Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3085: Eat hard

"Uh." The three of them looked embarrassed.

But he still said, "Jun'er went home yesterday, and the hundred jin of weapons was lifted easily."

"Peng'er, too, has already begun to absorb the aura of heaven and earth."

The girl from the Fang family said anxiously, "Young Patriarch, you can toss about the few people like Xiao Mu, but Jun'er and the others are young, so don't worry about them."

"Okay." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "It's useless for you to find me."

The trio's complexion changed.

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Do you think my dude looks like someone who can cook?"

"Every day lunch is made by Yiyi, you can find her."

"Xie Shao Patriarch." The three of them smiled and walked quickly to the hall, surrounding Yiyi.

Yiyi was stunned.

"Young mother, we are here to ask you something..." The three women continued to speak, and they continued to express their respect and flattery.

Yiyi suddenly looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, "My Young Patriarch's mansion is big enough, I don't need a few little guys who can eat food."

Yiyi nodded and agreed.


A few days later.

As before.

Xiao Yi guided the three of Xiao Zhuang.

But outside the courtyard, intensive disturbances sounded.

Not long after, dozens of women came together, and after a long salute to Xiao Yi, they all walked towards the hall.

Not long after, Yiyi has been surrounded by groups.

A woman took the lead and said, "Young mother, my husband, Xiao Ping, and the young master were like brothers back then. Now it's not a difficult task for my child to come to you for lunch, right?"

Another woman quickly said, "What are you a stranger?"

"Yiyi, do you still remember me? When you were young, you and I played together."

Yiyi nodded, "Sister Xiao Jin."

The woman was overjoyed when she heard this, "In this way, my family Lan'er is six years old this year. You've seen it. How about coming to have lunch with you?"

Another woman said displeased, "Xiao Jin, when is your junior's turn to ask first?"

"Young mother, my father-in-law Xiaotang's deacon also instructed the young master's cultivation back then. Now it's not difficult for his grandson to have lunch, right?"

"No, no," the woman seemed to feel that her tone was inappropriate, and she quickly said, "I beg you, I will not refuse the Xiao family's use of our family in the future."

"I think Jun'er and Lei'er are at the Wutang elders these days, but they are known as peerlessly talented. My children can't be worse than them."

A group of women talked about each other.

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi from a distance.

Xiao Yi scowled, "My Yiyi has a good temper, but it doesn't mean that I am too."

"My Young Patriarch's house is noisy, so what is it?"

"Not going out yet?"

The women's faces were ugly, and they did not move.

As soon as they leave today, the road of martial arts for children will be difficult to follow in the future.

"Presumptuous." Xiao Yi shouted coldly, his face full of majesty.

All the women looked scared, bowed, and left.

"Ahem." Xiao Yi pretended to cough.

"I have a bad temper."

"But Yiyi, your young mother's shout is sweeter, maybe she will agree."

The faces of all the women were happy.

"Young mother..."


At noon.

Dozens of children are sitting around the Xiao family dining table.

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi triumphantly, "I think there is still someone from the Xiao family who refuses to accept this, and there is no excuse for those old guys to push away."

Yiyi smiled obediently.

A few minutes later.

Xiao Yi had just eaten a little rice bowl in his hand, but saw that the food on the table was empty.

Xiao Yi was stunned.

Yiyi held chopsticks in one hand, and was also stunned. There was still more than half of the rice in the bowl.

Xiao Yi swallowed and looked at the children, "Are you so hungry?"

Xiao Jun patted his bulging belly, "Mother said, after you come, the Young Patriarch, eat hard."

Xiao Lei sat beside Yiyi and said sweetly, "The young mother is beautiful, and the food is delicious, gentle and virtuous."

"Mother said, it's no wonder you can make the Young Patriarch love it."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "The mouth of your mother Du's girl is weird if you can say these things."

"Your mouth is sweet."

Xiao Yi put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, looked towards Yiyi and said, "Let's make more lunch tomorrow."

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded.


Time flies, and one month has passed in a flash.

Xiao Zhuang's trio of combined strikes were finally completed.

Xiao Yi looked at the three of them, "From tomorrow, the three of you don't have to come."

"In your spare time, you can teach everyone in the Xiao family to practice."

"Yes, Young Patriarch." The three nodded.

"Xiao Zhuang." Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Zhuang, "Can you cook?"

Xiao Zhuang shook his head honestly.

"How about you?" Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Zhuang snorted, "He is like wood, and once burned, he almost didn't burn his kitchen completely."

"Fortunately, he cultivated himself and stopped the flame."

Xiao Mu's face twitched.

"Xiao Hu?" Xiao Yi could only look at Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu chuckled and nodded, "At home, that lady is very expensive. I take care of Lei'er and cook for Lei'er on weekdays."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded and took out a Qiankun ring.

"From tomorrow, you use the ingredients inside to cook. I have divided the daily portion."

"The materials inside require a certain amount of spiritual energy control and flame burning. You should be almost at the peak of the profound realm."

Xiao Hu asked, "Is it for the children of the Xiao family to temper their bodies, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "It's not a refinement, but it's almost the same."

"Where are you Young Patriarch?" Xiao Hu asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I still have things to do, and I am going to leave Xiao's house for a while."

"Go, you don't have to be in my courtyard anymore."

"Yes." The three saluted and left.


In the courtyard.

Xiao Yi and Yiyi are the only ones left to enjoy the flowers.

Yiyi asked suspiciously, "My son, shall we go out?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded and smiled. "The old guys haven't been moving."

"I gave them a violent fire."

"I will leave tomorrow morning, so we can go out for a trip."

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at Tian Tian, ​​"In the lower part of the sky in the Eastern Region, I should have a different perception from that of the Middle Region."

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and looked at Yiyi, "Zhongyu, you've been to many places in the past, right?"

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded, "In the past, strong people in the clan would follow, and they have been to many dangerous places and regions."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Instead, it's the Eastern Region. I'm afraid you haven't even been out of Ziyun City."

"Including me, even though I walked in the Eastern Regions back then, I only traveled all over the Yanwu Kingdom, the farthest I went to the extremely cold land and the East China Sea Fortress."

"I haven't set foot in many places."

Xiao Yi smiled, "We were born in the Eastern Territory, but we are not familiar with it."

"From tomorrow, I will accompany you all over the Eastern Region."

"Go to the ones you haven't been to, to the ones I haven't been to, to see the ones we have never seen."

Yiyi smiled sweetly and nodded obediently.

She understood what Xiao Yi meant.

This time travel is different from any previous time.

This is a fresh journey that belongs to both of them.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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