Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2849: Hundreds of Fighting

Xiao Yi nodded.

"I can't let it fall down this day."

"This line of defense of the Dongfang family must never be broken."

"This line of defense, the Dongfang family's combat power is also working hard, why should I be so stupid to lose my combat power?"

The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "The Dongfang family, there are only a few combat powers such as Dongfang Kuanglan."

"Even without this large amount of combat power, the overall impact of the battle against the balance change is not significant."

"The main combat power is still in our Eight Palaces."

Xiao Yi also shook his head, "For every point less combat power, one point more variable."

What else does the Master Asura want to say.

Xiao Yi said first, "In fact, I know what you old guys are thinking."

"What you think is that at all costs, you are even ready to fall."

"You see me as hope, so if you desperately die, it will end all this."

"You even think about it, waiting for your absence; you must help me clear all the obstacles on the road before I fall."

"Today the main hall master dared to say these things to me, it proves that you have already calculated the combat power of the Dongfang family and made calculations."

"If you lose these combat power, it is still within your tolerance."

"However, your huge bearing range refers to your fall price."

Xiao Yi squeezed his fist, "When it comes to this, the kid said it straight."

"I said, I want you old guys to worry less and worry less."

"Why do you have to carry it?"

"I'm really so useless?"

"Anyway." Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I am willing to nod, just because of my current strength, the Dongfang family and those **** levels are not in my eyes."

"Under absolute strength, everything is vain."

"The so-called trick is just a joke."

"Those things and crises before will never happen again."

"I don't need to care about this, it is more cost-effective to put these combat power on things that can help me achieve my goals."

"The grievances between the Dongfang family and me are exposed, and the Dongfang family is sitting on the demon realm defense line, guarding the heart of the middle realm, and it has not changed."

"I..." Xiao Yi stared at the Master Palace Master Asura, "I just experienced the feeling that something I cherished suddenly disappeared."

"The heart is not covered in dust, but suddenly empty, as if it's gone."

"That kind of feeling makes me feel more terrible than I rushed into the land of the nine deaths."

The Master of Asura was stunned.

After a long while, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao Yi's chest again, "Can you really not care? Are you really unhappy?"

Xiao Yi was silent for a while, Fang said, "Yes."

"I think I finally understand the real reason why the Chief Hall Master is looking for me today."

The main hall of Shura frowned slightly.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, "In the past, a long time ago, I was a killer."

"I'm so spicy."

"There is no absolute thing in this world."

"At the same time, everything has its process and its final result."

"Murdering, for anyone, the first time they see blood, the first time they see the cold corpse, they will feel terrible, trembling all over, and even nauseous and dizzy."

"But over time, if you kill enough people, you will become numb."

"This numbness is terrible."

"To the utmost numbness, you may become a mad, bloodthirsty monster, a monster, demon, and executioner who takes pleasure in murder."

"Or, to become a decisive, **** man who can step on the blood without fear."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "If you oppress and be aggrieved, you will also become numb."

"To the utmost numbness, you may become a cowardly person, with a dusty mood, taking it for granted, and even the heart is like wood, not caring about everything."

"Or, you can become wise from a hundred exercises, and become a wise man who thinks about everything and takes care of everything."

Xiao Yi looked at the main hall master of Shura, "What the main hall master really fears is that I become numb."

"So you'd rather make a stand for me, even if the price is high, you still have to do it, even if I said I don't care, you still plan to move the Dongfang family to make me happy."

"The main hall master is even afraid that this kind of numbness of mine, once broke out, will cause disastrous consequences."

The Lord Shura's face was solemn, "You are only a young boy after all, arrogant, passionate and frivolous. After all, you are not us old guys who have lived for millions of years."

"The old man is naturally worried about you."

"Here again." Xiao Yi's expression was bitter and he patted his forehead.

"This kind of old guy confesses his last words, and he wants to give me the feeling like a lesson in words and heart, which really makes me unhappy."

"Anyway, alas." Xiao Yi sighed, "Don't worry about me, I'm worried about you old guys."

"I always have my own ideas and my own plans."

"Everything is still within my calculations."

The Lord Shura's eyes narrowed, "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Don't tell me, two months later, I know everything."

"Just allow you to lie to me, and not allow me to lie to you?"

"Humph." The main hall master of Shura snorted coldly, "just like your previous nonsense, messing up?"

"Nothing." Xiao Yi curled his lips.

"What do you mean?" The Master Palace Master Shura said coldly, "The first time you enter the Demon Realm, you don't have to be so risky."

"You have to do it, and as the Eight Palaces, rescue those Tianjiao evildoers one by one."

"The second time in the demon domain, you tried to expose your identity, and you must save the two evil brothers and sisters."

With the conservatism of the main palace master of Asura in the past, he didn't hesitate to blurt out the three words ‘harming essence’.

Presumably, he must be angry and dissatisfied at the moment.

"You found the dignity of the Eight Palaces."

"The price is such a risk."

For the first time, the Master Palace Master pointed at Xiao Yi's face, "The old man tells you that even if the Eight Palaces are gone, you can't be without you."

"If you have the many dangerous thoughts in your mind, the old man can only imprison you until the end of the day."

"Heh...hehe." Xiao Yi's face twitched, "How does the main hall master know these things?"

The Lord Shura's eyes were cold, "Are you a fool as an old man?"

As he said, the Master Palace Master Shura took out a pile of files in his hands, "Look for yourself."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "Passing orders file?"

"Huh." The master of the Asura Hall snorted coldly, "It's all the information from the Hundred Family of Hidden Worlds, saying that the whole family came to support the Eight Halls."

"They are also participating in this change of heaven."

"The title of every letter is the Lord of the Eight Halls."

"It's not us old guys who are called this now, but you, which means that these messenger files are all coming to you."

"That's not very good." Xiao Yi's eyes were joyful, "The top combat power of the Hidden Family is not good."

"But after all, they have inherited the splendor of martial arts in the ancient times. Their formations, combined attacks, etc., can become a combat force that cannot be underestimated."

The main hall of Shura nodded, "Together, it is more than two halls.


Fifth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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