Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2778: The mang star is indestructible, if you want it, give it

"Craving life and fearing death, betray us."

"The strange demon, it really is so despicable."

Elder Yinlian gave a curse, and quickly looked at Chilong, "Young Master, we..."

Chilong's eyes were cold, "I believe in Li."

far away.

Xiao Yi looked at Mang Star Demon Venerable and chuckled, "I am here as a guest. I would like to come to Mang Star Demon Venerable and would not be unwelcome."

Mang Star Demon Lord retracted his fist and nodded, "The strongest Demon King under the seat of the Demon Lord, this demon is welcome."

"It's just that the Senluo Demon King should really be a guest."

"Haha." Xiao Yi chuckled, "Chilong, here is here to make trouble."

"It's not welcome to come to Yaozun and Mangxing clan."

"It's better to expel them from the clan..."

The Mang Star Demon Venerable interrupted in a cold voice, "Are you a fool as the deity?"

"Strike into my Mang Star Clan's land and make a big fuss on my Mang Star Clan's land. Anything like this is enough for the deity to kill Chilong and his party on the spot."

"Of course, this face, the deity sold you the Senluo Demon King."

"Get off." Mang Star Demon Venerable waved his hand.


The monstrous cyan thunder blasted Chilong and his party heavily.

Xiao Yi glanced at him, put away his smile, and said indifferently, "The demon only wants to see me alone, right?"

Mang Star Demon Venerable nodded, the ugly expression on his face instantly disappeared, and he chuckled, "Smart, as expected to be the Sen Luo Demon King whom several old demon Venerables can praise."

"Let's go, let the deity go down..."

Mang Star Demon Sovereign paused, glanced at the surrounding area, and his eyes became cold again, "You and Chilong, two bastards, are making a mess of my Mang Star Clan."

"Let's restore my Mang Star Clan to its original appearance first."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, "Vientiane Sun Luo."


The earth, the fragmented trees, and the flowers and plants stepped on to dust, continue to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, reviving life again.

The huge Star Clan land was immediately vigorous, the trees, flowers, and the broken earth all had normal vitality in an instant, and all of them recovered.

The Law of Sunro, to control everything, this point couldn't be simpler.


The two fell.

Mang Star Clan, deep, within a certain palace.

"Sit." Mang Xing Yaozun waved his hand.

In the depths of the entire Mang Star Clan, there are magnificent and magnificent palaces everywhere.

Xiao Yi sat down casually.

The Mang Star Demon Venerable didn't say much, a light flashed in his hand, and a pair of armor appeared out of thin air.

On the armor, the green light surged, and there was an astonishing thunder and lightning.

"The Mang Star does not destroy Jia?" Xiao Yi was startled, and quickly looked at the Mang Star Demon Venerable, "What is the Demon Venerable?"

Mang Star Demon Venerable chuckled, "Don't you just want this thing? Come for this thing?"

"The deity can give it to you."

Xiao Yi's eyes were joyful, but his heart suddenly burst, "The demon Lord knew I was coming? I knew I needed this thing?"

"Did the giant elephant old demon venerable tell you?"

Mang Star Demon Sovereign shook his head, "Needless to say, I don't have the ability to expressly predict like the giant elephant Old Demon Sovereign."

"However, since you and Chilong appeared on the ground of the Qianjun clan and took the ten thousand halberd, the old demon statue of the giant elephant must have guessed that you will go to get the statue of the giant elephant."

"And after that, the deity also guessed that you will definitely come to my Mang Star Clan."

"Coming for this impenetrable star."

While talking, Mang Star Demon Venerable glanced at Xiao Yi playfully.

The figure of Mang Star Demon Venerable is very burly.

If the burly of the giant elephant Old Demon Venerable is tall and tall, then the burly of the Mang Star Demon Venerable is full of muscles, all filled with amazing explosive power.

And Mang Xing Yaozun's face, in the middle of his old age, also had a simple and honest feeling and a feeling of not being willing to talk.

But these feelings were completely opposite to the playfulness that Mang Star Demon Venerable had revealed today.

