Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2763: I'm not as good as you?

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

Chilong actually gradually became a little crazy, muttering to himself under his lost eyes.

"What?" Xiao Yi was taken aback by Chilong's appearance.

"Asshole, I don't believe it." Chilong's expression turned mad for a moment.


The astonishing momentum broke out at this moment.

Xiao Yi also reacted instantly, "My mind is about to collapse, and my heart demon is hidden?"

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.


A pair of animal hands and feet are instantly condensed and covered.

The monstrous karmic fire power came instantly.

Xiao Yi clasped Chilong's hands with one hand, and controlled the frantic Chilong with the other.

"Come on, wake up." Xiao Yi shouted violently.


The monstrous black flame suddenly erupted from Chilong, spreading and devouring Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, and the power of karma fired against it endlessly.

"I don't believe it..." Chilong roared frantically.

"The destiny of my Chiryu is in my own hands..."

"Wake me up." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he pressed Chilong grinning.

Under the tremendous power, Chilong grabbed the ground with his head, and the earth trembled and roared.

The severe pain did not wake Chilong, but made him more violent.


A dragon roar resounded and trembled throughout the secret realm of the giant elephant.

A huge black dragon rose into the sky.

Roar... There was another ear-splitting dragon roar.

From a distance, the mad dragon is about to vent its madness.

"Asshole, it's endless." Xiao Yi squeezed his fists.


High in the sky, the giant black dragon was stunned, seeming to freeze for a moment.

The next second, with a roar from high above, the huge black dragon fell straight down.

Boom... Another boom.

The huge black dragon fell to the ground, knocking the earth out of a huge pothole.

Roar... roar... roar...

The roar of the dragon is endless.

The huge black dragon was struggling constantly in the pothole, but was unable to rise into the sky anyway.

An inexplicable gravitational force, like a mighty mountain, weighed heavily on the huge black dragon.

"Huh." Xiao Yi let out a light breath.

That is the law of filth.

The gravity of the dirty earth pressing on Chilong's body is no less than the thousands of miles of yellow sand in the Qianjun secret realm.

"Aren't you awake?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Whoosh... When the figure moved, it disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already on top of the giant black dragon.

"Six-pole burst." Xiao Yi's animal hand was covered with a six-pole boxing glove, and he punched again.

Six violent air currents crashed down.

Boom... The earthquake trembled.

"Not awake yet? Six-pole burst."

Another punch.



The earth trembled dozens of times in just one minute.

The head of the huge black dragon could no longer be raised proudly, completely sinking into the dry land.

"It seems that I am going to be true." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Six-pole burst."

In the air, six more violent air currents condensed.

In the mud, a muffled noise came, "Wake up."


The figure of the huge black dragon disappeared.

Among the broken sand and rocks, Chilong's embarrassed figure sat there.

Cold eyes looked directly at Xiao Yi dissatisfied, "You want to take the opportunity to kill this young master?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent and silent.

"You don't have that ability either." Chilong snorted coldly, touched his head, palms, bloody.

"Battle." Chilong's face twitched, "This young master hasn't bleed for a long time."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Your body of the black dragon is rough and thick anyway, it doesn't matter."

"Furthermore, haven't you been seriously injured not long ago?"

Chilong's face was ugly, "I mean, since working with you, in just a few days, he has been seriously injured."

"First, the Mystic Realm, then now, at least the end of the blood."

"Am I the same?" Xiao Yi sneered.

In the Qianjun Secret Realm, Xiao Yi himself was seriously injured.

As for now, Xiao Yi clenched his fist, the beast hand was no problem, but the huge force recoiled, his own physical fist in the beast hand had already overflowed with a little blood.

The black dragon body is really terribly hard.

"Enough venting?" Xiao Yi asked.

Yes, vent.

He was right. At the beginning, Chilong had indeed fallen into a madness, almost bursting out of a madness.

But this state only lasted for a while.

When Chilong transformed the black dragon's body, he was already awake.

Chilong, with a black dragon body, is a real dragon bloodline.

The dragon bloodline is strong because it is almost omnipotent.

Born to have countless control abilities, amazing talents, terrible cultivation speed, of course, including that solid Dao Xin.

To put it simply, even if Chilong had nothing, the blood of this black dragon alone was enough to make him a world-defying evildoer.

And under the dedication of the demon dragon ancestors, he himself is a terrifying evildoer who is no less inferior to Xiao Yi.

When it comes to overall quality, I'm afraid it is better than Xiao Yi.

And if it is not for Dao Xin, if it were not for Xiao Yi's many gains in the demon realm these days, such as the eight halls of spiritual knowledge in the Ming realm, the Dao Xin would greatly increase, I am afraid it would not be comparable to Chilong.

Therefore, it is actually extremely difficult for a strong person like Chilong to make him burst into demons.

The transfiguration ontology went crazy just now, but it was just a vent.

Chilong heard this, his face even more ugly, but nodded, "Enough."

"I don't listen to this **** thing."

Chilong said while he glanced at the white statue not far away, and sneered.

"What to say?" Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

"Can these giant elephants speak?"

Chilong frowned, "Why, didn't you hear?"

"What didn't these images tell you?"

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"You lied to ghosts." Chilong sneered, "That white statue of Dharma has the ability to predict the future."

"It said..." Chilong paused, gritted his teeth, "It said, I'm not as good as you."

Xiao Yi was stunned, then smiled slightly, "It is telling the truth, is there any problem?"

Chilong's face twitched, and gritted his teeth, "It also said, I will die."

Xiao Yi sneered and shook his head, "Who can live in this world?"

Chilong was taken aback, thinking that Xiao Yi would say something ridiculous or pretending to be arrogant, but he did not expect it to be simple words like'Who can not die'.

"Yes, who can live." Chilong's eyes suddenly lit up, "It seems that the Senluo Demon King can see more clearly than me."

"Originally, I was too late to make a decision on some things, but today, I know."

"Thanks." Chilong looked at Xiao Yi earnestly, showing a sincere gratitude for the first time.

"Uh." Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, a touch of badness flashed in his heart.

Chilong sneered, "Since anyone will die, what am I afraid of."

"It's better to do your best and be completely crazy."

Chilong's eyes flashed an unprecedented madness.

"Suffer." Xiao Yi's heart burst, and he still said, "I didn't say anything."

Chilong ignored him, smiled backwards, his figure flashed, rushed out of the gravel, came to Xiao Yi's side, and put Xiao Yi's shoulders on him.

"From now on, I Chilong will recognize you as a friend."

Xiao Yi's shoulders shook, "I'm not interested."

Chilong still didn't care, and curiously asked, "Li, what do you see in this black and white image?"


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