Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2980: Minister of Steward, Meteor

Inner house, back hall.

Xiao Yi and Yiyi sat down while the butler offered hot tea, then respectfully stepped aside.

"Xiao...Young Master Xiao Yi." The housekeeper shuddered.

" never thought that you would really come to the banquet in your current status."

" my Ye family didn't prepare beforehand."

Even though Xiao Yi had already said that there was no need to be cautious, the housekeeper was still trembling and stammering.

Perhaps this is the natural respect of the subordinate to the superior.

Or maybe, this is a natural fear of the strong.

After all, Xiao Yi is now not only the master of the Eight Halls, but also his cultivation base is in the Ninth Stage of the Saint Realm.

"Man...Palace Lord, he is still in retreat." The housekeeper swallowed.

"Ben... it should have been around noon before the banquet started."

"But... you need the old slave to report to the palace lord now..."

"Oh, no need." Xiao Yi waved and interrupted, "Since Palace Master Ye is in retreat, there is no need to bother."

"Today is your Hundred Days Banquet of the Little Palace Master in Ye Sheng Mansion. He is the protagonist, don't care about me."

The housekeeper shuddered in shock, "The main hall master is serious."

"The old slave calls the young grandmother, the main hall master waits a moment."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The butler quickly retreated like an amnesty.

"Hey." Xiao Yi sighed lightly, shook his head slightly, and took a teacup from the sidelines.

On the opposite seat, Gongsun Huowu has been inexplicable since the beginning, he has stopped talking, and seemed to be bulging.

At this time, the housekeeper left, Gongsun Huowu stood up suddenly and looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"You, you...when did you get married?" Gongsun Huowu hesitated for a moment, as if he had gathered courage, the words poured out.

Xiao Yi glanced, and said lightly, "Not yet married, but soon."

"Not yet?" Gongsun Huowu's beautiful eyes were joyful, and he was relieved suddenly in a puffed form.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to pay attention, bowed his head and took a sip of the hot tea. Just after taking a sip, he frowned slightly and put down the cup.

Yiyi chuckled, her bare hand flashed, and a little powder was gently poured into the tea.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and smiled, "I have you serving these days, but I'm spooky."

"In the past, everything I drank was the same. Now, drinking this fine tea from Ye Shengfu is still like chewing wax."

Xiao Yi picked up the teacup again, sniffed it lightly, and instantly loosened his brows and drank openly.

"The morning light and moon leaves of the Holy Moon Sect are one of the rare natural materials and treasures, with a pleasant fragrance, but extremely tough."

"Just as careful as you are, finely grind it into powder, and bring it to me anytime."

Yiyi Yingying smiled, "You're fine if you like it."

Gongsun Huowu stared sharply, "You lie to me? If she is your fiancee, how can she call your son?"

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at Gongsun Huowu, "It's up to you."

"You..." Gongsun Huowu was anxious, "Little thief, you are as boring as before."

"Huh." Gongsun Huowu stomped angrily and sat down.

Although he snorted angrily, but on his face, he was no longer so anxious and solemn. On the contrary, he raised his eyebrows a little bit of joy, and thought secretly, "It's fine if I'm not married."

At this time, outside the door of the inner hall, a beautiful figure paced slowly.

It is Gu Lianxing.

On the side, the butler said respectfully, "Young grandma greets old friends, and old slaves will not disturb."

"There are still many guests in the outer hall, and the old slave is busy."

"Go." Gu Lianxing nodded, stepped slowly into the inner hall, and then sat on top of the chief.

Xiao Yi glanced, chuckled, "Lian Xing girl, long time no see."

Compared with the old Gu Lianxing, today's Gu Lianxing has faded away from childishness, and replaced by a touch of grace, maturity and tranquility.

"Master Xiao Yi...cough cough." Gu Lianxing got up and saluted, but coughed weakly.

"Girl Lianxing doesn't have to be polite." Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, frowning and asked, "I'm frankly, I am a good alchemist."

"The girl from Lianxing just came here, she seems to be walking slowly, but in my eyes it is floating."

"Girl Lianxing's breath is extremely weak."

"But based on my perception and judgment, Lianxing Girl seems to be unharmed, but the patient was not healed yet?"

In Xiao Yi's perception, Gu Lianxing is still as weak as he was before, as weak as a serious illness, inexplicably weak.

Gu Lianxing snorted and sat down slowly, "I didn't expect that Young Master Xiao Yi, an old friend, would still care about Lianxing."

"At the funeral of Brother Ye, I didn't see Young Master Xiao Yi coming."

"Of course, Lian Xing knows that Young Master Xiao Yi is the master of the Eight Palaces, and he is too busy to care about us poor friends."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Girl Lianxing misunderstood."

"No misunderstanding." Gu Lianxing sneered and shook his head.

"Noble personnel are busy, and there is a difference between inferiority and inferiority, how dare you make a life and death friend."

Xiao Yi frowned tighter, "Lian Xing girl is weak, I won't argue with you."

"If the patient did not get well back then, you might as well show me."

"With my medicine refining skills today, it is far better than when I treated Girl Lianxing..."

"No need, cough cough." Gu Lianxing waved his hand and interrupted, "Lian Xing's illness has already recovered."

"It's just a little weak and weak. With this little problem, I don't dare to bother you, the number one pharmacist on the mainland today."

Xiao Yi's face was calm, and she shook her head lightly.

The atmosphere, silent, slightly awkward.

On the opposite seat, Gongsun Huowu hurriedly said, "Little thief, Lian Xing's illness has been cured long ago."

"It's just..." Gongsun Huowu hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's just that Ye Liu is dead. These days, Lian Xing has been mourning day and night, and she has become sick."

"A few months ago, I was weak again, gave birth to a small meteor, and became weaker and weaker. I didn't have a good rest. I still feel sad day and night."

Xiao Yi nodded and looked at Gu Lianxing, "Although Lianxing girl is a warrior, she is depressed day by day and sad every night, destined to damage her internal organs and herself."

"After the woman's trial, even the martial artist will be very weak for a while."

"Girl Lianxing, you keep accumulating weaknesses, if you don't take care of it, I'm afraid..."

"Nothing, Young Master Xiao Yi bothered." Gu Lianxing interrupted coldly.

At this time, a handmaid walked quickly from outside the inner hall, and the cry of infants continued to be heard.

"Young grandma, the little palace master..." The maid looked anxious, but looked at Xiao Yi in the inner hall with fear again.

She didn't know who the young man sitting there was.

But she knew that the butler had ordered that it was someone that the entire Ye Sheng Mansion could not afford.

This handsome brother, even the frail young grandmother, needs to come and entertain him immediately.

"Meteor." Gu Lianxing hurriedly got up and walked quickly to the handmaid to report the crying baby.

"Meteor, don't cry."

This weak woman was obviously a girl, but for a moment she picked up the baby, she was a mature mother.

Holding the baby calmly against the weak and vain footsteps.

But that pale and bloodless face was actually full of exhaustion.

"Sigh." Xiao Yi sighed lightly.

"Little thief." Gongsun Huowu looked at Xiao Yi with a pleading expression.

"Back then, not long after you traveled abroad, Lian Xing was pregnant..."

"Hey, hello." Xiao Yi was startled, "Don't talk nonsense, what does it mean that Miss Lianxing became pregnant soon after I traveled abroad?"


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