Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2823: Chilong’s "Big Gift"

The Demon Territory Tianshui Lake is within the Liehao Clan, and the ancestor of the Demon Dragon could not have comprehended and controlled the laws of Tianshui there.

Then, it can only be another place.

The killing intent in Liuheng's eyes broke out so violently for the first time.

"Old Demon Lord remember the last time when the Human Race and Demon Race colluded?" Liuheng Demon Lord stared at Old Demon Lord of Mad Lion.

The old demon lion nodded.

Liuheng Demon Lord sneered, "That time, I killed a dim sky, and the corpse mountain spanned millions of miles."

"This time, what should I do?"


Liuheng Demon Lord's fist cracked.

"Ye Crow." Liuheng Demon Lord looked at Ye Crow, "Send my order, and all the iron guards are assembled in the capital."

"Yes." Ye Crow replied, with the same murderous intent on his face.

The demon monarch suddenly assembled all the iron guards in the heavens, and such major events were enough to shake the entire demon realm and even change the sky.

However, the Night Crow did not ask or speak much, only faithfully execute it.

"Yun Yin." Liuheng Demon Lord looked at the middle-aged woman, "I will leave an inner city iron guard for you to send."

"You and Nian Nian are in the heavens, no one can help you."

Within the Tiandu, there is a torrent of six laws covering it. In fact, the Tiandu Iron Guard does not stay, whether it stays more or less, it makes no difference.

It will be the law of heaven that truly shelters Nian Nian.

The torrent of six laws, not to mention an old demon, even ten would never want to shake it.

"Monster." Old Demon Lord Mad Lion arched his hands, "I will return to the Mad Lion Clan to give orders, let's meet directly in the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon."

"Yeah." Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "The ancestor of the monster dragon is cruel and cruel, and now he is about to do everything."

"He dared to take people directly, it has proved that he is ready to turn his face."

Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable said coldly, "Within the Demon Realm, there are not a few races loyal to the Forbidden Land of Ancestral Dragon. This time, I'm afraid..."

"Humph." Demon Lord Liuheng snorted coldly, "This land of the mainland hasn't changed; the sky of my demon domain has changed first, but I don't mind making it more thorough."

"The sky will change soon, Demon Realm, there can be no my Liuheng Demon Lord, there can be no Mad Lion Demon Lord."

"But, there can be no hope, no Yi Yaoli."

"In order to avoid accidents, I will rush to the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon first. After that, the Night Crow will lead the Heavenly Capital Iron Guard to join you."

The voice fell.

The figure of Liuheng Demon Lord disappeared out of thin air.


Zulong Forbidden Land.

It was still on the road to ascend to the dragon, as it was when he was robbed of the power of the Silver Dragon Emperor.

Xiao Yi stood at the top of the Dragon Road, shaking unconsciously.

In front of him, the demon dragon ancestor in a black robe stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"This time, can you still run?" The ancestor Yaolong opened his mouth indifferently, and his tone was joking and extremely cold.

Xiao Yi's eyes were full of coldness, but he was helpless, secretly horrified.

From just now in the Liehao Clan's land, in the Tianshui space, and now to the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land, the way to climb the dragon is just a few breaths away.

This is the true strength of the monster dragon ancestor body.

Compared with the demons and the old demons, there is a huge gap that cannot be calculated by common sense.

This time, he once again felt the shock of facing the ancient existence of the demon dragon ancestor.

The ancestor of the monster dragon, standing in front of him like this, was like a high mountain with no top, like a giant with his feet on the top of the sky above the earth.

This huge gap is terrible.

This sense of insignificance like an ant, and the powerless feeling of trembling with no resistance in the face of death, makes people desperate.


The only thing Xiao Yi could do was to make a strong fist, hoping to stabilize his unconsciously trembling body.

"Humph." The ancestor Yaolong snorted coldly, and looked at Xiao Yi's struggling movements, disdainfully sneered.

"It's a bit courageous."

"Facing the old man, there is still a thought of keeping calm in my heart."

"It's really good, it's no wonder that all the demon lords, and the kid Liuheng treat you differently and favor him."

"You are very smart." The ancestor Yaolong sneered.

"Last time, you knew that you lost to the old man, knowing that the old man might do anything at all costs, so you retreated and agreed to the old man next."

"I'm afraid, you have known for a long time that the old man's time limit is approaching, and he can't leave the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon at all, so you chose to delay the time.

"Everything is as you expected, but it's a pity that you never expected you to go, but this demon ancestor can also catch you back again."

"This time, you can't escape."

There was a little regret in the tone of the ancestor of the monster dragon.

"It's a pity, such a powerful little guy is not for me."

"It's also a pity that Chilong wants to save your life, otherwise, the old man really wants to see you more clearly and study your corpse carefully."

The voice fell, the ancestor of the monster dragon shook his head slightly, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.

A black streamer condensed in the distant Ancestral Dragon Cave in an instant, and then entered the cave without a trace.


On the spot, a figure fell.

It is Chilong.

"Li." Chilong smiled, "I think, now you should be very clear about what you should do."

Xiao Yi sneered, a flash of light in his hand, three treasures appeared out of thin air, "You want these three things."

"Smart." Chilong took it, and stroked the three treasures carefully.

"Hehe, it's consciously that you have erased all the confession links that belong to you."

Chilong nodded in satisfaction, "You are a smart person, and I never need to say more."

"However, let me remind you a little bit, you are now restricted by your ancestors."

"Of course, depending on your ability, you can also forcefully rush away, but it will take some time."

"And these few hours are enough for the ancestors to blast you out."

"In the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon, your every move is in the mind of the ancestor."

"I know." Xiao Yi sneered, "Demon Long Ancestor, this time he was more cautious."

"But even if he is not cautious, without this restriction, I can't do much."

In the forbidden area of ​​the dragon dragon, the ancestor of the monster dragon can make a full shot.

No matter what Xiao Yi had, even if he only used these methods for an instant, he would be faster than the ancestor of the demon dragon.

Chilong smiled with satisfaction and stroked the three treasures again, "Indeed, with my strength, I can't get these three things back."

"But with the help of my ancestors, everything that is impossible will become possible."

A ray of light flashed in Chilong's hand, he took the three treasures, and looked around his eyes, "The scope of this dragon climbing path is a bit small."

"Go, follow me, I'll find a bigger place."

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned in confusion.

"Let me know." Chilong chuckled, "I will show you something."

"Perhaps you will be happy to see it."

"Even if it is..." Chilong paused, thought about it, and smiled, "It's a big gift I gave you."


Second more.

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