Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2854: He Dao Shengjun

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

"Sometimes, like those ordinary arrogances, it makes the little guy's temper very refreshing."

"Little guy?" Senior Luo glanced at Xiao Yi, "How old are you?"

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

Senior Luo's phrase ‘answer as much as you can if you can’, in fact, already means that you still won’t let go.

Continue to ask, what I asked is just a trivial matter.

Therefore, Xiao Yi dispelled this idea.

He asked Senior Luo because of martial arts doubts.

"It is true that there are doubts about cultivation and I need to ask Senior Luo." Xiao Yi said seriously.

"Oh?" Senior Luo was slightly surprised, then smiled knowingly, "Just figure it out."

"But how did you come to find the old man?"

"The fire path you cultivated, the formation path, the physical training, and even your level of combat training, etc., on the contrary, other main hall masters can give you better guidance."

"The only thing the old man can guide you is Kendo."

"But it seems that you have never asked any doubts about swordsmanship. You were born as a sword repairman."

"Don't ask about this." Xiao Yi chuckled, "I want to ask about the martial arts realm afterwards."

"These overall martial arts doubts are naturally due to Senior Luo, you, the Venerable Luo who was famous in the ancient times."

If it is accurate to the martial arts doubts such as Huo Dao and Array Dao, it is naturally better to find the Master Palace Master or the Master Palace Master of the Flame Hall.

But when it comes to the overall martial arts doubts, it is naturally the senior Luo who has lived for more than tens of millions of years to be more adept.

When Xiao Yi was studying and teaching in Heiyun for a long time, he was trapped by those doubts about the complete martial arts, and Senior Luo also knew everything.

Senior Luo frowned, "You want to ask, the cultivation and realm after the Holy Venerable Realm?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "To be precise, there are also the realms of the main hall master, your demon sovereign, old demon sovereign, etc."

Senior Luo frowned and blurted out, "That's not the level you can touch now..."

Xiao Yi also blurted out and interrupted, "Senior Luo had long been expected to answer like this."

Senior Luo's face twitched.

Xiao Yi said earnestly, "I really don't understand what you are hiding from me in these cultivation realms."

"I'm going to reach these realms sooner or later."

"In addition, I have not yet reached my cultivation base, but my true strength has long surpassed the ordinary demon veteran, and it is close to you, the main hall master."

Senior Luo snorted, "Accurately speaking, it is close to the ordinary old monsters of the Monster Race."

Xiao Yi curled his lips, "I know you are great, can you tell me the answer?"

Senior Luo thought for a while and said, "I don't tell you, because the old man knows that your kid is always cunning."

"Even if you take advantage of these problems in the realm of cultivation, you can still follow the old man's words."

"It's also precisely, the secrets that you will only know later are the things that these cultivation realms touch."

"But." Senior Luo nodded, "You are right."

"Your current strength has finally returned to that level, and you yourself can't even tell the exact realm of this strength."

"For a long time, this kind of strength surpasses its own doubts and troubles, and it will eventually have many adverse effects on you."

Xiao Yi looked happy when he heard the words.

Senior Luo was silent for a while, sorting out the thoughts in his mind.

After a long while, he said, "Say us first."

"The current cultivation base of the old man is still only in the holy state, but the peak of the holy state."

"In control, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine complete martial arts."

"The six sages of Yanlong are all at this level of cultivation. Because they are the pinnacle of this realm, they have the title of sage."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Still in the Holy Venerable?"

"What? Some disappointment?" Senior Luo chuckled.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, but it was also suddenly stunned.

Not only is the title of the Venerable, it is naturally also the territory of the Venerable.

"The main hall master of the hunting monster and the main hall master of Asura are also at this level, right?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes." Senior Luo nodded, "The old man lives longer than them, so he is more solid than them."

"From this point of view, the old man is stronger."

"However, in contrast, the two halls have their own means; the main hall master of Shura is the first person in physical cultivation. Under the same realm, he is almost invincible alone."

"The Head of the Demon Hunter is the best at dealing with monsters and all kinds of dangers. This is very much like your kid."

"Let's put it like this, the old man, fighting alone, he may not be the opponent of the old man and the Shura boy; but even if a bunch of old monsters besie him, you can't think of doing anything to him in a short time."

"Unless it is completely crushing his strength, otherwise, no one can help him."

"And looking at the mainland, there is no one who can completely crush him; the old man can't, and the main hall master of Asura can't."

"What about the other main hall masters?" Xiao Yi asked.

Senior Luo replied, "They are weak, even a bit."

"Tianji them, at the level of 9,995 complete martial arts."

Xiao Yi frowned, "It's just a mere gap between four complete martial arts."

Senior Luo waved his hand, "I'll talk to you about this later."

"9,995 complete martial arts are a watershed."

"Simply speaking, it is the difference between the Yaozun and the old Yaozun on the evil animal side."

"Stepping into 99,990 complete martial arts is the realm of the so-called demon sovereign, and the next five complete martial arts categories are all at this level."

"After 9,995 complete martial arts, it is the so-called old demon sovereign level; and, it is also the last 5 of the 100,000 complete martial arts at this distance, and there is a difference in strength at the level of the old demon sovereign."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I sounded like the peerless realm in the Saint Emperor Realm before."

"Before the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, the last 10 complete martial arts, that is, the beginning of the 9990 Dao, although they are also in the holy emperor realm, they are called peerless."

Senior Luo nodded, "You can understand this way."

"Besides." Senior Luo continued, "Among the five great old monsters of the demon clan, except for the weaker Blue Moon Birdman, the remaining four are 9,999, which are the same as the old man, the hunting demon, and Shura."

"The Blue Moon Birdman is only 9998."

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly, "But how do I look, Senior Luo, you burst out stronger, it seems to be easy to deal with them."

"Stupid." Senior Luo yelled softly, "The level of cultivation is the same, does it represent the same strength?"

"Well, let's talk about these doubts later."

"Let's talk about the future."

Senior Luo continued, "After the old man's realm, he is...the monarch realm!"

"Monarchy?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"Yeah." Senior Luo replied, "Sovereign Realm, also known as One Hundred Thousand Dao Saint Monarch, He Dao Saint Monarch."

Xiao Yi was startled, "Is that the level of Saint Moon Sovereign and Liuheng Demon Lord?"

"He Dao? I understand. That's why in the Holy Venerable Realm, martial arts integration is the top priority."

"Because martial arts integration is the way to the monarchy."

"Smart." Senior Luo nodded with satisfaction.


Second more.

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