Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2786: Zhan Chilong


The three laws of forest, karmic fire, and dirty soil came crashingly.

The monstrous karma fire seems to have vitality, exuberant, agile, and powerful.

The thick and dirty soil is the same. In addition to the thick and heavy, it adds a touch of boundlessness and inexplicable coldness that makes the heart tremble.

The blending of dirty soil and karmic fire gave birth to a thick lava.

The flame seemed to burn the soil, and the soil seemed to surround the flame.

Suddenly, the entire sky became a molten world, with hot and cold inside, scorching and gloomy cold, intensely inexplicable between hot and cold.

The ancestor of the demon dragon showed a slight startled expression, "The three laws are integrated in such a short time, like an arm's command."

"It's no wonder that you can be recognized by the strong like the Silver Dragon Emperor."

"The talent is strong, almost as seen in the life of the demon ancestor."

"But, that's all." The ancestor of the demon dragon suddenly turned.

The three laws have come, but the ancestor of the demon dragon just held his hand and did not move.

On his body, the ancient and cold breath also filled the sky.

The power of the three laws can't help the surroundings.

The ancestor of the demon dragon actually blocked the explosion of the three laws with his breath alone.

"Relying on these three laws alone, you have the power to fight the demon sovereign, but that's nothing more."

The voice of the Yaolong ancestor was indifferent and lifeless.

Chilong looked straight at Xiao Yi, "Li, you have no choice now."

"You are not my ancestor's opponent."

"You may be able to compete with me even if you rely on your strength alone."

"But in front of the ancestors, you have no chance."

"Even at the level of Demon Lord and Old Demon Venerable, they are only like ants in front of the ancestors. What are you fighting against?"

Chilong's eyes were cold, "My ancestor, I, the three-hundred-hundred-hundred-six-hundred-silver-little strongman, any one is enough for you to eat a pot."

"Even if the ancestor hasn't arrived just now, if I make a move and add a group of silver elders and strong silver scorpions, you will not be able to beat it."

"Now that the ancestor is here, you have no chance even more."

"Let's dissipate the law power." Chilong said seriously, "Whether you deliberately bad things, or now run wild and presumptuous, I can ignore it at all."

"You don't have to worry about the so-called grabbing."

"With me, even if the ancestor wanted to kill you, he would have to step on my Chilong corpse."

As Chilong said, he glanced at the ancestor of the monster dragon, "My ancestor is very clear about my personality, and I can do it if I can say it."

"It's up to you." The ancestor Yaolong said indifferently.

Chilong nodded and looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi said nothing, but took a deep breath, "Hoo..."

After taking a long breath, Xiao Yi looked at Chilong, with only indifference in his eyes, "Perhaps, if there were no other things, you and I would be very good friends."

"At least, it's good for someone like you to be a good friend."

Chilong smiled slightly.

Xiao Yi's tone was cold, "It's just that there is no possibility."

"In addition, your acting skills are a bit poor."

Chilong frowned, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "I don't deny that your growth is very similar to me. You have come step by step on your own."

"But the biggest difference between me and you is that you are standing behind you in the Forbidden Land of Ancestral Dragons and Ancestors of Demon Dragon."

"You may have gone through countless dangerous places and experienced countless dangers together, but no matter where you go, there will always be someone who is afraid of your existence behind you."

"So you can always be tough, grow and crush all the way."

"And I, almost always rely on myself."

"If I get the chance, I will be coveted and thought; if I get a lot of treasure, I will be robbed; even if there is a little limelight, someone will always try to climb on top of me."

"Of course, none of these have succeeded except for one accident."

"So, I have seen too many hypocritical faces and cunning faces, I have seen many old monsters that are more shameless than the ancestors of the monster dragon; I have seen many that may be inferior to your Chilong, but they must be more cunning than your Chilong Young Tianjiao."

"So." Xiao Yi chuckled, "Do you understand now? Every word of you, I can tell whether it is true or not almost instantly."

"I don't deny that you told the truth. Ninety-nine percent of them are true. There is only a hint of falsehood."

"For example..." Xiao Yi grinned suddenly, "What you call me now has no chance. I have no right to fight back in front of the demon dragon ancestor."

"You..." Chilong suddenly narrowed his eyes.


Xiao Yi suddenly raised his arm, and on his arm, a huge, mysterious and ancient arrogant mark appeared out of thin air.

"Silver 獠皇印?" The silver 獠 strong people around, all exclaimed, showing complex expressions.

"I'll just say it once." Xiao Yi said coldly, "If the silver 獠 clan is present, if you retreat immediately, for the sake of the silver 獠 emperor, I haven't seen you."

"After I take the shot, if I don't retreat, I will die."

There was no answer around.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and stopped speaking.


The three rules are gone in an instant.

"Li." Chilong exclaimed.

Xiao Yi no longer spoke, and no longer stopped.

"Catch this strange monster." A silver elder shouted violently.

High in the sky, hundreds of silver giant beasts only hesitated for a moment, and shot instantly.

In an instant, it was like a dragon flying.

However, no one can stop Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's figure has already turned into a faint flame, rushing out.

Along the way, all the giant silver beasts that blocked the road were pierced by the fire light, and instantly turned into ashes.

The fire light went straight to Chilong.

Chilong's eyes were cold, "Okay, if you want to fight, I will accompany you in the fight."


Chilong's hand shook abruptly.

Amazing gravity, shaking the sky.

Even the giant silver beasts were shaken away by the aftermath of this tremendous force.

"Drink." Chilong shouted violently, stabbing out with a halberd.

Xiao Yi's fist, mixed with violent flames, arrived in an instant.


All of a sudden, the fire was splashing.

Xiao Yi's figure was shaken back a hundred steps.

Chilong said coldly, "Three treasures are in my body, you are not my current opponent."

Without a word, Xiao Yi came again as a flame.

Chilong's eyes were cold instantly, "If you don't want to be stubborn, don't blame me."


This time, the Wanjun halberd and the flame fist banged against each other, but there was a clang of a confrontation between gods and soldiers.

There is no magic weapon in Xiao Yi's hands.

But look more realistically, Xiao Yi's hand firmly grasped the edge of the halberd at this moment, and in the palm of his palm, a thick khaki token was extremely dazzling.

"Qianjun Ling?" Chilong's expression changed instantly.

Xiao Yi sneered, "You can't hold it."


Xiao Yi drew a ten thousand halberd backhand.

Thousands of thousands of stars also added in an instant.

Chilong's face changed drastically, and he only felt that a force of gravity was pulling him.

Even though a giant image of Dharma has condensed behind him, it is only equal to this gravity.

But the halberd at this moment, but it seems that he does not listen to his control, as if he is going to let go.

"You're looking for death." At this moment, the ancestor of the demon dragon, who had not moved, suddenly violent.

An old palm, as strong and swiftly as he had robbed the Silver Dragon Emperor on the way of ascending dragons, came straight from Xiao Yi.

The space is shattered across the palm of the hand.


Just as the old palm came to Xiao Yi's body, there was a roar, and the old palm was instantly blocked.

To be more honest, Xiao Yi at the moment was holding a halberd, shaking this old palm forcibly.

This time the confrontation was actually equal.


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