Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2753: last moment

Qianjun Demon Sovereign said solemnly, "That is the first generation of creatures born around the ancient cherry tree."

"Yes, the place where the heaven and the earth came into being, and the spiritual things, are not just there."

"At the same time, in some wonderful place on the mainland, that is an extremely thick land."

"A giant elephant, as if sleeping for countless years, slowly waking up."

"The giant elephant has nothing else to do. It just walks step by step, as if it has to step on the thick ground even more solidly with its huge body."

"One step, one step."

"That was the birth of the giant elephant family."

Qianjun Yaozun paused, "After that, I don't know how many years have passed, and the second generation of creatures was born."

"On the side of the ancient cherry tree, in the pure soul sea, the white soul clan was born."

"On the thick ground where the giant elephant is walking, an ant suddenly appeared."

"The giant elephant is tall and powerful, but in any case, it can't step on this tiny ant."

"This ant is persevering, even determined to lift this giant elephant."

"Haha." Qianjun Yaozun smiled, "That was the birth of our Qianjun clan."

Qianjun Yaozun looked at Guiyi and the two silver elders, "That thick land is now the third level of Qianjun Secret Realm."

"It's an ancient place where creatures were born."

"Why is it blocked?" Elder Yin Lei frowned and asked.

Qianjun Yaozun was silent, his face suddenly turned ugly.

After a long while, he opened his mouth slowly, "Because, I don't know how many years have passed, the ground that had been trampled on by the giant elephant suddenly cracked."

"Such a thick earth has been pierced alive."

"The terrible sand snake clan." Qianjun Yaozun slowly exhaled.

"The giant elephant doesn't want to fight with it and is gone."

"The ant is tenacious. It's the same everywhere. It follows the giant elephant."

"I don't know how long it has passed. That thick and beautiful place has directly become a desolate land of yellow sand."

"At that time." Qianjun Yaozun said in a deep voice, "The giant elephant and the ants are awakened. If the sand snakes are allowed to chaos, not only their birthplace will become that desolate place, but the entire land will be constantly affected. The yellow sand invaded and finally became desolate again."

"At that time, the giant elephant clan and our Qianjun clan had both multiplied for a long time and were extremely powerful."

"But after that battle, our second race suffered terribly damage."

"The first generation of giant elephant patriarch, severely injured and left, dragged the severely wounded back to the clan land, not long after, completely fell."

"The first generation of Qianjun patriarch died, buried in the yellow sand."

"At the same time, the Sand Snake clan was also killed and wounded."

"Second Clan, joined forces to ban this place, trapping all the remaining Sand Snake Clan in it, and will never return."

Elder Yinlian snorted coldly, "At that time, we should completely kill and eliminate all the disasters."

"It's not that it's still blocked now."

Qianjun Yaozun glanced at him and said coldly, "At that time, the two clans were already greatly injured. If you continue to fight, are there still giant elephants and Qianjun clans?"

"But..." Elder Yinlian wanted to say something.

"Shut up." Gui said with a grim expression, "I don't have time to listen to your chicks."

"I just want to ask, how should my Patriarch come out, and how is it now?"

"Can the Yao Zun enter and save people?"

Qianjun Yaozun frowned suddenly, "It's amazingly fierce."

"The ghosts and monsters really live up to their reputation."

"If the deity doesn't give you a satisfactory answer, are you going to run wild and presumptuous here?"

"Huh." Elder Yinlian snorted coldly, "That's the despicable monster."

"These filthy things can't make it to the table, it's nothing more than rants?"

The ghost has been looking at Elder Yinlian, his eyes are extremely cold, "I've written you down."

"Tsk tsk." The ghost smiled suddenly and sternly.

"You..." Elder Yinlian shuddered unconsciously.

Guiyi's strength is obviously inferior to him.

But when he was staring at him so ferociously by the ghosts and monsters, he felt a furry in his heart.

"Alright." Qianjun Yaozun interrupted the quarrel between the two. "The ban there is inaccessible to any member of my Qianjun clan."

"Even the deity, in the past, I only went to the end of the second floor to check the restrictions on the ban."

"If you want to go to the third level to save people, the deity can't do it either."

"Even, even if other demon veterans came, it would be fine."

Not waiting for Elder Yinlian to speak with the ghost.

Qianjun Yaozun said in a deep voice, "At that time, the first generation of Giant Elephant Supreme and Qianjun Supreme were to prevent accidents in the future."

"Therefore, before the fall, the ban that was jointly sealed was extremely powerful, and it also restricted the entry of any creatures above the level of the demon sovereign."

"So it's useless for anyone to come."


After a few hours.

Qianjun Secret Realm, in the third floor.

Huangsha cave.

A sand snake rushed into the cave.

"Looking for death." Chilong shouted coldly, and the black flames gathered on the hands of a pair of dragons.

But Black Flame condensed for a moment, and then collapsed instantly.

Chilong's pupils shrank, "Not good."

Boom... the figure was blown up.

"Puff." Chilong spit out blood, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been buried in snake belly.

"Damn, are you okay?" Chilong looked at Xiao Yi with an ugly expression.

"It's a whole number of hours, I can't hold it for long, the whole body of demon has already bottomed out."


On the mountain wall, grains of yellow sand suddenly fell.

"I'm afraid your cave will almost fail."

As Chilong said, he forced a punch to scatter the sand snake before he once again guarded the entrance of the cave.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "It will take a while."

"How long?" Chilong asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Yi spit out.

"I don't know?" Chilong's expression changed, "then go quickly."

"You cave can last at most for a while."

"I can hardly hold it anymore."

"How to go?" Xiao Yi said coldly.

Chilong gritted his teeth, "I still have a life-saving method, which can be transformed into a black dragon body and directly cross this secret space and return to the outside."

"I will carry you away later."

"This method, even I can't easily use it. It takes a little time, and then the backlash is huge."

"You cave, it happens to be able to hold on for a while, just in time for me to use this method."

Without the shelter of this cave, Chilong could not have been able to protect it ever since.

And if this cave collapses, the two of them will once again fall into the siege of countless sand snakes, which is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, the two of them only had the time before the cave collapsed.

"I can take you away, but there are conditions." Chilong squinted.

"You are my opponent, I don't want you to die."

"But you are dangerous."

"Later, hand over your spiritual knowledge and submit to me."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered.

"I don't want to?" Chilong's face was cold, even with a bit of killing intent.

"Do you think anyone can surrender to my Chilong?"

"I assure you that you will not regret your surrender today."

"This continent will be my bag, and you...can be with me..."

"Junlin Tiandi!" Chilong spit out the four words Lengao.


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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