Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2758: Pioneer

"Can you take it now?"

Qianjun Yaozun chuckled.

"Thanks to Qianjun Demon Venerable." Xiao Yi thanked him, but did not take the order.

"But I don't quite understand."

"It stands to reason that I have no friendship with you."

"Even a few days ago, it was almost as hostile."

Xiao Yi took his hand and said indifferently, "I'll just say it straight, don't say a half favor, even a bit hostile to Qianjun Yaozun."

Qianjun Yaozun didn't care, and only nodded, "The strange monster has a sensitive personality, and the old man understands it."

"This time, the old man Quandang wants to befriend you, it just depends on whether the Demon King Senluo is willing to accept it."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Qianjun Yaozun said with a light smile, "Although he knows that the other monsters keep their enemies."

"But when you watch people and sacrifice to the sun, you and the juniors of our race will fight against the sky. You can defeat them, but you can kill them, but you haven't made a black hand."

"The old man knows that little friend Sen Luo is not the kind of cold villain who angers everything because of anger."

"Although the alien monster is cruel and cruel, it is also upright, and a vicious, cold villain behind it."

Qianjun Demon Sovereign continued, "Qianjun Secret Realm, you don't hesitate to give advice, wake up Qianjun..."

Xiao Yi frowned and interrupted, "Why don't Qianjun Demon Venerable speak straight? I'm in a hurry."

"Okay, refreshing." Qianjun Yaozun smiled, "Qianjun Order, for the members of my Qianjun clan, is the identity of the patriarch; if it is for outsiders, it is the identity of the supreme elder."

"This order may be a great help to the little friend Sen Luo, but it may not necessarily."

"The old man doesn't ask for anything else. I just hope that when the young friend Sen Luo grows up in the future, he can look at the face of the old man today and the gift today, and he can take care of my family.

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly, "Such a precious token, just change this one?"

This Qianjun order is precious, not the identity of the Supreme Elder, but the things contained in it.

Qianjun Yaozun nodded.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Even if I am willing to agree to the demon sovereign, who can say for the future?"

"It's not certain how far I can grow."

"Furthermore, although this seat is the Liuheng Demon King, it is far from the identity and strength of the Demon Lord."

Qianjun Yaozun shook his head, his face serious, "Wait until we old guys are gone."

"This continent is in charge, after all, it is your younger generation."

"The younger generation, you are the best."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Qianjun Demon Venerable wants such a long term?"

"Not long-term." Qianjun Yaozun still shook his head, "Perhaps, there is not much time left."

"When this world of power is eliminated, only you young generation Tianjiao evildoer, you are the speaker of this huge demon realm."

"You have said clearly, and the old man has also told you clearly, it won't be long before no one can compete with you in the big demon realm."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Such a thing will not happen."

"Wrong." Qianjun Yaozun said coldly, "Yes, it will happen."

"The new and the old change, the reincarnation is endless, the fate is like this."

"That day will come eventually."

"Fate again?" Xiao Yi's heart burst.

The same thing, he had heard from the mouth of Sheng Ying Old Demon Venerable.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Even if that day does come, there is no guarantee that I won't regret it."

"The demon can trust me?"

"Believe." Qianjun Yaozun nodded without hesitation.

"Old Demon Lord Mad Lion, never dealing with villains."

"He believes in you, and I believe in too."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I haven't promised Old Demon Lord Mad Lion."

"Old Demon Lord Mad Lion, didn't ask me anything."

Qianjun Yaozun said solemnly, "That means he trusts you unconditionally."

"The old man should believe you more."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Shot can't do it. If it happens by the way, it's okay."

Qianjun Yaozun nodded, "With this promise, enough."

"Deal." Xiao Yi nodded and took the token.

Qianjun Demon Sovereign instantly smiled, "Little friend Sen Luo..."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "You don't have to say it, little friend, I really have no friendship with Qianjun Yaozun."

"Don't always use the Jialuo clan to trick me, Qianjun Demon Venerable, I am satisfied."

Qianjun Yaozun walked towards Xiao Yi and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, "Where is this little friend?"

"We are a clan, and we have nothing to do with the Jialuo clan."

"They are the Jialuo clan and the Qingyue clan, both of the bird clan, two great bird people."

"We are a great family, born and living in the ground, but we don't have much to do with them."

"From now on, the matter of little friend Sun Luo will be my family's matter."

Xiao Yi glanced, "Go, goodbye."

Xiao Yi didn't have much interest to continue wrangling with Qianjun Demon Venerable.

A simple promise, in exchange for this great order, is worthwhile.

Xiao Yi dashed away.

In place, Qianjun Yaozun chuckles.

On the side, the Demon Lord Qianjun frowned, "Yao Zun, a few days ago, Jia Luo Yao Zun also called for someone to ask the Yao Zun to go to Zichen Palace for a comment..."

"What are you talking about?" Qianjun Yaozun interrupted, "Listen well, in the future, who will come from the Jialuo clan and the Qingyue clan, they all say that the old man is in retreat and will be gone."

The Demon Lord Qianjun frowned, "Monster Lord, it may not be cost-effective to have **** with the Second Clan for the Demon King Senluo."

"Nothing is worthwhile." Qianjun Yaozun shook his head.

"If the deity is there, even if you have a bad relationship with the second race, the second race can do nothing."

"If the deity is not there, even if you make good relations with the second race, it will not be enough for the Demon King Senluo's promise today."

Qianjun Demon Lord doubted, "Although the Demon King of Sun Luo has amazing talents, he has not grown up after all."

"You don't understand." Qianjun Yaozun said coldly, "No one should have a halberd, but he did it."

"From the moment he took out the ten thousand halberd, the deity knew that he was no longer an outsider, he was already in the game."

"It's just that he is stirring the situation, or is he also weak in fate, but temporarily unable to see clearly."

"You can be sure of this deity." Qianjun Demon Venerable said earnestly, "As long as he does not die, he will definitely be one of the contenders for this demon domain, and even the entire continent."

"When the fate of the entire continent is in the hands of the few Tianjiao evildoers, do you think, who can compete with this Sen Luo Demon King?"

"Remember it." Qianjun Demon Venerable said in a deep voice, "Nowadays, the deity still has a few things unclear, but it should be clear soon."

"At the latest within two months, everything will be clear."

"If the Senluo Demon King does not die in the past two months, then when the deity falls in the future, the entire Qianjun clan will be the only one looking forward."

Demon Lord Qianjun frowned, "What if he is dead?"

Qianjun Yaozun's eyes were cold, "He can't die."

Qianjun Demon Lord doubted, "Monster bet he will not die?"

Qianjun Yaozun nodded solemnly, "To be precise, it is to pull him one more time to give him more vitality."


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