Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2775: Assault Mang Star Clan Land


As always, the black and white streamers flew away from the sky.

"Three things, the ten thousand halberd and the giant elephant statue, have all been obtained, is there the last one left?"

Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

"Hahahaha." Chilong laughed a few times, "The ten thousand halberd and the giant elephant statue are all available, and the rest is easy to handle."

"Next, I will go to the Mangxing clan."

"This thing, the ancestors have already told me before they came, the name is called Mang Star Indestructible, it is one of the world's most defensive magic weapons.

"Of course, the Mangxing clan will not give it up easily, and it is extremely difficult for us to get it."

"But well." Chilong smiled triumphantly, "This is before."

"Nowadays, I have the halberd and the giant elephant statue in my hand. It couldn't be easier to take this reckless star indestructible armor."

"This time, I can solve it on my own. There is no need for the two of me to work together."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "This is after all my deal with the ancestor of the demon dragon."

"Yeah." Chilong nodded, looked at Xiao Yi, and said seriously, "Thanks for this way."

"With your help, we will obtain these two treasures."

"Although there were continuous waves and difficulties, they were all resolved after all."

"Only this last thing is left."

Xiao Yi nodded and said nothing.

"Li." Chilong stared at Xiao Yi suddenly, "When this is over, you can follow me back to the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land."

"There is no need for your so-called surrender."

"Since you have rejected it before, I won't force it anymore."

"But just follow me."

"In the future, wherever my Chilong conquer, there will be a place for you."

"Joke." Just at this moment, the ghost sneered.

"My Patriarch is in the Demon Realm today, do I need you Chilong to speak these nonsense?"

Chilong's eyes were cold for a moment, "Li, your followers don't seem to understand the rules."

Chilong looked at Guiyi coldly, "If Li is your master, would you be qualified to speak in front of Chilong with your six filthy things?"

"I kill, never say it a second time."

Xiao Yi glanced at him, "Yes, just beat me."

Chilong frowned, "Li, please consider it carefully."

After all, Chilong never said anything.


An hour later.

Over the Mang Star Clan.


Several Mangxing tribe people stopped a group of people.

Intruding into the clan lands of these clan families, any clan would instantly intercept them.

"Young Master Chilong, and Senluo Demon King?" A man of the Mang Star clan said in surprise.

"Oh?" Chilong smiled coldly, "Who are you? You have some eyesight to recognize us?"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

He didn't know these Mang Star Clan people.

What he knew was also the demon veterans and demon masters of each tribe.

And the Mang Star Clan in front of him is not the Mang Star Demon Lord, but an 80,000-level powerhouse.

"The old man is just the guard elder of the Mangxing clan, and the two do not know that the old man is also normal."

The Mang Star tribe obviously put down his posture in an instant.

"As for the second place, Young Master Chilong ranks first on the list of demon dragons, I can recognize it naturally."

"The Sun Luo Demon King also has obvious characteristics."

"The old man is not so dim, he doesn't have any eyesight at all."

The Mangxing elder arched his hand and said in doubt, "It's just that I don't know what happened to the two of my Mangxing clan?"

"Although I have heard that two of you have recently participated in events of all ethnic groups."

"But our Mangxing clan hasn't held a grand event recently, so..."

Chilong sneered, "It hasn't been held now, and that doesn't mean it will never be held."

"Since the two of us are here, the same is true for you now."

Elder Mangxing frowned, "This grand event is not just meant to be held."

"If it is held, it is of ulterior meaning."

"Yao Zun, did not lower the decree to hold a grand event, so..."

"Presumptuous." Chilong's eyes were cold.

"If there is no event for me and Li, what kind of event is it?"

"Nowadays, all ethnic groups are holding events frequently, but your Mangxing clan does not hold them?"

"But deliberately making things difficult for both of us?"

"Young Master Chilong calms down his anger." Elder Mangxing's expression changed.

As far as he knew, Chilong was an uncertain, violent and inexplicable person, and it was common for him to kill him if he said something wrong.

"But this..." Elder Mangxing smiled bitterly. "Our Mangxing clan really doesn't have a grand event to hold. How about..."

"If it is a competition of Tianjiao, I would like to know that, let alone our arrogant clan, we are a big demon realm, and no Tianjiao is the opponent of two.

"If it's a Secret Realm Treasure Land, my Mang Star clan doesn't have these."

"Young Master Chilong's life and forbidden land should be very clear to our Mangxing clan, our Mangxing clan is just an ordinary clan land."

"Then I can't control it." Chilong's tone was already cold.

"Take out heavy rewards, as for other tests, assessments, etc., follow you."

Elder Mang Xing said with an ugly expression, "Why the Young Master Chilong should be too hard for others..."

"Humph." Chilong snorted coldly.


There was a sudden roar in the sky.

A thunder fell from the sky.

The anger of thunder blasted this elder star into the air.

"Puff." After this Elder Mangxing stood firm, his body was already slightly scorched, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Young Master Chilong, are you trying to provoke our Mangxing clan to fail?"


Such high-altitude vibrations instantly attracted the attention of the Mang Star powerhouses in the Mang Star Clan.

One after another strong breath, rose from the sky.

One by one Mangxing clan people surrounded the surroundings, looking at the two of Xiao Yi, showing bad expressions.

"It's interesting." Chilong didn't have any fear, and showed war intent on his face.

"Li." Chilong looked at Xiao Yi, "It seems that this is the test of the third thing."

"You and I join forces, and this reckless star clan can't help it."

Xiao Yi frowned, "In the Mang Star Clan, robbing the Mang Star Clan's treasure?"

It might be possible that Lao Yaozun is here.

Just two of them?

These ancient races that have been developed and multiplied for more than tens of thousands of years, which race is not as solid as a rock? Countless prohibitions, all kinds of ancient big formations.

Want to break through and grab? Even the demon sovereign had to come back in despair.

At least it was possible to do it with the absolute crushing strength of Old Demon Venerable.

"Don't worry." Chilong said quickly, "These cats and dogs around you are not your opponents."

"In addition, the silver 獠 clan will help you, you can easily deal with these silver 獠 people."

"As for Mang Star Demon Venerable, you are not his opponent yet, but I can handle it."

"Fight." Chilong suddenly showed his murderous intent, "If you lose anything, when this matter is over, I will personally remove the Mangxing clan."


The halberd was taken out suddenly, and Chilong's figure ran away instantly.

A halberd swept across, and the surrounding blockade instantly collapsed.

The figure of Chilong struck the depths of the Mang Star Clan.


At the same time, in the depths of the Mang Star Clan, a surge of weather rose to the sky.

A huge star **** cow appeared out of thin air.

Boom...a roar.

Chilong's figure was blasted back at a faster speed.

"Mang Star Demon Venerable." Chilong stood still, only a trace of blood spilled at the corner of his mouth.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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