Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2744: Great Gate Rune

After half an hour.

The three came to the end of the first floor.

In front of him is a pile of gravel.

Li Qianjun stepped on the gravel and smiled helplessly, "This is a heavy earth demon, quite sinister."

The three of them had just arrived, but they were suddenly attacked by a boulder.

"This is not a monster, right?" Xiao Yi asked, stepping in front of the gravel, and grabbing an ocher bead.

"You deserve to be the Demon King of Sun Luo." Li Qianjun nodded, "The monsters here are actually similar to the power of the Demon King your Sun Luo."

"It was born with the power endowed by this world."

"They are not real monsters, they don't even have flesh and blood, but they have intelligence and power."

Li Qianjun looked at the beads in Xiao Yi's hand and said, "This is a Qianjun bead unique to Qianjun's secret realm."

"Probably the same as our monster clan's inner alchemy, it is the power of the monster beast here."

"The power contained in it may not be much, but it is quite solid."

Xiao Yi nodded, "The demon in the pearl seems to be compressed thousands of times."

"If it is used for the breakthrough of cultivation base, it has a very strong effect."

"Yes." Li Qianjun nodded, "As I said before, come to Qianjun's Secret Realm, maybe there will be no breakthrough after going out."

"But it will be of great benefit to the future growth of the warrior."

"The fighting quality originally exists in all realms."

"The Qianjun beads obtained here can be used as a breakthrough in cultivation in the future."

Xiao Yi nodded gently.

There is no point without mystery.

The entire Qianjun Secret Realm has a huge range.

Although it is not comparable to the cherry blossom space, there are countless spaces within a tree, if all are released, it can reach one-third of the continent.

But the Qianjun Secret Realm also has a range of hundreds of millions of miles.

The three of them are powerful, almost spanning all the way, and it took half an hour.

If it is other Tianjiao enchanting evildoer, I am afraid that it will take at least a few days to get here. This is still considered as no obstacle or unexpected factor along the way.

"In this range, below the peerless evildoer, almost everything stops." Li Qianjun said solemnly.

"In our demon domain, except for the top ten of the demon dragon list, nothing else has the ability to get here."

In front of the three of them is a lake.

The lake is calm and the breath is still peaceful.

Li Qianjun pointed, "The bottom of the lake is the entrance to the second space."

"Go." Xiao Yi nodded and jumped in first.

In the water, the current is gentle.

"Two of you, be careful." Li Qianjun said, "The lake here is sinking, and the pressure is multiplying thousands of times."

"Huge suction, born from under the lake."

Xiao Yi looked at the water flowing in the lake around his eyes, "The pressure under my feet is so great that I am afraid it will be difficult to resist even in the later stage of the Holy Venerable Realm, but the water flows in accordance with the natural flow, there is no abnormality."

"This lake also contains the mysterious laws."

Everything in the world is different, and all have in common.

For Xiao Yi's level, any experience or adventure in the secret realm is an experience for him to increase his knowledge or gain insights.

At least, the things in this vast secret territory can't be seen elsewhere.


Suddenly, a giant fish came directly.

The three did nothing.

Chilong folded his fists on his chest, and Li Qianjun glanced at it.

Xiao Yi glanced at the same.

Boom...the giant fish was instantly burned by the fire of karma, and instantly turned into nothingness.

Li Qianjun smiled, "A small lake with countless monsters, all special monsters born in the secret realm."

"Either the body is huge, or it swims like a normal fish, but all are extremely ferocious."

"In short, if you want to go to the second floor, only real strength can rely on it. It's no coincidence."

After a while, the three fell to the bottom of the lake.

The bottom of the lake, but a thousand meters deep, not too deep.

But the suction here, even Xiao Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

In front, there is a huge stone gate.

On the stone gate, mysterious runes are densely carved.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

"What?" Li Qianjun asked.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi replied lightly.

These runes are not exactly the same as the gate he suppressed under the ancient lion sacred land and the six-pole golden core, but the level is absolutely the same.

Of course, Xiao Yi did not say clearly, but secretly wrote down.

The giant gate is not closed.

The three passed by.

On the other side of the door, it is also a lake.

In the eyes, there are also countless monsters.

But with the strength of three people, it can be easily dealt with.

After a long while, the three broke out.

"When I dived for a kilometer, I came here, but it was only 100 meters upstream from the lake." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Li Qianjun nodded, "I used to come, and so did."

"Perhaps this is the special area of ​​Qianjun Secret, I don't know the specific reason."

"Here is already the second level of the Qianjun Mystery."

"It's a desolate place." Chilong seldom said something authentically.

Compared with the beautiful scenery on the first floor, it is a peaceful monster forest.

Here on the second floor, it's muddy everywhere.

The whole land resembles a swamp with black water flowing across it. There are also trees growing on it, but the trees are withered, without flowers and leaves.

The dry tree is densely covered with branches.

The dim world seemed extremely dark on the eve of the rainstorm.

In short, there is only a gloom in the eyes, which makes people uneasy.

"I said, Sen Luo Demon King, you seem to be too careful." Chilong glanced at Xiao Yi dissatisfied.

"Every time you reach a part of the area, you have to look at it without a trace."

Yes, Xiao Yi's observations have never been traced, and while walking, he can already see his surroundings and have some insights in his heart.

But Chilong was able to track down his subtle movements, it was amazing.

Xiao Yi glanced at Chilong, "If you die, can you count on me?"

Chilong frowned, he naturally knew what Xiao Yi meant.

Yi Yaoli was making a deal with the ancestor of the monster dragon, and he Chilong followed.

If Chilong died in this unfinished transaction, the ancestor of the monster dragon would definitely count everything on the head of the alien monster.

"Heh." Chilong Matsushi lowered his brows and sneered, "If you can help me with my danger, can you deal with it?"

"In this secret realm, even if it is really dangerous, it is still dangerous for you."

Chilong stared at Xiao Yi, "Intuition tells me that you are very strong."

"I can't easily defeat you, but so are you."

Xiao Yi said nothing, but he knew that Chilong's words and intuition were correct.

The same is true of his instincts, Chilong is very strong, even if he takes full action, he is afraid that he will not be easily defeated.

The strength of the two should be in between.

It is roughly four or six, but there is no definite answer to who can take the upper hand of the ‘six’.

Shan Chilong ignored the physical talents of all the weapons of the gods, and even if Xiao Yi exposed his identity, his kendo strength could only smash into the sand.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, and once again proceeded ahead.


Third more.

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