Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2975: Torrent

One by one Patriarch, one by one hundred experts, uttered anger and anger lingered.

However, in the clamor of anger, no one took the lead.

Shui Ninghan glanced at the people and sneered, "I'm expecting you to fight back, at least, to make me look up."

The voice fell, but no one answered.

Shui Ninghan sneered more and more, "The previous hundred schools are indeed powerful and indeed proud."

"It didn't take long to open in the early days of ancient times, and there was a hundred schools of thought."

"Each of your ancestors at least managed to dominate the mainland in those years, found a family, and Megatron mainland."

"The Hundred Schools at that time supported the splendor of the entire ancient martial arts."

"But today's Baijia is vulnerable."

Shui Ninghan smiled coldly, "You are indeed coming to the demon realm defense line with a mortal heart."

"Yes, the eight palaces are the first in the battle to change the sky, you have a fluke after all."

"Now, you alone, you don't even have the courage to be the first bird."

"I said, today's hundreds of families are basically mobs."

Shui Ninghan's words fell, sentence by sentence, constantly impacting the psychological defense of the hundreds of powerhouses present.

Patriarch Meng suddenly yelled, "If the hundreds of families are really mobs, why should the water girl spend so much time and effort to make me surrender?"

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "If you can gather sand to form a tower, a hundred families have leaders, it is indeed strong, and even the power of two halls."

"If you don't surrender to me, you will just loose the sand, a mob."

"My words are true or not, Meng Patriarch can judge by himself."

The host of Meng's hometown stagnated.

Patriarch Su took his hand, "Ms. Water has no time."

"This is the western region, the power of the Eastern family."

"There is such a big movement here, and the momentum erupts at or above the Saint Venerable Realm. The Dongfang Family must have noticed it."

"Miss Water is going now, maybe it's still too late."

"Hahahaha." Shui Ninghan was taken aback first, then laughed a few times.

"Old Patriarch Su, still want to move to the East to suppress me?"

"Why, do you think of Dongfangjia now?"

"As far as I know, your hundred elites are in the Dongfang family, but you are on the side of Xiao Yi and mocking the Dongfang family."

"With the grievances between Xiao Yi and Dongfang Family today, do you think Dongfang Family will take care of you?"

Patriarch Su's face suddenly changed.

The hatred between Xiao Yi and the Dongfang family is known to everyone in the hundreds of families present.

Dongfang Qilin died, and the Dongfang family was already burning with anger.

Xiao Yi first made a noise in the mourning hall, then destroyed the monument and dismantled the coffin, and finally killed people directly, even the old Eastern Patriarch was seriously injured.

With such a feud, the Hundreds of Families are clearly on the side of Xiao Yi, the Dongfang Family, will they care about them?

"I said." Shui Ning smiled coldly, "The things that you do sinful and wrong are to believe in the wrong person and make the wrong decision."

"Now, you might as well hope that Xiao Yi will come to rescue you."

"Oh, the little girl has forgotten." Shui Ninghan jokingly smiled, "The Hallmaster Xiao Yi has already patted his **** and left. Now, he is at ease and travels around."

"And wherever he can manage the life and death of your abandoned children, wherever he has the mind to manage."

"Time, it's almost time again." Shui Ninghan sneered playfully.

"Hundreds of families have fallen into such a field today."

"Back then, your ancestors believed in Eight Temples, what did they get in return?"

"With a call from the Eight Halls, a hundred powerful people came out, but what they got was abandoned, never returned, and the whole army was wiped out."

"Because of this, Fang caused you to hide from a hundred families for millions of years. The peak powerhouses have completely faulted.

"Also with the dignity of your hundreds of families today, you can't do anything just to contain the flaws by me."

"Even if you have a pinnacle powerhouse, you won't face the disaster of extinction now."

Shui Ning said in a cold voice, "Today, is there still a step in the footsteps of the ancestors? Still believe in Eight Palaces?"

The warriors of a hundred families were silent, with different expressions.

They are inherited from hundreds of families, ancient and strong.

Any one of their hundreds of martial artists can look down upon other martial artists of the same level, and their combat power is extraordinary.

Together with hundreds of families, they can even take part in the Battle of Changing the Sky, and they can defeat the fifty kingdoms and countless powerful demon clan families in addition to the ten major demon races.

They can even use the technique of combined strikes to dedicate the power of a family and have the power to kill the demon lord or more.

However, all of the hundreds of methods have been broken.

With their pure strength in cultivation, they couldn't even beat the young woman in front of them.

"The time is up, have you decided?" Shui Ninghan's gloomy voice resounded through the audience.

Baijia, no one answered.

Patriarch Su took a step forward, "We believe in the Eight Halls, not only because we believe in the Hallmaster Xiao Yi, but not only because he rescued our hundred Tianjiao."

"More importantly, we have always believed in our ancestors, we didn't make the wrong decision back then, we didn't believe in the wrong person."

"Today, the same is true."

Upon hearing this, Shui Ninghan's face was completely gloomy and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Stubborn, ten thousand ways."

Shui Ning gave a cold drink.

On the side, the old man nodded, "Yes, Miss Water."

"You are looking for death by yourself, and you can't blame others." The old man smirked, and burst out loudly.

A hundred martial artists, Qi Qi was shocked.

They could already feel the terrible power lingering in the air.

At this moment, there was a big shout.


In the distance, a burly figure, dressed in white, came quickly.

Before the person arrived, a violent palm wind had already blasted the old man violently and domineeringly.

The old man's face changed suddenly.

Before the palm of the hand, his momentum has been suppressed.

This proves that the man is better than him, and he is more than one.

In the western region, there is only one person with this strength.

"The East is wild." The old man narrowed his eyes.

Boom...a loud sound.

In the distance, a white streamer fell instantaneously, standing firmly in front of the top 100, facing the old man.

"Gufu?" Dongfang Kuanglan looked at the old man with disdain, and then fixed his gaze on the woman beside the old man.

"Water girl?"

Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold, "Old Eastern Patriarch, want to take care of my business?"

In the beautiful eyes, there is a forceful face, looking directly at the eastern storm.

Hush... far away, there was a cry.

Afterwards, there was a series of intensive pedaling sounds, shaking the earth.

In the distance, led by a blue thunder light.

That is a monster beast, like a horse but not a horse, a bit taller than a normal horse, with blue flames on its feet.

That is the Lei Yan beast of the Dongfang family.

Behind him, there was a mighty and powerful team, coming in an impact.

From a distance, it looked like a huge white torrent.

"The white torrent of the Dongfang family?" Shui Ninghan's face was cold.


But after a few breaths, five Lei Yan beasts took the lead and fell behind the hundred martial artists.

Teams of elites from the East immediately surrounded the surroundings and pointed their swords.


Second more.

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