Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2746: Demon Dragon Black Flame

"Retreat." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The footsteps glared, and the figure backed away.

"Quit?" Chilong frowned, and the next second, his face became cold. "There is no such word in my dictionary."


Xiao Yi's violently moving figure was obviously a provocative signal in the eyes of these monsters.

Nearly a thousand monsters also ran away in an instant.

The monster closest to Xiao Yi hurriedly pursued.

But without Xiao Yi's figure in place, most of the monsters' targets naturally became Chilong.

The figure of Chilong was instantly submerged in a large pile of hideous monsters.

Xiao Yi stepped back a thousand meters, frowning and staring.

Those monsters, after chasing him for less than a few hundred meters, stopped, then turned back, and joined the siege of Chilong.

"Only in but not out." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

He just wanted to see if these monsters could walk freely in this world, or there were other restrictions.

Now it seems that, as he expected, it can be in but not out.

Here, the deeper the Qianjun Secret Realm, the higher the danger and the stronger the monsters encountered.

The monsters in each distance range are different.

In other words, these monsters can go forward and pursue, but they can't exit the range of their distance.

This was the case in Xiao Yi's previous guess. Otherwise, if these monsters could walk at will, Li Qianjun and other strengths would have died early in this second level of mystery for hundreds of times.

This also means that walking in this vast mystery, even if you really encounter unmanageable danger, the big deal is to retreat.

Just at this time.


Ahead, the monstrous black flames, pouring and violent.

The black flame swept past, and the monsters instantly turned into nothingness.

"The world is powerful flames." Xiao Yi glanced, and said inwardly.

"Burning vitality? No way, obliterating vitality."

The effect of this black flame is as if his ten worlds are extinguished and fired, and he also has an amazing ability to destroy vitality.

It's just that the ten worlds are silent and unpredictable.

But this kind of black flame is extremely fierce.

If it is said that the ten worlds are extinguished and the fire is silently covered around the space, it burns all the vitality in the entire space.

Then this kind of black flame swallowed up the entire space in an instant, annihilating the vitality inside.

The two levels are the same, but the real effect on combat is unknowable which is stronger and weaker.

Ahead, nearly a hundred monsters turned into nothingness under the black flame of Chilong.

But at the same time, a monster that looked like a human but a wolf broke through the ground, and it flashed past three scarlet blood marks on Chilong's back.

Although Chilong was strong, he was still at a disadvantage under the siege of nearly 90,000 monsters.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi stepped in and instantly joined the battle.

With a punch, the karmic fire force raged away, centering on the two, within a radius of 100 meters, the monster was wiped out.

Chilong glanced at Xiao Yi contemptuously, "Sen Luo Demon King just watched my battle from behind, it seems that he is determined to fight with me afterwards."

"How, have you found the weakness?"

Chilong's words were extremely contemptuous.

Xiao Yi glanced indifferently, "If you have an opinion, you can stand by and watch me carefully afterwards."

"I'm not much interested in observing you, I just want to see what's going on with these monsters."

"If you want to fight with you, you can at any time."

After that, Xiao Yi retracted his gaze.

Chilong sneered, and didn't say anything more about it, "Sen Luo Demon King still shows some real skills."

"Just now you and I joined forces, and even suffered a loss in the hands of this group of monsters, and suffered some minor injuries."

"If you despise it again, you and I will suffer a big loss."

Xiao Yi shook his head lightly, "I have never despised it. It is you who despise this place."

Chilong frowned, "The Demon King Senluo observed for a while, is there a way to deal with these monsters?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No, I just deal with it with all my strength, and forcefully crush it."

At the end of the front, only this short distance remained.

"Humph." Chilong snorted coldly, "I said it earlier, absolute strength is everything."



Two monstrous flames ran away instantly.

A wave of black madness, a wave of magical red light.

Two flames erupted for a moment, and then they just crushed all the way.

Xiao Yi's strength, needless to say, under Xiao Chengye's fire, his strength can be called the first person under Demon Venerable.

Chilong's strength is equally good, absolutely comparable to Xiao Yi's own sword-doing explosive strength, and it can be said to be infinitely close to Yaozun.

With the combination of the two, there is nothing to stop unless it is the demon venerable.

Crushing all the way, in just a few minutes, the two have reached the end of the second floor.

Along the way, everything turned into nothingness, falling into piles of great beads.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and sucked in the air.

Chilong glanced, only sneered and said nothing.

In front of them is a huge lake.

The lake is as calm as a mirror.

But intuition tells them that there is definitely an undercurrent underneath.

With such a sense of crisis, even the two of them frowned.

"There is something wrong below." Chilong's eyes were cold.

The next second, the two looked at each other and said at the same time.

"The following is a forbidden place for monsters."

"Below is a monster lair."

The expressions of the two are different, but the meaning is exactly the same.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "From the perspective of the first lake just now, the lake in the secret territory is connected to the next level of space, but at the same time it is also the most dangerous place in the upper level."

"The monsters are the densest and the most brutal."

Chilong nodded coldly, "I can't drag it. After entering the water, I must quickly crush it, force it to the other side of the door, and enter the third floor."

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi didn't move, but looked at Chilong, "Qianjun Secret Realm has the third level, and even Li Qianjun doesn't know."

"Your ancestor Demon Dragon knows it."

Chilong sneered, "Why, what are you afraid of a conspiracy? Deliberately harming you?"

Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently, "The ancestor of the monster dragon dares to let you come, so naturally he has a certain degree of certainty."

"On the third floor, there must be a treasure, or a fortune."

"But the danger of the third layer will far exceed this."

"The third layer, what exactly is there?"

Xiao Yi stared at Chilong.

Chilong shook his head, "I don't know, nor does the ancestor."

"No one has ever entered the third floor, the demon sovereign has never entered, nor has my ancestor entered."

"But they all know what's going on."

Never entered, but know.

"Do you want to listen to the truth?" Chilong said suddenly with a serious expression.

"It's up to you." Xiao Yi said coldly, "all the consequences can be done at your own risk."

"Humph." Chilong snorted coldly, "Sen Luo Demon King don't be afraid afterwards."

"Before I came here, the ancestor told me that if I came to the third level of this gigantic mystery by myself, I only have a half chance."

"Now, plus you, it's only 10%."

"Yicheng?" Xiao Yi's heart burst.

The Middle Domain and the Demon Domain, the two strongest evildoers join forces to break through the third level of this mighty secret realm, but there is only a 10% chance?


Suddenly, with a roar, a giant beast rushed out from the lake.

The huge bloodbath came with a big mouth and swallowed the two.

"So fast." Chilong's eyes were cold.

"It's too late." Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.


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