Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2722: Discouraged?

Xiao Yi suddenly violently shot.

Elder Yinlei and Yinlian were startled at first, and then he was not afraid, and only sneered.


There were two bangs in a row, followed by two roars.

Xiao Yi first slapped both palms, then slapped the two silver elders, then turned his palms into fists, another bang.

When the sound fell, Xiao Yi didn't move, and the two silver elders were shaken back ten steps.

"How is it possible." Elder Yinlei took the lead in his face changed drastically.

"Before I dealt with the siege of the two of me, but they were only equal to each other, stalemate confrontation, now..."

Elder Yinlian said with horror on his face, "Although you have passed the first-level road test, you are still under pressure. Dealing with the two will never be easier than before, you..."

"Could it be that you have been hiding?" Elder Yinlian's expression changed suddenly.

Yes, even if Xiao Yi has passed the first-order Dao test and has completed his martial arts doubts, the pressure belonging to the first-order test will always exist.

Before leaving the Ascending Dragon Road, the pressure of Li Kao will not disappear, and it will only increase with the continuous breakthrough.

That is to say, the situation Xiao Yi had dealt with with the two silver elders before will be the same now, and nothing will change because of the passing of the Dao test.

But now, Xiao Yi's performance clearly completely crushes the two silver elders.

It wasn't that Xiao Yi had become stronger, and Xiao Yi hadn't been concealed before, but the two silver elders had become weak in disguise.

Xiao Yi sneered, without saying a word, and shot again instantly.

The two silver elders looked anxious.

"White Thunder Palm."

Elder Yin Lei yelled violently, blasted out with a palm, and countless thunder and lightning leaned away in his palm.

Thunder and lightning, different from normal, is actually silvery white, which is more than several times stronger than normal lightning.

"Liankong Shenhuo." Elder Yinlian came out immediately.

The monstrous flames filled the sky, and the power was amazing, as if burning the world.

The monstrous flames also gathered at this moment, and then under heavy pressure.

Elder Yin Lei's white thunder and lightning, just one glance, you can see that the method is good.

Elder Yinlian was able to squeeze down all the flames of such a level and quantity, and such an ability alone was enough to arrogate almost all powerhouses of the same level.

The silver lizard family is indeed well-deserved, and its methods and martial arts skills are indeed powerful.

However, in the face of these two shocking attacks, Xiao Yi did not retreat but moved forward.

The figure flickered and came to Elder Yinlei in an instant. With only one punch, Elder Yinlei felt a pain in his abdomen, and the astonishing white thunder and lightning in his palm disappeared instantly.

In the next instant, Xiao Yi flashed to the front of Elder Yinlian.

Elder Yinlian sneered, "This is your own death..."

However, before he finished speaking, Xiao Yi shook his beast's hand abruptly, and the monstrous flames instantly collapsed.

"This..." Elder Yinlian was stunned.

Elder Yinlei reacted in an instant, "You, completely see through our methods?"

"Do you understand now?" Xiao Yi sneered proudly, "Accurately speaking, you have seen through and broken the methods of your entire silver lizard clan."

Any strong man who fought against Xiao Yi would surely discover that after fighting against them, Xiao Yi would fight with them more and more.

This terrible evildoer has amazing adaptability, and will directly see through their various methods in actual combat.

The same method can defeat a terrible evildoer once, but never twice.

And if this terrible evildoer sees through all the opponent's methods, then it will be easy to crush.

The reason why Xiao Yi knew the methods of the Yinli clan was because of the enormous knowledge of martial arts in the first-order Dao test.

This knowledge of martial arts, which ancestor of the Yinli clan belonged to, or that the road of this level was transformed by the body of a strong man of the Yinli clan.

Xiao Yi didn't know either.

But Xiao Yi was absolutely certain that this ancestor of the silver lizard clan must have been a terrifyingly strong man before his death.

Xiao Yi didn't know how to describe that kind of power.

But that knowledge of martial arts is really huge and amazing, containing almost all the martial arts inheritance of the entire Yinli clan.

With such a huge martial arts knowledge, Xiao Yi intuitively felt that even his two great powers of the laws of heaven and earth, the profound mystery of the world, before this knowledge of martial arts, is not worth mentioning, extremely small.

In terms of quantity, it is even dozens of times more martial arts knowledge than the old demon venerable level.

Xiao Yi even felt that even if his Six Balances Rule was perfect, he was afraid that it was far inferior to this martial arts knowledge.

Xiao Yi obtained the martial arts methods of the Yinli clan.

It is also natural that Xiao Yi, who has passed the first-order road test, has seen through almost all the martial arts inheritance of the Yinli clan, and now can easily crush these two Yinli elders.

It's not that Xiao Yi has become stronger, but that Xiao Yi has an absolute advantage over these two elders.

After a few ten breaths, there were two loud bangs.

The two elders, Yinlei and Yinlian, were bombarded with blood, and blood spurted out of their mouths.

Like the previous elder Yinkong, he rolled down Denglong Road in embarrassment.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, without looking at the two elders.

These two people are now seriously injured, they are almost useless, and they can no longer cause him any trouble.

Xiao Yi's cold gaze turned to the next class.

He is now at the 332nd step.

There are a total of three hundred and thirty-three steps.

In other words, at this moment, he is only one step away from reaching the top of the Dragon Path.

At this step, Xiao Yi didn't know how many devilish evildoers had been stopped.

But he was convinced that this step would be as real as a moat, either unable to cross it, or falling to pieces in an instant.

The last step is definitely the first-order heart test, the most difficult test of the entire dragon road.

Heart test, this is the core of Denglong Dao.

This will be the last stage to test the intruder, and it is also the most important stage.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his eyes filled with anticipation, but also with deep fear.

Xiao Yi's footsteps tentatively moved out slowly.

After a few breaths, one foot fell gently to the 333rd step.

However, it was also at this moment that Xiao Yi's heart trembled suddenly, and the foot he had already stepped on, instantly retracted.

At that moment, a sign of death instantly enveloped the whole body.

It seems that if he really set foot on the last step, he would die instantly.

"Such a fierce sense of crisis..." Xiao Yi frowned, after all, he didn't dare to hold it big, he didn't dare to take this step.

The cold eyes carefully looked at the steps under his feet.

At the foot, is the 332nd step, within the scope of the first-order road test.

But the martial arts knowledge level of this class is already so high that Xiao Yi can't reach it.

What about the next level?

On the way to ascend the dragon, each class is transformed by the corpses of the ancestors of the silver lion clan.

The corpses in each class are also completely different.

In other words, the corpse at the last step will definitely be stronger than the corpse at the 332nd step.


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