Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2732: Bastard, little ancestor

Xiao Yi was stunned, then reacted and chuckled, "What makes me not recognize my identity?"

"I never said that I am the soul emperor of this generation."

Although the word soul emperor will have backlash, but at Xiao Yi's current level, as long as he doesn't keep talking, he can do it once or twice.

In addition, he thought that even though he was not the Soul Emperor, he should be able to obtain the power of the Silver Roe Emperor.

It is a fool not to take advantage, and he really needs strength urgently now.

But now it seems not to work.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shrugged, "It seems that other than the Soul Emperor and the two awakened ones, no one else can carry your power."

"Let's go." Xiao Yi was a little disappointed, but nothing more.

Some things cannot be forced.

Walking this way to the dragon is not without gain, anyway, he knows a certain secret.

Moreover, he is not afraid that the Silver Dragon Emperor will trouble him, after all, the Excalibur Sword has followed him, and the Silver Dragon Emperor is the sword spirit of the Excalibur.

Even if he bluntly said that he was not the soul emperor status, he would not get any benefits at best, and he wouldn't want to kill him if he was not the soul emperor status as before.

"You, you... wait a minute." The Silver Dragon Emperor hurriedly said.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Yi paused and asked.

"The business hasn't been done yet." Yin Li Huang said anxiously.

"I said, I am not..." Xiao Yi frowned and said.

Emperor Yinli interrupted, "You are."

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly, "I am very puzzled, on what basis do you judge, or that I am the soul of this generation..."

The huge eyes of the Yinlihuang Emperor stared at Xiao Yi, "What do I mean by judging, I believe?"

"The soul emperor's identity is recognized by heaven and earth."

"I recognize you as the soul emperor this day, you are the soul emperor, and I naturally know that you are the soul emperor."

"Recognized this day?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

The next second, Xiao Yi shrugged, turned around, raised both arms, "Come on, see for yourself."

"The two spirits in my body, you can perceive them carefully."

"The soul emperor is the strongest martial artist in that generation."

"Although I feel that my two martial souls are not weak, it is still far from being the strongest."

The two great martial souls in the body, the Bingluan sword is strong, but it is only purple; the fire-controlling beast is black, but Xiao Yi doesn't bother to talk about it.

Of course, even if these two spirits are not the rare martial spirits, legendary martial spirits, ancient magic weapons, and ancient holy beast martial souls that other people are always in, they are all amazing and powerful.

But for Xiao Yi, there is no martial arts more useful to him than his two great martial arts today.

Xiao Yi didn't care about these.

In his opinion, there is no strongest martial arts, and no trash martial arts. It only depends on the abilities of the awakened person and its suitability.

A sense of power instantly covered Xiao Yi's body.

The Silver Dragon Emperor had already sensed Xiao Yi before, but this time it was a more thorough and detailed perception.

After a while, the power of perception dissipated.

The Emperor Yinli frowned, "The two spirits in your body are not weak, but they are not strong either."

"No, no..."

"No." Yinli Huangben also had doubts in his eyes, but his eyes were firm instantly.

"Other things can be faked, and the world recognizes that they must not be faked."

"In the brand of heaven and earth, you are indeed the soul emperor of this generation."

"Really?" Xiao Yi squinted.

Xiao Yi shook his head and sneered, "If I really belong to this generation, why are the two great martial arts in my body so weak?"

"If I really belong to this generation, would I be so hard along the way?"

"I heard that under the crowns of the past dynasties, there are powerful abilities endowed by heaven and earth, and even the control of time together, the body aura is very unique."

"Look at me like this." Xiao Yi threw a few hands and waved, "Where does it look like this generation is crowned?"

"Bad boy." The silver lion emperor's face twitched, "You don't recognize your own identity, how can the soul emperor's ability be granted?"

"The soul emperor of every generation must be the strongest martial soul owner of that generation."

"First of all, Tiandi recognized your identity."

"But if you don't recognize your identity, what should you do?"

Yin Li Huang's tone became a little helpless, "I understand, why you just came to this space, I did not recognize your identity."

"Your identity as the soul emperor has not yet been awakened."

"It's not that you don't show it, but you don't recognize this identity. How can the aura of heaven and earth reveal?"

Xiao Yi frowned, "I haven't awakened? How can I awaken?"

"It's very simple." The Emperor Yinhu said, "You nod and recognize that you are the Soul Emperor."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded and said softly, "I am the Soul Emperor."

After all, Xiao Yi stood quietly, waiting.

The space is quiet.

But for a while, nothing happened.

"Asshole." The Emperor Yinli has already yelled, "You talk about it, but you don't approve it in your heart. There is something for it."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, "Although I also think that I am the soul of this generation...under the crown, but yes, or no, I can't force it."

Emperor Yinla bared his teeth, "I assure you that you are the soul emperor of this generation."

"What if you admit your mistake?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Emperor Yinli gritted his teeth, "Do you know how long I have been with the first generation of soul emperor?"

"Do you know what level of cultivation Laozi was before he was alive? It's only a short distance from the first generation of Soul Emperor and Underworld Emperor."

"Others may admit their mistakes, but can Lao Tzu admit their mistakes? Can this world recognize the mistakes?"

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, looking at the frustrated expression of Emperor Yin Li, a little helpless.

"I said, some things, yes or no, I can't force it."

Yin Li Huang said coldly, "You are so unconfident? You don't recognize yourself like this?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head and said seriously, "I know that the identity of the soul... under the crown is very strong, but it does not mean that I covet it, and I am very envious of it."

"Today I still need to be afraid of this backlash, and dare not say these words at will."

"But one day, I will be fearless of all this."

"What about the crown, I may surpass all of this in the future."

The words on Xiao Yi's face were absolute confidence.

"Huh." The Emperor Yinli took a deep breath, seeming to suppress his anger.

"In this way, you first listen to me."

"The Sword of Killing is very strong. As long as it is really open, it can completely carry my strength."

"With this, you can cross this continent."

"Think about the benefits in your mind, think about it, think about it..."

"Excalibur is very strong?" Xiao Yi snorted.

The Emperor Yinli nodded, "To be very strong, to be precise, it is the strongest holy weapon in the world. Once the sword is opened, it will be invincible, and it will be sharp and unstoppable."

"Everything is indestructible?" Xiao Yi smiled, and the Bingluan Sword in his hand condensed suddenly, "How does it compare to mine? My Bingluan Sword is also invincible..."

As Xiao Yi spoke, he compared the two swords in his hands.


The Silver Dragon Emperor already roared, "Bad son, did I show you the sword?"

"Little ancestor, can I beg you?"

"The soul emperor status is eager for everyone. When it comes to you, is it so difficult for you to recognize it?"


Second more.

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