escape, no one can escape."

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly became cold and inexplicable, and for the first time their sharpness was revealed, even with a biting and fierce light.

"Huh?" Sheng Ying Yaozun frowned, feeling that his gaze was inexplicably frightening.


"Nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head, his eyes returned to normal, only indifferent.

The Holy Sakura Demon Lord nodded, "For all the time, as far as the old man knows, the only person has been out of the mercy of fate in a disguised form."

"Who?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Sage Sakura Demon Lord took his hand and looked at the sky, "If a person can really be careless, careless, and everything is not important to him, then he can't even control his fate."

Saint Sakura Demon Sovereign, slowly spit out the answer, "You must have heard of the famous Six Flame Dragons."

"Of the six sages, four have fallen, one is missing, and only the last is left. It is also known as the one who has the most means and the most unfathomable...Luo sage."

"He can really ignore the common people, the world, and everything doesn't matter to him."

"He was not born in this generation, he should have come to the end long ago, and he will fall."

"But he did it, but he survived. He avoided the laws of heaven and earth, avoided this so-called fate, ignored everything, and lived to the present."

"And a few years ago." Sheng Ying Yaozun sneered, "I heard that he seems to have something to care about, so he is going to die."

"Although he is not dead yet, he is almost dead."

"He is back at the mercy of fate."

"Except for him." The Sage Sakura Demon Lord shook his head, "No one can care about nothing, like the old man, the mad lion demon Lord, the giant elephant demon Lord, any demon Lord is like this, including Liuheng Demon Lord. "

"No matter how powerful the strong is, he has a longing in his heart."

Xiao Yi clenched his fists, "Yao Zun couldn't tell me what happened back then, could he?"

Saint Sakura Demon Lord nodded, "I can tell you, but it won't help you."

"If you reach a level in the future, you will be exposed to it."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

Saint Sakura Yaozun smiled, "Well, let's not talk about these heavy things."

"Old man, I just remind you a little bit, but it's not meant to make you feel deep and worried all day long."

"It's just to let you know in advance some questions that you will surely think about and wonder about when you grow up."

"Go back to normal things." Sheng Ying Yaozun said softly.

"I know about you and Yingyue in the underworld, and I have no other intentions."

"And you, if the old man guessed correctly, you really won't leave my Saint Cherry Clan."

"The strange demon will never stay in the same place for long; the strange demon, after all, loves to be home everywhere and travel the world."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I will leave later."

"Yeah." Sheng Ying Yaozun nodded and said, "The demon king is fighting for you to cultivate in the forbidden land of the ancestor dragon, and the old man also knows."

"From now on, you still have less than half a month."

"And this half a month, you may be able to participate in other events."

"Your mad lion demon lord should have also told you that there will be many great events in the Demon Territory in the next few days, and they are all rare."

"There are some great events that only old guys like us can start; when we are gone, who will start?"

"Naturally, there will be many recent events."

"Perhaps, you can go to the giant elephant family to see."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said lightly, "The giant elephant clan is also ready to start the event?"

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable nodded, "Before the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable came here, he also said something, and invited you to the Giant Elephant Clan Land."

Xiao Yi frowned, "But I still have to go to the Zulong Forbidden Land, and I don't know if I have enough time to participate in the grand event of the giant elephant clan."

"If you missed the opening of the Zulong Forbidden Land..."

"No hurry." Sheng Ying Yaozun interrupted with a smile, "You can go to the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon first, and then go to the grand event of the giant elephant clan."

"The Giant Elephant Demon Lord said, he can change the start time of the event for you."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, "These grand events of the ancient races are always held by the Tianjiao of the entire Demon Realm, and they will all participate."

"Just for me, hanging out all the arrogances of the demon domain?"

"Not bad." Saint Sakura Demon Venerable nodded, "This question, the old man has asked the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable for you."

"The Giant Elephant Demon Lord has only one sentence."

"A grand event without Yi Yaoli participating is not a grand event."


Second more.

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