Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2802: What is destiny?

This is beyond the scope of pharmacology, and it is beyond human power.

Demon Lord Liuheng stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "Now, can you answer me?"

"Do you find another excuse to persuade my lord, or do you agree?"

Xiao Yi frowned and smiled bitterly.

"Honestly, I wanted to lie."

Demon Lord Liuheng sneered, "Then the Demon King Senluo decided to deceive him. If you can hide it, you will be considered powerful."

"If you can't hide it, it's provoking the Lord, and the consequences are beyond your ability."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Then let me think about it, or there may be a perfect lie."

"Okay." Liuheng Demon said in a deep voice, "You don't have to play this trick."

"You are a wise man, and I knew you were out-of-mind, but you actually had to care about it."

"You even know that as long as you don't want to, in fact, the Lord can't force you."

"There is a mad lion old demon lord behind you, and this lord has long positioned you under the demon king, so this lord can't really kill you and hurt you."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "The Demon Lord won't kill me and hurt me, but with a strong one, he will definitely do it."

"For example, when I was trapped in the capital, I was forced to stay with the little majesty."

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "Smart, but you don't need to ask about this, but you have to ask what is going on."

"Even if I showed dissatisfaction and cold eyes several times just now, in your eyes, you only hesitated for a minute or two before forcibly continuing to ask."

"You are caring about Niannian."

"You have friendship with Nian-nian? Or, have you seen Nian-nian before?"

Liuheng Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Nothing."

"If I have to say anything, it's just to think that this girl looks so good, to see if I can help her."

"His Majesty changed to the age of a human after she was transformed, but he was just over two years old. It is not an exaggeration for me to call her a little girl."

Xiao Yi doubted, "In fact, I really wonder why the demon king is eager to find his father for the little lord now."

"Shelter? With the father of the demon king, what other refuge can compare?"

Liuheng Demon Lord said solemnly, "What if I'm not there anymore?"

When Xiao Yi heard this, he remembered that Ghost One said, "Is the demon king going to fall?" ’, can’t help but sneer.

"Monarch Zhengzhi is in his prime, this distance is far from falling."

"But soon." Liuheng Demon Lord shook his head, "There is less than three months left."

"What?" Xiao Yi's eyes were surprised.

Liuheng Demon Lord said earnestly, "There is less than March, and everything has settled."


Xiao Yi's heart suddenly burst, and these old monsters confessed to the general situation of funeral, and then appeared again.

Xiao Yi frowned, "If I didn't guess wrong, the demon king meant it was similar to the meaning of the old demon lion, Qianjun demon and others."

"I am your hope, and now, the demon king has handed over the little His Royal Highness to me this hope to take care of and shelter."

"Not bad." Liuheng Demon Lord nodded.

Xiao Yi said, "If it's just for shelter, I promise the demon king, I will protect her comprehensively in the future, this is the matter of recruiting a son-in-law..."

Liuheng Demon Lord shook his head and interrupted, "It's different."

"Niannian's destiny is destined to be impossible for her to be quiet and leisurely. She is destined to have many ill-fated fate and continuous waves throughout her life."

"Except for her husband, no one can protect her so meticulously."

The Liuheng Demon Lord stared at Xiao Yi, "If you want to protect her, you are destined to be prepared for everlasting trouble, and protect her all the time."

"Except for her husband, who can do this?"

Xiao Yi squinted, "How long is your life? The troubles in your life? Who can tell the future?"

Liuheng Demon Lord said solemnly, "Yes, fate is like this, fate is like this."

"Fate again?" Xiao Yi sneered for the first time, "I hate these two words more and more."

"As I used to answer to other old demon sovereigns, I don't believe in fate."

Liuheng Yaojun sneered, "But it..."

Xiao Yi sneered, "But it does exist, doesn't it? I also know that, I just don't believe it."

Liuheng Demon Lord shook his head, "Believe it or not, existence means existence."

"Do you know what fate is?"

"Really illusory? Really untouchable? Really think that is absurd?"

Xiao Yi frowned and said nothing.

Liuheng Demon Lord said coldly, "Let me put it another way, why does destiny exist?"

"If this large continent is just empty, there is no living beings, and there is destiny, what's the point? Nothing."

"On the mainland, there are hundreds of millions of creatures. Each creature has a different life and a different future direction because of different circumstances and existence."

"Different beings have different intersections, and billions of possibilities are born."

"These countless intricacies and life trajectories have created the so-called destiny between the world and the earth."

"Therefore, the so-called destiny is the collection of all the creatures on this continent."

"Some people are born to shake the world, and some people are born to do nothing."

"Those who shake the earth, every move changes the trajectory of countless creatures, which is the so-called changing the fate of others."

"The trajectory of a lifeless person can't even make waves in this continent."

"Therefore, the fate of some people is in the hands of others."

The more Xiao Yi listened, the more frightened.

Liuheng Demon Lord continued, "Now that we know what fate is, is it still difficult to predict the direction of fate?"

"For all people and things related to Nian-nian, is it difficult to judge Nian-nian’s fate by observing their minds and practices?

"I said that Nian Nian is a waste of cultivation, and at the same time it is equivalent to a different kind."

"Since she was born, disasters have continued, and countless people want to take her life, as if she cannot tolerate her this day.

"Her mother died silently."

"She, it didn't take long for her to transform into form at first, as if she had been arranged by fate, she escaped from Tiandu, and then she almost died outside the demon realm."

"Her life, the waves will never stop."

Xiao Yi frowned.

The martial arts perceptions of characters like Liuheng Demon Lord could not be completely understood at his level.

But Liuheng Demon Lord, with his understanding and the simplest way, was already talking and listening to Xiao Yi.

At the same time, Xiao Yi suddenly realized that Nian Nian had escaped from Heaven by himself.

Liuheng Demon Lord looked serious, "Now, do you still want to reject this Lord?"

"From the very beginning, I have specially called you to Tiandu because you are the person I love and trust the most."

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed extremely tightly, "I know what Yaojun meant, but I also said, I don't believe in fate, I never believe it."

"His Royal Highness is either a waste of cultivation, or an alien in the eyes of outsiders, but what is an alien?"

"If outsiders think of a different kind, do you think you are a different kind?"

Liuheng Demon Lord said coldly, "First of all, this world is regarded as a different kind, and outsiders also think so."

"If you don't think it, it's against the sky."

"Then go against the sky." Xiao Yi said coldly.

Liuheng Demon Lord already had a cold eye, "Are you still going to refuse?"

Xiao Yi did not answer, but said coldly, "What if I can save her?"


Second more.

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