Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3083: Xiao Yi's teaching

Xiao family.

At the courtyard of the young master.

Xiao Yi leaned lazily on the stone chair, yawning with Erlang's legs tilted up.

On one side, several sturdy men moved and shouted.

Xiao Yi glanced at it, and a leaf suddenly popped out of the air. He bounced one of them back a few steps, making a painful cry.

"What's the use of shouting so loudly?"

"The key is accurate footwork and the use of spiritual power."

"Xiao Zhuang, you should take three steps back just now."

"Xiao Mu, you should stand firm just now and share your spiritual power."

"Xiao Hu, you did the best."

These three people are now the strongest of the younger generation of Xiao family except Xiao Yi.

In addition to a few elders, the Xiao family also belonged to their strongest strength, which was the peak cultivation base of breaking the profound realm.

In Beishan County, a mad blood profound monarch who broke the profound realm had been famous for a hundred years, and no one surpassed it.

Now, the Xiao Family's small family in Ziyun City back then has directly produced three powerhouses at the top of the Profound Realm.

This is the benefit of having a strong family background.

Of course, this is also the reason why some big forces can endure for a long time.

Enough foundation, inheritance of martial arts, training of the strong, etc.

The background of the Xiao family that these three people relied on was left behind when Xiao Yi left the Central Territory. The martial arts level, training resources, etc., were still relatively limited.

Now, Xiao Yi can actually wave his hands and let them cultivate directly to the Holy Realm.

However, if this method of divine enlightenment was unnecessary, Xiao Yi did not want the Patriarch to be on the three of them.

Before, the elders were very old and had limited talents, so Xiao Yi couldn't care too much, and gave them his cultivation base, so as to increase their life.

But the three of Xiao Zhuang, only in their thirties, are in their prime of life, and they are now the mainstay of the Xiao family besides the elders.

Xiao Yi didn't want to add to it even if there was a slight increase in external power, so as not to damage their talent.

"Combined attack formation technique is the fastest way for you to improve your strength."

"After you have completed the repair, you must teach it to everyone in the Xiao family."

"If you don't work harder, when can you cultivate to Consummation? When can the strength of the Xiao family martial artist be greatly increased?"

Xiao Yi scolded coldly.

The three were ashamed.

Xiao Zhuang said bitterly, "We have limited qualifications, so..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "That's just an excuse."

With Xiao Yi's strength and ability today, even an idiot can teach him monstrous strength.

The master of the eight halls, the strongest evildoer in the middle domain, personally guides, others can't ask for it.

Xiao Mugong said, "Don't worry, Young Patriarch, I will wait to practice assiduously so that I can share the worries for Young Patriarch and become the left shoulder and right arm of Young Patriarch."

Xiao Yi curled his lips, "Such a simple combined attack, five days later, you still haven't improved much."

Xiao Zhuang dissatisfied, "Xiao Yi, how long have you used this combined attack technique in the past?"

Xiao Zhuang, he can be regarded as the person who had the best relationship with Xiao Yi in the younger generation of the Xiao family.

This man is bold, straightforward, but also like a bull.

Just at this time.

In the hall, a graceful figure walked out slowly, covering his mouth and laughing.

"The prince only took a look at that year to understand these combined strikes."

Come, you are Yiyi.

Yiyi held the freshly soaked tea and put it on the stone table.

Xiao Yi glared at the three of Xiao Zhuang, "Don't be lazy, continue practicing."

The voice fell, wow...

The fallen leaf just now was full of vitality and transformed into a humanoid tree monster.

The tree demon aura is not strong, not even half a demon aura, but it exudes a strong vitality and a scent aura.

Xiao Yi got up, walked to the stone table and sat down, taking a sip of fragrant tea comfortably, and exhaling a long breath.

Yiyi chuckled.

Xiao Yi said helplessly, "Guiding these three guys is even more tiring than finding a strong monarch realm for a battle."

Yiyi smiled and said, "In the past, the prince's practice was simple and easy to understand, so he was deeply loved by many martial arts seniors."

"Naturally now when you come to the young master, you guide others in cultivation, and you feel annoyed by comparison."

"That is." Xiao Yi said proudly, "I was so stupid back then, I'm afraid I would have been expelled from the teacher by Yi Lao early."

"The road to martial arts is not easy. I am not harsh to them now. I changed to other martial arts seniors. I was afraid that I would have been attacked by anger and blood, and I would swear."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "In short, these three guys are even stupid than my leisurely apprentice."

"But there is no way." Xiao Yi sighed lightly.

"Compared to me simply leaving the martial arts and martial skills, and letting the Xiao family members practice by themselves, it is naturally better for me to personally guide."

"The Xiao family's strength is on the stage, just that."

"I dare not toss about those old guys."

"Xiao Zhuang and the three of them, young and strong, naturally toss them."

Xiao Yi frowned suddenly and touched his chin, "By the way, how can the group of old guys be quiet these days."

"The three elders didn't come to my courtyard?"

Yiyi shook his head.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Good fellow, really cunning enough."

"It seems that every day I am at Xiao's house, their old guys are not in a hurry."

"We will travel abroad in a few days, and we have to make them rush."

Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled.

Unexpectedly, her son, returning to the family, would have to fight the old guys.

However, in contrast to the intrigue in Zhongyu, you are in danger at every turn; the fighting of wits and courage here seems warm and pleasant.

Not long.

At the courtyard gate, three children ran.

The three of them showed fear when they walked past Xiao Yi.

But the three of them still yelled at the three of Xiao Zhuang, and said, "Father, mother called you back to eat."

"Good." Xiao Zhuang subconsciously responded, but saw Xiao Yi glared.

"Haha." Xiao Zhuang gave a quick sneer and looked at the child, "Peng'er, go back and eat with your mother first."

Xiao Mu said, "Jun'er, go home first."

Xiao Hu scolded, "Leier, don't bother your father for practicing."

The three children looked bitterly at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "Don't look at me, your father won't get a grade today, so he has no food to eat."

"In other words, you guys should also start martial arts enlightenment."

Xiao Zhuang replied, "It has already started. Although I haven't practiced yet, I have already exercised my muscles and bones and still have preliminary martial arts training."

"After the next year's annual festival, it's time to start awakening the martial soul."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Now we are starting to lay the foundation, which happens to be."

"Young Patriarch." The little girl who called Xiao Lei boldly walked up to Xiao Yi and pulled Xiao Yi's sleeve.

"Let daddy go home to eat first, OK?"

"My mother said that only after eating enough can I have the strength to practice."

"Leier tried to be hungry and it was very uncomfortable."

As he said, Xiao Lei let out a soft sound in her stomach.

The child who called Xiao Peng stubbornly said, "Daddy won't go home, nor will we go."

When the voice fell, Xiao Peng made a ‘gulu’ sound in his belly.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "It's really time to have dinner."

"Don't worry, your father cultivates himself and can't be hungry."

At this time, Yiyi has prepared meals.

Xiao Yi smiled, "You three little guys stay here to eat."


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