Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2742: Heavy soil suction


There was a flash of light in the air.

A group of figures appeared out of thin air.

One of them, dressed in a young man's uniform, with a mask on his face, was Xiao Yi.

Just casually shaking his shoulders, he stood firm.

On the side, a Chilong dressed in black and black robe, did not see his movements, but stood steadily.

Around them, there were other figures, no fewer than dozens.

Most of them are familiar faces.

It was the Tianjiao of the major kingdoms in the Demon Realm, Su Ling of the Snow Cherry Kingdom, Di Feng of the Jia Luo Kingdom, the Hundred Foot Clan stalemate and so on.

The Tianjiao of the Ten Great Kingdoms and the Tianjiao of the other Great Kingdoms are here.

On the contrary, it was the arrogant of the ten major races, and no one was seen.

That is why the Tianjiao power of the Qianjun clan is here.

The rest is the future.

Xiao Yi glanced, but didn't pay much attention.

The reason is easy to understand.

There are countless events in the Demon Realm today, and all major ethnic groups are preparing their own events.

The heavenly arrogances of the major kingdoms wandered in the event one by one. Wherever there are events, if they can catch up, they will immediately rush to pursue their own opportunities.

However, the Tianjiao in the clan is definitely doing the final concentrated practice in the clan to cope with the grand event of his own clan, so he does not walk around in the demon realm like the Tianjiao of the major kingdoms.


"Uh, this..."

At this time, there was a cry of exclamation, or a pain, or a series of surprises.

Many Tianjiao, most of them could not stand firmly, or staggered a few times to stand firmly, or almost didn't fall to the ground, some of them risked holding the ground with both hands, and some of them sat down on the ground and ate. It hurts.

Even more unbearable, he fell directly and ate his mouth full of mud.

"What the **** is this?"

"Is this the Qianjun Secret Realm? It's so strange?"

"The same is true of the Demon Lord Qianjun. He didn't even tell us in advance. This secret realm will be opened when it is opened."

"We are not ready yet..."

A loud complaint, a soft curse.

But, that was all, everyone present was the famous top Tianjiao in the Demon Realm, but they were also used to the storm and began to look at the surrounding environment.

At this time, Li Qianjun walked towards Xiao Yi and Chilong, and arched his hands at the two.

"Two." Li Qianjun said with a smile, "The other Tianjiao came to our Qianjun clan and waited one day in advance."

"The two of them just arrived, and the event started immediately."

"No, it scared everyone."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Chilong also said nothing.

"Um." Li Qianjun was embarrassed for a while, both of them were dull and cold.

However, neither of these two people need to sell his face.

"Hey." Li Qianjun smiled bitterly, "I was only confessed by the demon master, and I would say hello to you after entering the secret realm, but I didn't really want to chat with you."

Li Qianjun, he is a jealous arrogant, ranked third on the monster dragon list.

But it can also be seen that Li Qianjun is a bold person and loves making friends with strong people.

"This is the Qianjun Secret Realm, and it's not much different from the outside." Tianjiao was still talking about it.

Here, it is already a Secret Realm.

But here, it doesn't seem to be much different from outside.

In my eyes, it was a huge forest of monsters.

There is no dangerous terrain, but it is a beautiful landscape with a natural and peaceful feeling.

"No." A Tianjiao said solemnly, "The pressure here is different from outside."

"Standing alone, I feel the pressure has increased. After standing for a long time, my breathing has increased slightly."

Chilong looked around his eyes, then looked into the distance, "This is the entrance to the secret realm. If you go all the way, the pressure will continue to increase."

"This is the test of this secret realm."

Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently, "It's not pressure, it's suction."

His face was shocked for a moment, "Siluo Demon King seems to have practiced the law of the heavy soil, and he saw it at a glance."

"Yes, here in Qianjun Secret Realm, it seems that the whole body is covered by pressure, but in fact, this pressure does not come from above at all, but from under the feet, it is suction."

"The soil under your feet is astonishingly thick, and the thicker the thing, the inexplicable suction will be produced." Li Qianjun paused, "I explain it like this, the Forest Demon King should understand it."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Li Qianjun continued, "Suction comes from the feet, which firmly **** people in, so it feels like pressure is added to the body, pressing people firmly on the ground.

Chilong frowned slightly, "Is such a secret realm any use?"

"Uncomfortable coming in here?"

"I don't have to look at the aura of heaven and earth here, but I don't have to be strong outside; as for other heaven and earth treasures, there is no strangeness in this monster forest, and there is no pure heaven and earth aura. Obviously there are not many if there are."

Li Qianjun smiled lightly, "Since Young Master Chilong thinks that our Qianjun Secret Realm is useless, and it is uncomfortable to come here, why are we here?"

Chilong snorted coldly, "I have my own reasons."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "This is a place for cultivation."

"Not for cultivation, but for combat power."

"Not bad." Li Qianjun's eyes were delighted, and said, "Qianjun secret realm, naturally there is no aura center in the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land that carries the entire Middle Territory, the heaven and earth aura is huge and amazing.

"Neither is there a world full of spiritual fruits everywhere."

"Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land is a treasure land, a treasure land for cultivation."

"But our Qianjun Secret Realm is a place to sharpen our combat power."

"Sen Luo Demon King, please look at it." Li Qianjun said, and a flashing Qi blade shot out in his hand.

Judging from the angle of his shot, this streamer qi blade hits a big tree 100 meters away.

Boom...a loud sound.

A hundred meters away, the tree broke easily.

"It's crooked." Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "The suction on the ground affected the direction of that Qi Blade."

"Not bad." Li Qianjun nodded, "The battle here will become extremely difficult, and accuracy is one of them."

"Who said that you don't have to exercise your combat power if you are powerful? If you can't hit someone, no matter how strong it is, it's no use.

"This land is originally a place where difficult battle situations can be created at all times."

"Look at the Forest Demon King again." Li Qianjun blasted out with a punch, and the demon was surging.

"Even Yaoyuan was affected by suction." Xiao Yi's eyes were slightly startled.

Li Qianjun nodded, "Our demon element will be firmly adsorbed here. If you want to mobilize the demon element to exert its strength, it is originally restricted."

"But, from another angle, if we can adapt to the strong adsorption power here, the demon element will also burst out?"

"Once the fighting place is changed outside, we subconsciously burst out the demon element, how far should we reach?"

"Of course." Li Qianjun said with a chuckle, "the more we go in, the more suction power will increase, so our own powerful physical bodies will also be tempered."

"Endurance, speed, response, and all the fighting qualities will be greatly tempered here."

"If you leave the Qianjun Secret Realm, you may not get any improvement in your cultivation; but the combat power itself will definitely increase."


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