Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3001: Reasons for revenge

"Kill you? Don't you think I dare?" Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

"But in no hurry."

Xiao Yi waved a big hand.

Gu Tao's body fell heavily from high altitude.

Bang... the figure fell on the huge wall of the Ice Palace.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi arrived in an instant.

"See the palace lord." The four guardians, the elders of the Ice Palace and the warriors who can still move in the palace, saluted together.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and a stream of pure vitality filled the entire Ice Palace.

"No need to be polite." Xiao Yi said softly.

"Heal the injuries first and see the casualties."

"Palace Master." Lu Long frowned, "You can endure the battle, don't waste your pure energy to help us heal our wounds."

"It's okay." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Although the four of you are seriously injured, they are not in danger of death."

"Quickly go and heal the injuries of the warriors in the Ice Palace. If there are those who are too severe to be healed, bring them to me."

"Yes." The four guardians led away.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand again, and pills of pills swayed like a tide.

"Take the pill first to temporarily suppress the injury."

"However, this is just a simple healing medicine. Although it is of high grade, it also has the effect of strengthening the foundation and strengthening the vitality. However, those injuries caused by the huge counter-shock and the flame burn are different. They need to be treated separately."

In the ice palace, there are also good alchemists who lead their orders.

For a time, the huge ice palace was busy in a mess, but there was no mess.

This is the power of the Ice Palace.

The overall quality of the Warriors in the Ice Palace even surpassed that of any force in the world.

Warriors are all strong, and all have good methods.

What the Ice Palace lacks is only the most top-notch powerhouse in the world.


After an entire hour.

The four guardians flashed back.

"Report to the palace lord." Xia Yifeng's expression was grim, "More than 90% of the warriors in the palace have stabilized their injuries, and there is no danger of life, and they can slowly recover after a little recuperation."

"The rest, then..."

The Ice Guardian looked sad, "There are hundreds of warriors in the palace, we have not yet started treatment, it is already a corpse."

Xiao Yi nodded. He had already noticed the neatly laid corpses on the Ice Palace Square.

The corpses were all covered with flame scorch marks, and the corpses were not half cold but full of residual heat.

In other words, these warriors were roasted alive.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

"I am late, sorry."

"The palace owner is serious." The four guardians, a group of Ice Palace elders, knelt down.

"It's me who waits for nothing."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Eight Sects, if you can't compete, it has nothing to do with you."

"Since I have inherited the lineage of Bingzun, I have an obligation to protect you."

"At the beginning of Fengxue Nether Road, I also promised Senior Ice Venerable."

"Tell me, what's going on." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"When I clarified the matter, I went to the Ancient Realm Sect to discuss an explanation."

Xiao Yi glanced coldly at Gu Tao, who was **** by fetters.

"Xiao Yi, Ice Palace." Gu Tao struggled, grinning, "A catastrophe is imminent without knowing it..."

"Don't bother." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"That's a special chain made by my Eight Palaces, the ancient giant monster, the strong monarch, once locked, never want to break free."

"Not to mention that you are now extremely injured and completely useless."

"Humph." Gu Tao stopped struggling, "My lord, I will see you, the Lord of the Eight Palaces, let my lord leave."

"Find someone to look at him." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"He speaks more, then palms his mouth, and then cuts a piece of meat from him until he is willing to be honest."

"Yes." The Ice Guardian replied bitterly and ordered an elder.

"Talk about it." Xiao Yi looked at the four guardians, "what's going on."

"As far as I know, Bing Zun's line has always been low-key, how can it suddenly provoke the ancient realm sect guy."

Bing Zun's line only walks in the northern snow mountain range, and does not go out at all.

This is also the reason why Xia Yifeng uttered the phrase "in the ice, we also need sunshine." Using his Xiao Yi as an opportunity, he led Bing Zun to the world.

But so far, Bing Zun's line has only appeared in the battle of changing the sky, and then each returned to the Ice Palace.

"The palace master doesn't know?" Xia Yifeng's face was puzzled.

"Should I know?" Xiao Yi asked back.

"Palace Master calms down his anger." Xia Yifeng's expression changed.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I'm not angry, just say it."

Xia Yifeng nodded, "Half a month ago, our Bing Zun line and the Hundred Hidden Clan teams left their respective Dongfang homes."

"But at the edge of the western area, I suddenly ambushed the water girl and the remnants of Lingyan Pavilion."

"Hundreds of families were almost killed and injured, but fortunately, the old patriarch of the Dongfang family arrived in time to resolve the crisis."

"Slowly." Xiao Yi frowned. "Half a month ago, when the Hidden Family of Hundreds evacuated the Dongfang home, they were ambushed?"

"I do not know how?"

Xia Yifeng shook his head, "Then I don't know."

"Or the palace lord, you are traveling, so..."

Xiao Yi shook his head and interrupted, "Badian's intelligence will not know about these important events, but no one came to me."

"The Eight Halls are hiding from me?"

Xia Yifeng guessed, "Perhaps in the eyes of Badian, this is not a big deal, so I don't want to disturb the palace lord's travels?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, silent, thinking.

After a long while, Xiao Yi said again, "What happens after that? Also, that girl from Water? The one from Shuiguang Mansion?"

Lu Long took the lead, "At that time, the four guardians of my Ice Palace caught a strong man next to Girl Shui and besieged her."

"That's just a powerhouse at the demon-sovereign level."

Xia Yifeng answered, "This person is called Gufu."

"Gu Fu?" Xiao Yi wondered, "Who?"

Xia Yifeng replied, "It is the older brother of Gu Xu who was previously captured by the Saintess in the demon realm defense line."

"I know these two people, and I also know these two people."

"They are..."

Xia Yifeng's face was cold, and he glanced at Gu Tao, "It's the people of their Ancient Realm Sect."

"These two people are not strong, but they are not low in the ancient realm sect."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Just because of this, the Ancient Realm Sect is here to retaliate?"

"No." Xia Yifeng shook his head, "The fuse was that Yiming severely injured the water girl, and even almost killed it."

"After Yiming and even put down the cruel words, the whole world will hunt and kill her."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Heh, with Yiming's cold character, if you let this cruel remark, it proves that the water girl must have said bad things about me."

Xia Yifeng smiled, "The palace lord really understands Yiming."

"So it's because of this?" Xiao Yi asked questioningly, "If the water is cold, can the Ancient Realm Sect stand for her like this?"

Xia Yifeng's face condensed, "This is not something we can know."

"But I used to walk in the hidden world, and I also knew some secrets."

"As far as I know, this water girl somehow has a very close relationship with Bazong."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "I understand."

"Just because Yiming seriously injured the water girl, and even announced that she would chase and kill her in the future, it incurred Ancient Realm Sect's revenge."

Xiao Yi slowly turned around and looked straight at Gu Tao.

"Yi Ming severely injured Girl Shui, would you kill my Bingzun line?"

"good very good."

Xiao Yi's tone was suddenly cold.

"Where is Yiming today?" Xiao Yi suddenly asked.

It seems that he hasn't seen Xia Yiming so far.

"This..." The four guardians of the Ice Palace stopped talking.

Xia Yifeng's face was ugly.

"What?" Xiao Yi's heart burst.

"Say." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Xia Yifeng gritted his teeth, "One day, Yiming was captured by the Ancient Realm Sect."


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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