Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3081: Strangers today

Xiao Yi smiled.

"To be precise, it was your opponent who hid your strength."

The Sky Splitting Sword Sect back then was but the No. 1 Sword Sect in Beishan County.

And Liu Yanran, but the girl of heaven among the four great families of the royal capital, the martial goddess of the whole Yanwu Kingdom ranked top.

"Hmph." Liu Yanran angrily said, "You still thought I was heavy at that time."

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Yanran quickly reacted and said with concern, "Having been carrying me, are you tired?"

"My feet are no longer numb."

Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head, "With my strength, you won't be tired even if you carry a mountain on your back, let alone you?"

"Furthermore, now you are a little bit thinner and lighter than you were before."

Xiao Yi didn't let go, still carrying it on his back, walking slowly.

Liu Yanran smiled sweetly, her bare hands hugged tightly, and she gradually fell asleep in sweetness.

Want to come, she is very tired.

Those beautiful eyes that were crying and swollen had already made her tired and tired.

Now, on this warm back, she let go and fell asleep slowly.

Xiao Yi's face has always been very light.

Feeling the deep sleep of the beautiful shadow behind him, Xiao Yi chuckled, but in his smile, there was compassion and distress.


Time, I don't know how long has passed.

With a beautiful image on her back, she woke up slowly from her deep sleep.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Liu Yanran rubbed her distraught eyes.

But after smelling the familiar breath, looking at the man who was still carrying her, he quickly relieved his heart, full of joy.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Extremely tired, so I naturally fell asleep."

"Have you decided where to go?"

"Huh?" Liu Yanran was puzzled.

Xiao Yi joked, "It is impossible to wander around the endless Black Sea all the time."

"But I couldn't think of anything good for a while."

"You have been in the endless Black Sea for so long, I want to accompany you to see the better scenery in this world."

"Then..." Liu Yanran thought about it, "How about going to Tianfeng Kingdom?"

"I heard that there is the best place in our Eastern Region."

Liu Yanran looked forward to it.

Xiao Yi smiled, "No, the best place in the Eastern Region is in the Yanwu Kingdom."

"I haven't been to Tianfeng Kingdom, but I know everything."

"Within the kingdom, one side leans on the Tianjin Kingdom, so Tianfeng Kingdom is prosperous."

"On the other side, relying on the Bingwu Kingdom, the chilly aura over there just offsets the hot aura that the Heavenly Wind Kingdom should normally have."

"Therefore, Tianfeng Kingdom happens to be a place like spring all seasons, pleasant scenery, and flourishing business."

"It is indeed a very good place to play."

While talking, Xiao Yi put down Liu Yanran.

When she put it down, she held Qianying's hands tightly and smiled softly.

Liu Yanran bowed her head in shame.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, and the two rose into the sky.

In just one breath, he went out of the East China Sea Fortress.

At high altitude, Xiao Yi slowed down the flight speed specially.

The two of them slowly went to the sky, enjoying the scenery of the Eastern Region all the way to the Kingdom of Heavenly Wind.

However, for her, there is no beauty that can be compared to the man next to her.

She waited so hard for many years, but after all, she waited for today, the two of them, like a couple of gods, nestled in the sky, soaring into the world.

In the daytime, look at the endless blue sea and blue sky.

At night, watching the stars at night, there is a little fluorescence on the dark ground.

Late at night, the two fell from a high altitude.

Xiao Yi started a bonfire and sat cross-legged.

Qianying, nestled in her arms, fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Qianying woke up first, looked up, and the face of Junyi caught her eye first.

As yesterday, she was the first to see the vicissitudes of his eyebrows.

"He must have been very miserable all these years." Liu Yanran whispered to herself, with inexhaustible distress in her eyes, for fear of awakening the sleeping man.


For several days, both of them were like this.

Fly in the daytime, watch the stars at night, and rest in the middle of the night.

The flying speed is not fast, and you can travel leisurely.

Until the fifth day, the two came to Tianfeng Kingdom.

"Tianfeng Kingdom is here." Liu Yanran smiled.

Below, there is a breeze blowing land, although it is a mountain, it is a sea of ​​flowers.

The two fell, cuddling together, looking at the distant sky.

The breeze always makes people feel sleepy.

Qianying's eyes gradually became misty and a little sleepy.

"Are you sleepy?" The man asked meticulously.

"Sleepy, sleep for a while."

Qianying shook her head.

"Flying with me in the sky these days, you also let me sleep at night, you must be very tired."

Qianying smiled, talking, while kneeling on the ground, "You sleep for a while, rest."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I'm not tired."

"I said, with my strength, I won't be tired."

Xiao Yi still sat cross-legged, "You sleep, I will wake you up later at sunset."

"As far as I know, the sunset view of Tianfeng Kingdom is a feature of the Sixteen Kingdoms."

Liu Yanran frowned slightly, but still smiled and nodded. As before, she was resting on the man's lap, feeling the warmth, and fell asleep.


At night, the two watched the sunset.

Xiao Yi took off his robe and gently put it on Qianying.

Liu Yanran smiled sweetly, "Aren't you cold?"

Xiao Yi smiled, "How can I be cold with my strength."

After that, Xiao Yi got up and pointed to the distance, "There is a big city hundreds of miles ahead. We live in the big city today, so we don't need to rest outside."

Liu Yanran smiled, "It's all the same."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "At night, it will be cold after all."

"You have been in the endless Black Sea for many years, and your body will eventually be attacked by the cold breath, and it is hard to be affected by the night wind."

Listening to this soft voice of concern, Liu Yanran smiled sweetly and nodded.


In the middle of the night.

Inside the big city, in an inn.

In the room, the bed.

Xiao Yi still sat cross-legged, on the outside of the bed.

A slender hand came gently, gently wrapped around his waist, "Don't you want to change clothes?"

Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head, "I'm used to it."

"All these years, walking outside, I've always been like this."

"Then..." Liu Yanran asked, "Don't sleep?"

Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head, "I'm not sleepy. The same has been true over the years. I have forgotten how many years I haven't slept."

Liu Yanran frowned when she heard the words, a trace of loneliness flashed across her face.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, no longer cross-legged, "It's late at night, go to sleep."

"I hold you to sleep."

"Yeah." Liu Yanran just frowned and smiled with joy.

Xiao Yi no longer crossed his knees, lay down on his back, hugged the shadow in his arms, and fell asleep slowly.


The next day, early morning.

Tianfeng Kingdom is a county.

Two people, walk comfortably.

Xiao Yi said with a light smile, "The Wind Kingdom is really beautiful everywhere."

"Enough for us to play for a long time."

Liu Yanran asked in confusion, "Do you have so much time?"

"In the past, you have always been in a hurry..."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Now in my leisure time, there is time to play with you."

"Where you want to go, I will accompany you."

"My partner, nothing more."

Liu Yanran smiled sweetly.


Second more.

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