Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3019: In the world, there is only choice

Xiao Yi looked directly at Xia Yiming.

Xia Yiming didn't dare to look at Xiao Yi's gaze, only lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"I woke up in a coma, only to see the palace lord with injuries."

"This is the first time I have seen a young Tianjiao who can beat the palace lord you."

"Yiming feels that there are countless evildoers in this world, and Yiming is extremely useless."

"Yi Ming even felt that even if he tried thousands of times, he would never be able to catch up with these evildoers."

For Xia Yiming, such a cold, arrogant and confident evildoer, these extreme frustrations and powerlessness were enough to defeat him.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Gu Yi, he is really strong."

"Even I can't say that I will win him."

"Although I was fighting with injuries, in fact, even when I was in full bloom, I was afraid that I could only fight him at best."

"I may have the upper hand, but defeating him is extremely difficult."

Xia Yiming shook his head with a serious expression, "The palace lord is different, and the palace lord will be able to surpass him in a very short time and easily defeat him."

At this moment, Xia Yiming's eyes were full of confidence.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "You can be so confident in me, why can't you believe in yourself?"

"You can have such confidence in me, is it really useless for my followers that Xiao Yi recognizes?"

Xia Yiming was silent for the first time.

Xiao Yi patted Xia Yiming on the shoulder.

"I already know about the edge of the western area."

"I also know that Su Cheng, Murong Lingyun and Meng Piao Piao, who fought hard against Shui Shui girl."

"Although the three of them lost to the water girl, you beat the water girl."

"But in your opinion, your victory girl is just because you ignored her dreams, and your combat power is not as good as the Su Cheng trio."

"They can easily break out the power of the Demon Lord, and you, obviously, work harder and better than them, but your anti-war power is far inferior to them."

"They seem to be able to easily surpass you with any practice, so you feel powerless and frustrated, right?"

"For this reason, you even left again within a few days after returning to the Ice Palace, eager to chase and kill the water girl to prove yourself."

Xiao Yi paused.

"They can beat you, you can still accept it."

"Until today, this Gu Yi can even beat me and hurt me."

"You, who have always targeted me, feel extremely frustrated."

"These incredible evildoers finally defeated your self-confidence and made you even doubt yourself."

Xiao Yi didn't mean anything, but he stabbed Xia Yiming's mind time and time again.

Xia Yiming said nothing, there was no more light in his eyes.

"Yi Ming." Xiao Yi's tone was still very light.

"Tell me, what is going on under this world?"

Although Xia Yiming's eyes were dim, he subconsciously raised his head and answered Xiao Yi, "Everything is dangerous."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Then tell me, is there fairness in this world?"

"Some creatures are born with dignity, and without tempering they have monstrous strength."

"Some creatures are worrisome day by day, for fear that they will die on the spot in the next second."

"In this world, there has never been fairness."

Xiao Yi increased his tone a little, "Take the monster race, like the top ten monster races."

"They are born with that strong blood, are born high, and are born stronger."

"So they are a demon-sovereign and an old demon-sovereign. Although they are only at the peak of the holy-sovereign realm, they are almost invincible at this level.

"Even if it is the peak powers of the Saint Venerable Realm of the Ancient Realm Sect, they have powerful inheritance and methods, but they are by no means their opponents when fighting alone."

"This is the power of the Yaozu bloodline."

"Take Terran Tianjiao for example."

"The water girl is actually not strong, and her cultivation may not be as good as you."

"But she can play countless evildoers in her hands, because she has the inheritance of one of the eighteen sages, Shuijun, and is the most outstanding inheritance evildoer in the history of Shuiguang Mansion."

"She also has the Liuli Magic Mask, which ranks third in the Divine Weapon Tree. She has been in control of the Liuli Magic Mask since she was a child, and the Liuli Magic Mask has become her sacred weapon."

"So even my second-ranked dawn bell is not as effective as her glazed magic mask."

"Murong Lingyun is strong and able to explode the power of Demon Venerable, because his seven kills sword is really powerful."

"Seven Kills Sword, although only ranked fifth, but at that time he took the risk of playing the power of the seventh kill, which was the last kill of the Seven Kills Sword, the strongest power."

"If this kind of ancient magic weapon can exert the ultimate power of the magic weapon itself, the strength cannot be weak."

"If he can step into the monarch realm in the future and completely control the seven kills, he might be like cutting melons and vegetables."

"Then why Su Cheng is strong, I don't have to say any more. The ancient **** weapon was ranked first in the spectrum, and he has the ability to guard against the sky."

Xiao Yi looked at Xia Yiming earnestly, "It doesn't matter whether Miss Shui, or Murong Lingyun or Su Cheng, their lives are better."

"They can awaken these ancient spirits."

"They have their own Taoism."

"Simply put, God is watching them."

"The Yanlong Continent has always relied on the martial artist's martial arts soul and Taoist body to measure a martial artist's talent and future martial arts achievements."

"This kind of measurement has existed for countless years, and naturally has its truth and accuracy."

"God, taking care of them, and let them be born into a very powerful force, so that they can cultivate resources without worry, and the road to martial arts is smooth."

"The advantages they are born with allow them to easily surpass other Tianjiao who work harder."

Xiao Yi sneered, "In this world, there has never been fairness, only choices."

"This world has always been cruel, but..."

Xiao Yi paused, "The sky is inexhaustible and the road to man, God, has always given every creature a chance."

"A long time ago, I told you that there are no useless martial arts in this world, only useless martial artists."

"I am just controlling the fire beast spirit, but I have come to today."

"The difference and inferiority in the spirit of martial arts, God gave the existence of the golden spirit of martial arts."

"As long as you work hard, no matter how ordinary golden martial souls are, they can easily surpass these legendary martial souls."

"This is a glimmer of life given by the world. Although it is difficult, it does not exist."

"The Dao body and inheritance are not as good as that of Gu Yi, right? But God has given all kinds of opportunities."

"I've been almost impoverished along the way, but in terms of the treasure, I now have a stronger dawn bell; in terms of inheritance, I have the gifts of the ancient emperor's methods and the silver lion emperor."

"These opportunities, I have earned desperately, have become my confidence to level the martial arts, blood, Dao body and other heavenly attachments."

Xia Yiming's eyes regained a ray of light, "If my martial soul can become golden, I can bridge the gap between these martial souls."

"Then..." Xia Yiming gritted his teeth again, "If they also become golden spirits, will they get the chance first?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, "In fact, every point of what the warrior has experienced is an opportunity and a cornerstone."

"Golden Wuhun represents the perfect development of Wuhun, which is extremely difficult."

"What I have experienced will affect my inner toughness and many things."

"I'm very general." Xiao Yi paused.

"In short, as I said, God is unfair, but there is a silver lining."

"This line of life is where all these gaps are equalized."

"It's only oneself."

"So, in this world, there is only choice."

Xia Yiming's eyes completely regained their light, "The palace lord's words, although Yiming can't fully understand."

"But Yiming knows that as long as you work hard enough, you can close all these gaps. This is enough."

Xiao Yi chuckled and nodded.

The gap is big, it doesn't matter.

Despair and no more goals are the fatal blow.

"Sit down." Xiao Yi commanded, and he got up and walked slowly towards the Master Palace Master Shura on the edge of the cliff.


On the edge of the cliff, the Master Palace Master Shura chuckled, "I figured it out?"

"That said, rather than telling Xia Yiming, you should tell yourself."

"Of course, you can figure it out, very good."

"What a shit." Xiao Yi curled his lips. "That's just a comforting cry from me. Of course, the reason is that."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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