Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2717: Tenth order heart test

Faced with the impact of these evil spirits on Dao Xin, Xiao Yi did not dare to entrust him.

He knew very well that it was absolutely impossible to resist the strength of his sword.

In his mind, thousands of invisible swords have long formed a mysterious sword formation, fighting against these countless dragons and evil spirits.

Step... step... step...

Xiao Yi's footsteps were slower than ever before.

The tenth-level heart test at this level completely stumped him.

This is a real Dao Xin impact.

The Dao Heart Impact from the beginning of the first Dao alone, I am afraid it has reached the level of the demon sovereign.

The previous martial arts doubts were at the level of the old demon, but after all, they were just martial arts enlightenment, they couldn't be enlightened, so it was a big deal to give up and leave.

But today's heart test, although it is only at the level of the demon, but it is really possible to break the Dao Xin of the intruder, and even cause the intruder to die.

Sure enough, in the third test of the Dragon Road, the heart test is the core, and it is also the thing to be tested.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi's Dao Heart is now clear, otherwise, the impact of the first Dao alone would have crushed his sword heart.

In other words, fortunately, before he came to the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land, he went to the Saint Sakura Clan Land and participated in the Sakura Soul event.

After he absorbed all the soul crystals transformed by the elites of the Eight Halls, he had already made his sword heart stronger than the level of the old demon venerable, perhaps even more than that of the Liuheng Demon Lord.

Xiao Yi couldn't determine how strong it was.

Now, it happens to be verified.

At this moment, he stepped on the 324th step.

Before, Xiao Yi could hear the words that the three of Diro were talking about behind them.

Chilong, the rumored demon dragon ranked first, his record is only 321 rank.

In other words, Chilong passed the Hundred-level Force Test, Hundred-level Dao Test, and Hundred-level Heart Test.

After the Tier Ten Strength Test and Tier Ten Dao Test, they also passed.

Only the tenth order heart test, starting from the 321st order, failed.

If it is said that the three exam points of the dragon road are divided into two levels of difficulty.

Then the first three hundred levels are the first level of difficulty.

After thirty levels, it is the second level of difficulty.

The core of the test of Denglong Dao lies in the heart test.

In other words, Chilong was defeated by the second level of difficulty.

Today, his Xiao Yi has broken this record.

However, he is not sure whether he can pass the tenth-level heart test or not.

"Disperse me." Xiao Yi yelled in a low heart.

In his mind, thousands of sharp swords trembled violently, and the surroundings instantly became annihilated, including countless dragon wandering evil spirits.

Steps, once again stepped up to the next level.

He was still in common sense to see how strong his Jianxin was at the moment and how well he could handle it.

Three hundred and twenty-fifth order.

"Disperse." Xiao Yi yelled, fighting in his heart, which lasted for half an hour.

Three hundred and twenty-sixth order.

"Disperse." Xiao Yi yelled, already starting to fight for the strength of Jianxin with all his strength for an hour.

Three hundred and twenty-seventh steps.

Xiao Yi frowned, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead under the mask.

"The shock of the mind has reached the level of Old Demon Venerable."

In other words, only Old Demon Venerable can handle this level of mental shock.

But Xiao Yi, he also held it.

Three hundred and twenty-eighth steps.

Xiao Yi already frowned.

In his mind, there are only ten dragon wandering evil spirits.

The ten-headed dragon wandering evil spirits instantly began to attack Jianxin.

"The impact on every end has reached the level of Old Demon Venerable." Xiao Yi was secretly shocked.

Three hours later.

The ten-headed wandering dragon evil spirit collapsed under the sword.

The 329th order.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, and the dragon wandering evil spirit reached twenty.

The sword intent around Jianxin hadn't even fought, and had already begun to tremble and be unstable.

For half a day.

Twenty dragon wandering evil spirits, and ten thousand invisible swords perish together.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, not before stepping on.

The figure stopped just like this at the 329th step.

When the tens of thousands of sharp swords he condensed with the strength of the sword heart also collapsed in his mind, it represented that this was all his sword heart power.

The mental shock that needed to be able to withstand the level of the old demon venerable, twenty full siege and shock, could not help his swordsmanship.

This is how strong he is at the moment.

Obviously, his Dao Xin had already exceeded the level of Old Demon Venerable.

At this moment, Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

If you take one step further, you will be ranked three hundred and thirty, which is the end of the tenth-tier heart test.

He wasn't sure whether he could stop the next level of mind impact.

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, his footsteps, hesitated for a few seconds, and then moved again.

Knowing difficulties and not retreating, this is his Xiao Yi.

The more dangerous he is, the more passionate and full of expectation he is.

This is his Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi's figure had already reached the 330th step.

How dangerous is the end of the Tenth Tier Heart Test?

Going up to the first level, it is the mind-bending impact of the twenty old demon nobles.

Here? Thirty? Forty Road? Or more?

The answer appeared instantly.

The number is not much.

There is only one.

In his mind, a huge fierce beast was winding and circling, staring at his sword heart.

That is a huge silver dragon.

The ferocious, bloodthirsty eyes seemed to destroy everything they were staring at.

"Wan Nian Jianyi, condensing." Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly without hesitation.

Thousands of invisible swords, keep the sword heart firmly.

"It's terrible." Xiao Yi's heart trembled a little.

The feeling that this ten thousand-foot silver dragon gave him far surpassed any previous attacks, including those old demon-sovereign level mind attacks.

Even the tremor that this silver giant dragon gave him had already exceeded the level of Liuheng Demon Lord.


There was a sudden roar in his mind.

The silver dragon opened its mouth wide and swallowed in an instant.

"Shou." Xiao Yi shouted violently.


However, when the silver dragon collided with it, the sword collapsed instantly, unable to stop the collision.

The huge head was shattered along the way.

During the impact, the meandering body hovered, easily sweeping all the sharp swords around him into nothingness.


There was a roar in Xiao Yi's mind.

The silver dragon slammed into his sword heart.

At that moment, it was like a giant beast hitting a lofty mountain.

Under the impact, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked.

"Not good." Xiao Yinei looked at everything in his mind, and his expression changed drastically.

Jian Xin, who had been extremely tough before, was hit by a crack at this moment.


The silver dragon leaped back suddenly.

It wasn't a helpless retreat, but a sign that he was going to step back a little bit, and charged his strength to collide again.

Sure enough, the silver dragon flew back only a few minutes, and rushed out again.


There was another roar of mind.

Above Jianxin, a second crack appeared.

"Bad." Xiao Yi was startled.

Once there are enough cracks in Jianxin, Jianxin will collapse. By then, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"Bad son." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Wannian sword intent, condense again."


Second more.

Update today, over.

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