Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2873: The wealth of the demon dragon ancestor

The ability to control the dragon flame comes from controlling the fire beast.

The Fire Control Beast has now performed another Wuhun awakening, and its ability has greatly increased.

Xiao Yi clearly felt that not only had his ability to control Long Yan become stronger, but his ability to control fire in the past was even stronger.

Needless to say, the fire control specialization of the fire control beast.

And this dragon flame, in the past, could only condense a trace at most, and could not be used for combat at all.


Xiao Yi tried it and felt the fire wings.

"The intensity is not enough." Xiao Yi frowned.

If used for a large-scale battle, the dragon flames that condensed the flames would collapse instantly.

But if it is used for condensing wing flight, there is no problem.

And the one just now.

He didn't use much energy at all just now, but simply used the control fire beast to increase its amplitude, and the small world control fire beast moved a pair of small meat wings slightly.

When the fire wing shook, a storm was raised instantly.

This was just a simple shaking of the wings, without real means and corresponding force.

Xiao Yi moved, his figure flashed.

"Fast speed." Xiao Yi was startled.

Great distance, spanned in an instant.

With his strength, instantly spanning a long distance, he could have done it.

But the span just now was faster than an instant.

If he didn't feel wrong, he could fly faster than Longyu Ice Falcon based on his ability to guard against wind alone.

In other words, the last time he escaped from the Demon Realm, he had to rely on the Dragon Feather Falcon.

This time, I'm afraid I can do it just by flying the wings, and it will be easy.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Phew...There seems to be a whistling in the ear.

That is the wind.

Whirring whirring…

The wind is continuous and dense.

An invisible breeze suddenly gathered around Xiao Yi.

At this moment, he seemed to feel the air current and wind power of the entire demon domain.

He even felt that with a single thought, he could control all the winds in the entire demon domain.

"What a terrible ability to guard against wind." Xiao Yi squinted.

"The Fire Control Beast, how could it awaken this level of ability."

Xiao Yi frowned, thought for a while and still had no answer, so he stopped thinking about it.

With a movement, he returned to the corpse of the ancestor Demon Dragon.

On the huge finger of the ancestor Yaolong, he wore a ring of heaven and earth.

Xiao Yi accepted it.

The most important purpose of coming to Zulong Cave this time is the three-pointed soul.

Now, one-third of the heavenly soul is in hand.

Oneself, is one's own harvest.

The cultivation base broke through the first level and reached the seventh level of the Holy Venerable Realm.

The fire control beast carried out another martial soul awakening, and the fire control ability was greatly increased.

When the Black Flame controlled by the Black Dragon clan is in hand, his seventh powerful flame can also be considered.

The most surprising thing is this terrifying ability to guard against wind.

These are all changes in oneself, a substantial improvement, a leap.

Next, only to these foreign objects.

Such as this huge universe ring belonging to the ancestor of the monster dragon.

Xiao Yi just wanted to investigate.


Outside the Zulong Cave, three figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Three torrents of surging weather blew upon his face in an instant.

"Liuheng Demon Lord, Old Demon Lord Mad Lion, and Old Demon Lord Giant Elephant?" Xiao Yi's expression was startled.

"Li?" The three were equally surprised.

"Not good." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

Whoosh... It was too late to collect the black dragon corpse, and the figure instantly disappeared in place.

Although he is extremely confident in the ability of the fire-controlling beast to protect against the wind, it is safer to move away instantly with the Ice Venerable Palace in order to avoid accidents.

"Li." Mad Lion Old Demon Zun looked anxious and exclaimed.

However, there was no response in Zulong Cave.

Xiao Yi's figure has disappeared out of thin air.

"Leave again." The old demon lion's face was gray, and he seemed to be frustrated all of a sudden, and he became a lot older all of a sudden.

Liuheng Demon Lord sighed slightly, but his eyes suddenly noticed the corpse of the black dragon that had shrivelled.

"Demon Long Ancestor?" Liuheng Demon Lord was shocked.

"Is it the corpse of the demon dragon ancestor?" The giant elephant, the demon ancestor, also reacted.


Three figures flickered to the corpse in an instant.

"It's really the corpse of the ancestor of the demon dragon." Liuheng Demon Lord's expression changed.

"My mind is lost, my spiritual sense is broken."

"It's because the lifespan is exhausted and died."

The giant elephant old demon said in shock, "If the old man remembers correctly, the demon dragon ancestor has at least one hundred years of life, so how could he suddenly run out of life..."

The giant elephant old demon squinted his eyes, "Is that kid killed?"

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

Not long.


Qianjun Demon Venerable and Mang Star Demon Venerable also came to Zulong Cave.

"The ancestor of the demon dragon..." The faces of the demon veterans changed greatly.

Liuheng Demon Lord frowned and looked at the giant elephant Old Demon Lord, "What's the matter with the Yinli clan?"

The giant elephant Old Demon Venerable nodded, "According to the Demon Venerable, I asked the guys from the Yinli Clan, saying that Chilong and Zichen old demon Venerable had caught, the Hallmaster Xiao Yi, again Brought to Zulong Cave."

Liuheng Demon Lord frowned, "Where is Chilong?"

The giant elephant Old Demon Sovereign shook his head, "The two of them just took Xiao Yi into the Ancestral Dragon Cave, and left with six ghosts and monsters. They are now missing."

The old mad lion demon sneered, "With just a small amount of Chilong and the old Zichen wolf, they want to catch Li Xiaozi? Are they dreaming."

Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant frowned, "It is true."

"A member of the Yinli tribe and the elders of the Yinli, all saw with their own eyes Old Demon Zun Zichen and Chilong taking Xiao Yi into the Zulong Cave."

"Later, I don't know what happened."

Liuheng Demon Lord squinted, "In other words, Xiao Yi was deliberately caught in the Ancestral Dragon Cave. After that, the ancestor of the Demon Dragon suddenly ran out of life and fell."

"In that short time, what happened on earth?"


The figure of Xiao Yi suddenly appeared in the ice palace, on the third floor of the ice statue.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

His current combat strength, but he still doesn't have the ability to call the demon king level.

The purpose of sneaking into the demon realm this time was only one-third of the heavenly soul.

Now that one-third of the heavenly soul is in his hands, there is no need for him to take other risks.

Directly move back to Fengxue Nether Road with the Bing Zun Temple, and then rush back to the defense line from the Ice Imperial Palace, which is not too far away.

It's eighteen martial arts relics, which will not be recovered in the future.

He was in Zulong Cave, in fact, he didn't delay any time, he just probably felt the change of Fire Controlling Beast.

It's just that the Demon Lord and a few old Demon Venerables would suddenly arrive.

Now sneaking back to get it back is obviously not a good choice.

However, he had arranged the eighteen martial arts relics long ago, and even the ancestor of the demon dragon hadn't found it before, let alone others.

So don’t worry.

Moreover, the eighteen martial arts relics have been arranged into a large formation. Without his mind, the large formation could not be activated at all, and the martial arts relics could not be easily taken away.

"Fine, let's do it later." Xiao Yi didn't think much about it.

In his hand, take out that huge universe ring.

The ancestors of the demon dragon have gained countless years, and their wealth is here.

What's in it?


Third more.

Update today, over.

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