If you guessed it correctly, Mang Star Demon Venerable must be the kind of gentleman on the surface, but the toughest character inside.

But I want to know how to become a strong demon venerable, how can he be a general generation.

Mang Star Demon Sovereign snorted, "The Chilong took the ten thousand halberd, and it definitely cannot be used as a weapon like an arm."

"Only the Giant Elephant Statue can help him do it."

"And after taking these two things, Chilong's strength has greatly increased, so it's time to come to me."

"Because my Mangxing clan has nothing to do with it, and the treasure of Mangxing Unbreakable Armor is not in any secret realm. Our Mangxing clan does not have these so-called secret realms."

"The Mang Star is indestructible. It has always been the treasure of my Mang Star clan and has been in the hands of the Mang Star Demon Venerable for all generations."

"So Chilong wants to take this thing, so he can only force it."

"Naturally, this will be the last thing he will come to get."

Not waiting for Xiao Yi to speak.

Mang Star Demon Sovereign continued, "I want to come, you have stayed with Chilong this **** for a long time, and you already know how powerful the talents of his Black Dragon clan are."

"The halberd, the giant elephant statue, is already a sharp weapon in his hand."

"On the bodyguard, his dragon body is already powerful; the most important thing is that he can ignore the power of 30% of various powers, and the black dragon is talented to ignore all kinds of magic weapons."

Mang Xing Yao Zun said solemnly, "In other words, the magic weapon can't hurt him at all."

"If you want to hurt him, there are only external forces; even if he can ignore what he has done, as long as the remaining 70% is strong enough, it can also cause a fatal danger to him."

"Therefore, Mang Star Immortal Armor can just make up for his defect."

Once Chilong gets the Mang Star Indestructible Armor again, it is equivalent to no flaws in his body, the magical weapons are useless, the external force is invalid, and it can be called absolute defense.

With the addition of the halberd attack, the overall improvement of the giant elephant statue.

Chilong will be reborn, almost invincible.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, understanding what Mang Xing Yaozun had said, but still asked tentatively, "Give it to me."

Mang Star Demon Venerable nodded, "If you change someone else, don't want to take this heavy treasure."

"But since the Demon King Sun Luo himself, you will give it if you want it."

So talkative?

Xiao Yi was surprised and inexplicable.

"Of course, there are conditions." Mang Star Demon Venerable said seriously.

"The conditions are also very simple, the same as Qianjun Demon Venerable."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Help you take care of the Mang Stars?"

Mang Star Demon Venerable nodded, "A little bit worse than this."

"The Wanjun Halberd, originally in the secret realm, Qianjun Demon Venerable himself can't hold it, he can't be the master, so he can't brazenly ask you more excessively."

"Let you help him take care of his family a bit, it's a smooth ride."

"Yes." Mang Star Demon Venerable Urn said, "This Mang Star is indestructible, but it belongs to the deity himself."

"This is for you, and the price is naturally higher."

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Mang Star Demon Venerable said coldly, "Not only help me take care of the Mang Star clan, but also protect the Mang Star clan at any cost."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "The Mang Star Demon Venerable is too much."

"Although I feel that my strength is not bad, I still don't have the ability to guarantee 100% protection of the Mangxing clan."

"Furthermore, there is an indestructible armour of the Mang Star, but the request of Mang Star Demon Venerable is to completely tie me to the Mang Star clan and give you the guardian. This is not worthwhile."

Mang Star Demon Sovereign shook his head, "You are right, you are indeed a guardian."

"But not forever, just wait for the Mang Star Clan to give birth to a new Demon Venerable, and after that, everything has nothing to do with the Demon King Sun Luo."

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "God knows when your Mangxing clan can give birth to a new Demon Venerable? If you are stupid for generations, wouldn't I have to wait for endless years?"

Mang Star Demon Lord sneered, "Whether to make this trade or not is your own choice by the Demon King of Sun Luo."

"You don't have to ask the deity, you can decide for yourself."

When the voice fell, Mang Star Demon Venerable didn't speak anymore, only sneered, staring at Xiao Yi.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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