Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2858: Jinruo's law, into

"You seem to understand everything." Senior Luo chuckled.

"Broad and cheerful." Xiao Yi smiled, "doubts are almost wiped out."

"Sure enough, to ask these martial arts doubts, it is wiser to ask Senior Luo."

"If I were to take care of this huge cultivation system by myself, I'm afraid I will be confused."

"Of course, every time Senior Luo finishes answering for me, I am open and cheerful."

Senior Luo smiled knowingly, "It's really rare to see you **** up the old man."

"I'm telling the truth." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Although, Senior Luo, you are domineering, stubborn, unreasonable, and self-righteous..."

Senior Luo's face turned dark.

"Haha." Xiao Yi stopped talking quickly and said with a smile, "But when it comes to Senior Luo, your abilities, the kid has always recognized it."

"Six Sovereigns of Yanlong, who are known as the Venerable Luo with the most methods, are they a general generation."

When Senior Luo heard the words, he smiled slightly.

"Is there anything else I need to clarify now?" Senior Luo said.

"Or, directly start the training guidance?"

"That's not necessary." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Oh, yes, it seems that as long as my martial arts strength reaches 9,999, I can control a symbolic martial arts at will."

"So you can have Senior Luo you, and the level of strength comparable to that of Demon Lord?"

"No." Senior Luo shook his head.

"To be precise, you have reached that point, and you only have the strength comparable to those old monsters of the monster race."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Don't you say in a disguised form that you are better than those old monsters."

"This is a fact." Senior Luo said seriously.

"The number of complete martial arts reaches 99999, and one more symbolic martial arts is in control."

"This is indeed the current level of the old man."

"But." Senior Luo said, "Do you know why Liuheng Demon Lord is a Demon Lord?"

"His law of six balances clearly does not reach completion in any one."

Xiao Yi frowned.

In fact, Yaojun already has a law to reach Consummation, but he didn't say anything about it.

I am afraid that only Yaojun himself and Xiao Yi knew about this matter.

But Xiao Yi still shook his head and asked, "Why?"

Senior Luo replied, "Because the law of six balances is very special."

"The law of six balances, although it is the law of the demon domain, it belongs to the martial art of heaven and earth even if it is under the heaven and the earth."

"It's just that the law of six balances is the strongest and original law in the demon domain."

"These six laws are only special because they contain the meaning of harmony and can be integrated with each other."

"Therefore, you don't need to be consummated by the law, you only need to control the six balances, and you can be equivalent to Hedao and step into the monarchy."

"The strength of Liuheng Demon Lord absolutely surpasses any old Demon Lord."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "Senior Ke Luo, you can draw with him, to prove that Senior Luo has other means."

Senior Luo chuckled, "So the old man said, even if you reach the 99999 Dao and control the martial art, you are only the strength of the demon clan old demon sovereign."

"Compared with the old man, it's far behind."

"Humph." Xiao Yi smiled triumphantly, "Then I will directly cross the Holy Venerable Realm and hit the Holy Monarch Realm."

"At that time, I could defeat Senior Luo you."

Senior Luo smiled and said nothing.

"What are you going to do next? Do you just start practicing?" Senior Luo looked at Xiao Yi and asked.

"You are still far from the cultivation base that impacts the Saint Monarch Realm."

"There is a dilemma when attacking the Saint Realm."

"One, learn and control more complete martial arts along the way, reaching 100,000."

"This is actually a test in the territory of the Lord. The martial arts are vast. It is difficult for you to find a complete martial arts suitable for you. There are 100,000 martial arts."

"Second, afterwards, it is the fusion of martial arts, but the refinement of the fusion martial arts."

"This is a test of the Holy Venerable Realm between the King Realm."

"A whole hundred thousand complete martial arts, how to filter out the martial arts that are compatible with each other; and after screening, you have to consider how to integrate."

Senior Luo looked at Xiao Yi directly, "These two points are the test that traps all the peak martial artists of the Saint Venerable Realm entering the Sovereign Realm."

"It is not easy for me to point you."

"In the past two months, how much you can improve depends on your own talent."

"No." Xiao Yi smiled suddenly, "I can practice by myself."

"In addition, I want to ask Senior Luo for something."

"What is it?" Senior Luo frowned and asked in confusion.

"This is the first time your kid asks the old man for a baby."

"Go ahead, what."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Golden Light Relic."

The relics of the Eighteen Houses had always been on him; but after thinking about it, it was a hot potato after all, so Xiao Yi simply returned them to the eight main hall masters for safekeeping.

The golden relic is in the hands of Senior Luo.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yi specifically sought out Senior Luo's doubts about martial arts.

One is that Senior Luo is indeed more suitable for solving his doubts, and the other is that the Golden Relic is in the hands of Senior Luo.

"Golden Light Relic?" Senior Luo frowned, "Do you want to cultivate Jinruo martial arts?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

Senior Luo squinted his eyes and nodded for a while, "It's up to you, this is your own choice."


A light flashed in Senior Luo's hand, and the golden relic came out of thin air.

Xiao Yi took it and smiled.

"Next, I will directly comprehend the practice here."

After Xiao Yi said, he directly sat down cross-legged.

Senior Luo nodded, stopped speaking, turned and left.

Behind him, Xiao Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Senior Luo."

"If I step into the monarchy, I think, I am qualified to know those secrets."

Senior Luo's footsteps suddenly stagnated, without turning around, but turning back slowly, "Yes."

"This is the real purpose you came to find me." Senior Luo squinted.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "You let me grow, and I will show you growth."

Senior Luo Panasonic's eyes, chuckled, silently, turning his head, his figure drifting away.


Xiao Yi had closed his eyes cross-legged and began to practice.

Outside the cliff, halfway up the mountain.

Senior Luo squinted, his eyes were cold.

Around, a group of figures appeared out of thin air.

"Block this area." Senior Luo said coldly, "Before he leaves the customs, the old man does not allow any living creature to disturb him."

"Master." Ghost Sha City Lord frowned, "After all, this is the area of ​​the Dongfang Family Mansion..."

"It's mine now." Senior Luo said indifferently.

When the voice fell, Senior Luo walked away.

In the same place, the six evil spirits of the Black Demon and the retreat masters of the Black Demon Hall commanded their orders with respect.


On the cliff.

Xiao Yi clasped the golden light relic in one hand, closing his eyes to perceive.

"It turns out that this is the Golden Rule." Xiao Yi said inwardly.


One month later.

The top of the mountain.

On the edge of the cliff, a touch of golden light was born.

The whole mountain seems to be contained in a golden light.

The edge of the mountain cliff.

A proud figure bathed in golden light, slowly got up.

"Jin Ruo's Law, it's done."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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