Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2729: The most evil existence in the world

Now, there is a second place.

Emperor Yinli said seriously and looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi suddenly reacted.

He had observed Divine Sword in the past and had not found anything special, and after that, he was too lazy to look at it.

In the past, he discovered that there was no sword spirit in the sword.

The sword spirit was originally here.

In addition, since the Silver Dragon Emperor talked about the soul emperor, he kept talking about the soul emperor one by one, and did not converge.

He remembered that the eight chief hall masters said in the past that the soul emperor is an existence recognized by the heavens and the earth.

But the Silver Dragon Emperor is obviously not afraid of these backlashes.

The owner of the Silver Dragon Emperor was actually under the crown of the first generation of Soul Emperor.

The soul emperor will appear in every generation.

However, apart from the strongest first-generation soul emperor, I am afraid that no one can let this arrogant silver lion emperor lower his head slightly.

"I, uh..." Xiao Yi didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiao Yi paused, and asked directly, "That terrible existence in your mouth, what is it?"

It seems that this time he can finally come into contact with some of the deep and deep secrets belonging to this continent.

"Emperor Ming." The Emperor Yinli bluntly answered.

"Emperor Ming?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Silver Dragon Emperor nodded, "Yes, this world is the most evil and most terrifying existence."

Xiao Yi seemed to have thought of something, "Is the master of Mingyu?"

The Silver Dragon Emperor was slightly surprised, "You know the Underworld? No, you even have been there?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "I have been there, I almost lost my life."

"Mischief." The Silver Dragon Emperor's tone was startled, "Although the Emperor Underworld is no longer there, but the ghost place in the Underworld, is you a little guy who has not grown up dare to go?

"Did those demons and ghosts recognize you?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It shouldn't be. I went before to help the awakened of the Yinghun clan complete the awakening of the other side."

"As soon as the awakening was completed, I immediately led people away, and the group of demons and ghosts did not react."

Emperor Yinli breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"If the group of demons and ghosts in the underworld determine the owner of the spirit emperor's identity, they will chase and kill them like crazy at all costs."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Netherworld has been sealed off a long time ago, how can they come out?"

The Yinhu Emperor's tone condensed, "Underworld, is the most evil place in the world, do you think there is something or means in the world that can completely block them?"

Xiao Yi roughly explained it again.

"Bingming Youhuo's body? Liu Ji's golden pill?" The Emperor Silver snorted, "That's all a joke."

"Back then, even the one who joined hands with the master failed to really kill the Underworld Emperor."

"Do you think that with these cats and dogs, the so-called powerful flame body can really completely trap the underworld?"

"If I guessed correctly, Mingyu's hand would have reached this continent long ago."

"On the Middle Territory, there must have been an envoy, and there may be more than one."

"Some of those demons and ghosts are capable of seducing the strong."

"Mingshi?" Xiao Yi was startled, "Yi Ming?"

And, maybe more than one?

The Silver Dragon Emperor said solemnly, "I should have made no mistake in guessing. It is the most evil place in the world that can cause such drastic changes."

"Therefore, Mingyu's hand must have reached the mainland."

"I can tell you exactly, your current strength, I can probably judge it thoroughly at a glance, this is still the case when you count all the means."

"Although there are some means and cards that are difficult to calculate with common sense, under the absolute power gap, everything is in vain."

The Silver Dragon Emperor said solemnly, "Your true strength today should be inferior to the Demon Venerable, but even the Demon Venerable can't easily help you at your level."

"But I'm telling you, those ordinary envoys are enough, those real old monsters, it is not difficult to kill you."

Xiao Yi understood the meaning of the silver liao emperor.

Yiming couldn't stand the temptation of the underworld, and took that fierce sword and became the underworld emissary.

Naturally, there will be some old monsters as well.

How can he cope with those old monster-level envoys?

"Really nonsense." Yin Li Huang said coldly, "Which patriarch of the Saint Ying clan is now?"

"Knowing your identity, let you protect his people?"

"The guardian of the awakened has completed the awakening. This is the task of the patriarch of their holy cherry clan. They let you guard it and let you venture into that ghost place?"

"Um." Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed, and touched his nose, "It's a long story, not to mention it."

He was not the soul emperor at all, the Old Demon Sovereign Sing Ying did not blame him, it was just an accident.

Xiao Yi didn't intend to struggle with this matter, and continued to ask, "That terrifying existence is the Emperor Underworld, equivalent to a god?"

"Since that's the case, how can it be gone now?"

The Silver Dragon Emperor shook his head, "To be precise, it is almost equivalent to a god."

"I was going to tell you about the Emperor Underworld, and you will definitely go with him."

The Silver Dragon Emperor paused, thought about it, and then slowly opened his mouth, "No one knows how the Emperor Underworld was born, and how it appeared in this world."

"All I know is that this terrible existence grew at an extremely terrifying speed in that desolate years."

"By the time Tiandi discovered its existence, he had achieved the throne and made Tiandi stronger."

"The most terrifying thing is that the reincarnation of heaven and earth constructed by the **** of war was actually controlled by him; at that time, it was this sky, and there was no way he could do anything about it."

"I'm afraid, except for the reincarnation of the Valkyrie, no one can completely do anything to him."

The Silver Dragon Emperor said solemnly, "He is the most evil existence in this world."

"In those years, my master, who was also the first generation of the soul emperor, together with that one, joined forces to attack the underworld and defeat him."

"But it was only defeated."

"I just said that even in these days, I can't really help him."

"So in the end, he can only be sealed."

The words of the Emperor Yinli stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yi was stunned, just as he could hear it, so he stopped, and hurriedly asked, "What about afterwards?"

Emperor Yinli shook his head, "I don't know."

"After the master defeated him, before sealing him, I was dead."

"In that battle, the sky and the earth broke apart, and even the master just gave a strong last breath, and it will fall in a very short time."

"Later, the master left me the last trace of strength, gave me spiritual knowledge, and regained my consciousness; when the master died, he only told me that the seal was successful, but this terrible existence will surely come back in the future."

"So, I am trapped here, waiting for someone who can accept my strength to come."

Xiao Yi frowned, "What else?"

"Also?" The Silver Dragon Emperor shook his head, "No, I only know this."

Xiao Yi's face twitched, "Isn't it the same as if you didn't say it? Ask three questions."

The Silver Dragon Emperor dissatisfied, "I said, I was already killed in the battle."


Third more.

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