Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2713: Two hundred rank martial arts

"How is it possible to surpass us?"

Diro looked astonished.

"This guy..." Feng Qingyue's expression stiffened as she looked at Xiao Yi's suddenly surpassing figure.

"Stepped into the ninetieth step?" Hu Yan Zichen showed horror.

From their triumphant sarcasm, to when Xiao Yi suddenly surpassed them, it was only a few dozen breaths away.

They rushed in succession, trying again and again these days, failing again and again, accumulating again and again, and Fang has now reached the level of the 90s.

Today, these efforts have been surpassed by Xiao Yi's ten breath time.

Moreover, the ninetieth step is more terrifying pressure, far more than any previous step.

Stepping into the ninetieth level, that is another category.

Get off the dragon road.

Yin Lei's face suddenly changed, "Awesome, and suddenly I stepped onto the ninetieth step."

"Sen Luo Demon King, really well-deserved reputation."

Elder Yinlian's face condensed, "Before the hundred ranks, all are tests of strength."

"Starting from stepping on the first step, it becomes more difficult to step by step, and the winding strength is greatly increased."

"But before the 90th level, it's only a test, a test that increases step by step."

"When you truly step into the ninetieth level, you will be considered qualified and start to hit the end of the hundred-level strength test."

The other elder said solemnly, "The ninety-order, it can be regarded as the beginning of the real test."

"In the past records of entering the Dragon Road, even after being instructed by the ancestors, it takes a period of adaptation for the intruder to come into contact with the real test."

"Adaptation time can be as long as a few days, for those with insufficient talent, or as long as ten days or more; as short as a few hours, for those with amazing talent, or one or two hours."

"But after all, it takes time to adapt."

"Sin Luo Demon King, just crossed over?"

Ascend the Dragon Road, at the 90th level.

Xiao Yi felt the twisting force under his feet.

The pressure here is almost ten times that of the eighty-ninth step, no, even all the pressure of the previous eighty-ninth step is superimposed here.

At such a level, he could shake away only by the tremor of the explosion of karma fire.

But this still couldn't stop him.

With the astonishing temperature of the Liuheng Karma Fire on both feet, it didn't take a long time to burn the entwined dragon into nothingness.

Steps, stepped on again, stepped onto the ninety-first step.

Then came the ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five...

The pressure, as before, increases step by step.

But Xiao Yi's footsteps did not stop.

These dragon wandering auras were transformed by the spirits of the ancestors of the Yinli clan.

These obstacles seemed to be broken by Xiao Yi's strength, but it was better to say that Xiao Yi controlled Liuheng's karma to burn them.

The same is broken by strength, but it is a confrontation between forces.

The pressure here is increasing, it is indeed terrible, and you can know the difficult posture of the three people.

However, Xiao Yi relied on the six levels of karma fire, the strength of the karma fire law he controlled, and the arrogant ability to control fire. It was not difficult to deal with it.

When it comes to controlling fire, Xiao Yi is not afraid of anyone.

And when such a fire-controlling master has a powerful flame in his hands, its explosive strength is enough to be terrifying.


Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped slightly at the ninety-ninth step.

The next step is a hundred orders, and it is also the end of the order of strength.

Xiao Yi did not move, and could already feel the terrible pressure brewing in it.

After he took his footsteps for a moment, these pressures would burst out instantly, surprisingly.

In this step, I am afraid that pressure alone can crush a 90,000 Dao powerhouse.

Even at the level of the top demon master, never want to take this step.

With such a difficulty, even those who have been famous for millions of years in the Demon Realm would never want to step out, let alone the demon Tianjiao who came to practice here.

No wonder no one has ever succeeded in climbing the Dragon Road for countless years.


Xiao Yi's footsteps have already stepped out.

This step is no longer silent, but an instant roar.

The power of a hundred steps seems to be superimposed at this moment; a hundred steps are silent, and at this moment, it becomes the sound of thunder.

Overwhelming pressure, instantly add to body.

However, Xiao Yi's footsteps still steadily stepped on a hundred steps.

"Successful." Elder Yinlei's eyes stared as he climbed the dragon road.

"Hundred-level force test, the level of force, was passed by him."

Elder Yinlian sneered, "I heard that half a month ago, this guy was defeated by Jin Ruo on the ground of the Saint Cherry Clan."

"Its strength can be expected."

"With this strength, it is indeed possible to cross a hundred levels."

Another elder sneered, "But, don't forget, these powers are bestowed by the demon king."

"This is the power given to him by the law of heaven and earth, not the power this guy really possesses."

"With external force, how about passing the Hundred Tier Test so shamelessly? It's just self-deception after all."

"Next, Wu Zhijie."

"That can't be helped by external forces, it's all on my own talent, all on my own perseverance and perseverance."

"Look at it, in the next Wuzhi test, he is afraid that he will be blasted down to the Dragon Road after a few steps."

The two elders Yinlei and Yinlian nodded upon hearing this.

"The rank of Wu is not tricky and can't rely on external help."

"If you get the guidance of the ancestors first, you will have a clear martial arts, and you will have more confidence in passing this martial level."

"This guy has no ancestors to guide him, nor has the ability to truly martial arts realm."

"The rank of Wu is a road to the test for the real; it is also a way for the pretender and the cunning to escape."

The words of the three of them just fell.

On the Dragon Road.

Xiao Yi's figure moved again.

It's no longer moving forward step by step, but running...

Yes, run!

"This, this..." Elder Yin Lei pointed at Xiao Yi's figure far, his fingers trembled.

"That guy is... running?" Elder Yinlian consciously wiped his eyes up if his eyes were dim.

The more I rubbed, the harder I was, even rubbing my eyes.

But even if he rubbed his eyes red, Xiao Yi was indeed running at the high places in his eyes.

Ascending the Dragon Road, at the 180th step, Xiao Yi's running speed slowed down slightly and turned into a trot.

Seeing this, the three elders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That terrifying sight made the three of them feel uncomfortable.

"It turns out that this is the rank of Wu." Xiao Yi smiled inwardly.

Starting from the hundredth rank, the test of class is the doubt of martial arts.

This level is transformed by the bones of the sacred silver beast, containing part of the memory of the sacred beast itself and the complete inheritance of martial arts.

The so-called test is to pass these martial arts inheritance and enlightenment.

Enlightenment is inherently difficult; and in this process, the intruder still needs to bear the pressure of the previous stage of strength at all times.

It is extremely difficult to test the ranks of ancient martial arts.

Of course, this is not difficult for Xiao Yi.

Not to mention his own comprehension ability, and to mention the huge martial arts inheritance and martial arts knowledge he already possessed, Xiao Yi himself could not count how much martial arts knowledge he had already understood in his head.

In front of him, there is no martial art problem.

He could see through the martial arts inheritance left by the silver sacred beasts at a glance, and he could understand all of them when he moved his heart. He couldn't stop him at all.

Running all the way, Xiao Yi's figure stepped on the 199th step.

Under the path of climbing the dragon, the three silver elders swallowed unconsciously, "This guy, is about to start to hit the end of the 200-level martial arts test."


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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