Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2807: Demon Teaching


Liuheng Demon Lord frowned and sighed lightly.

"Fine, I said that if you don't force you on this matter, you won't be forced."

"You and Nian Nian, let the flow go."

Demon Lord Liuheng looked at Xiao Yi, with a satisfied look on his face, "With your character, even if He Nian can't become a partner, you will definitely take care of her in the future."

"Perhaps, the two of you will be in love suddenly, but that's not necessarily true."

Liuheng Yaojun smiled.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

"Sit down." Liuheng Demon Lord chuckled, his expression turned into concern again, "You are back in the Demon Realm, it's not a few months yet."

"In your eyes, it is full of wind and frost, sophisticated and calm."

"Over the years, I must have suffered countless hardships outside."

"Well, it's okay." Xiao Yi said lightly.

Demon Lord Liuheng said earnestly, "From now on, I will protect you this day, so you don't have to be afraid."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "Monarch..."

Demon Lord Liuheng waved his hand, and said solemnly, "Even if you don't become a partner with Niannian, but you still believe in you, you are the person you like most."

"Old Demon Lord Mad Lion, I should have mentioned to you several times, you will be the most powerful contender for the throne of the Lord."

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, "Monarch, don't get me wrong."

Xiao Yi knew very well, how could a demon king like Liuheng Demon Lord be really good and his generation.

Liuheng Yaojun shook his head, "Don't panic."

"You want to also know that with the friendship between the old demon lion and the monarch, if the monarch hadn't been interested, how could he have said those things to you."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled again, "Those words, did the demon lord let the old demon lion say to me?"

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "If I am no longer, I will leave it to you this day."

"But before that, you have to control all the laws of six balances."

"Based on this, as long as you are in the sky, the sky will collapse and no one can help you."

"The torrent of the six laws in the sky will become a weapon in your hand."

Xiao Yi frowned, "For me, it doesn't seem to be something that can be done in a short time, so..."

In fact, Xiao Yi is not interested in this day.

"Sit down." Liuheng Demon Lord drank coldly.

With a cold drink, a monstrous law instantly pressed against Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's figure had no resistance and was forced to sit down.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was horrified, and this force was definitely stronger than the level of Old Demon Venerable.

Is this the strength of Liuheng Demon Lord, this Demon Emperor?

"Listen to this gentleman and tell you carefully." Liuheng Demon Lord said solemnly.

"What is the Six Levels? The Six Levels are the six strongest laws of heaven and earth in the Demon Realm."

"Ranked sixth, the name calls Jinruo, and the law of Jinruo can endow the heavens and the earth with strongness."

"Flying flowers and picking leaves can all become magic weapons."

"Ranked fifth, calling the fire. Everything in the world can be without strength, but it must not be without fire. Otherwise, the vast world will be dark, extremely cold and difficult to dwell in."

"Karma fire is not a powerful flame in the world, but it is the first of all fires. It can burn all things and save all things, and has many mysteries."

"Ranked fourth, the name calls the filthy soil. Everything in the world can be without fire, but it can be dark and cold, but it must not be without the burden of the massive earth under your feet, otherwise, everything will have no roots, let alone reproduction and inheritance."

"On the earth, there are countless filthy things, so it is called filthy soil; but the earth is also the most solid and heaviest in the world. It can reach the depths of the nether, and it can also hold onto unpredictable changes."

"Rank third, the name calls Tianshui. At the beginning of heaven and earth, when there was no earth, it was already a torrent of heaven and earth, so the law of Tianshui is even before the dirty earth.

"Heaven and earth creatures are born from the earth, but without the source of water, they won't even have the opportunity to be born."

"What is Tianshui, it is the heavy water, the water of heaven and earth, rushing and violent, but also endless, it can become a bottomless abyss, and it can also transform invisible things."

"Ranked second, the name is called Senluo. The two characters Senluo represent the source of vitality, which is above the other four laws."

The demon of Liuheng said in a deep voice, "The law of the six balances, you have taken the third."

"Hold on." Xiao Yi was already completely caught in it.

At this moment, Liuheng Demon Lord still used his own martial arts to understand, in the simplest way, he was telling Liuheng and teaching Xiao Yi.

But Xiao Yi also reacted instantly, "The law of six balances, I know the first five."

"What about the number one?"

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "Don't worry, I will tell you too, but I'm not in a hurry."

"When I teach, I don't like to disturb."

Xiao Yi curled his lips, no longer asked, just listened.

The demon monarch of Liuheng continued, "The law of the six balances, you have already controlled the third, sorrow, filthy soil, and karma."

"But for these three, you are only a small level, so you have not really understood the mystery of these three laws."

"One day, you will find that these three laws, any of them can give you monstrous strength and the ability to shake the world."

Liuheng Demon Lord paused, "You still have no control over the two laws of Tianshui and Jinruo."

"It's also fortunate that you are not in control of these two laws."

"Why..." Xiao Yi asked subconsciously, but he greeted Liuheng Demon Lord's cold and stern look, and he closed his mouth quickly without saying a word.

Liuheng Demon Lord said in a deep voice, "I can help you learn these two laws."

"The sixth-ranked Golden Rule is at the bottom because it is not necessary."

"Different from the other five laws, they all seem to be the principle of heaven and earth, the origin of heaven and earth."

"The Golden Rule can be practiced in many other beings."

"There are some wonderful things, or in the inheritance of martial arts, with these strong attributes, the Lord can find these things later for you to understand."

Hearing these words of Demon Lord Liuheng, in fact, Xiao Yi had already thought of something in his heart.

"Golden Light Relic." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

He suddenly remembered that when he drove around the golden light that year, it happened that those golden lights just covered it casually, which could make an ordinary sword a magic weapon.

The effect is exactly the same as the rule of Jin Ruo.

If as Liu Heng Yaojun said today, Jin Ruo's law is not unique and can be learned from other things.

Then, the golden relic can definitely help him to understand the golden rule.

"Next." Liuheng Yaojun continued, "The first thing you need to get is the law of heaven and water."

"You can go to the Liehao Clan."

Xiao Yi said in surprise, "The Liehao clan controls the law of Tianshui?"

Just like the Jinruo clan, the clan was born to control the law of Jinruo.

This is probably the case for the Liehao clan?

This time, Liuheng Demon Lord did not scold him, but replied, "The Liehao clan is not born with the law of Tianshui."

"It can only be said that all the powerful people of the Liehao clan who really grow up must have the law of heaven and water.

"Now, in the vast Liehao clan, only Liehao Demon Venerable has this law; he alone controls the whole clan."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Only Demon Venerable Liehao controls this law, how can I get it?"

"Liehao Demon Lord, it seems that there is no need to teach me that."

Liuheng Demon Lord chuckled, "The Liehao clan is the first clan to be loyal to the monarch among the ten ancient clan families."


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