Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3088: Master Decree of the Sixteen Kingdoms

Xiao Yi nodded.

"On the Chiyan Kingdom side, even warriors with a high level of cultivation can't bear the feeling of thirst."

"It's because the whole world here is full of hot aura, the world is like this, the living beings live in the middle, suitable for middle."

"The coolness of the water is due to the fact that the heat has its own temperature, and the world has its own laws of adaptation."

"Otherwise, there will only be a hot spot, and the earth will be anxious. There will be no grass and no life will survive. This place will be a dangerous place, not a kingdom."

"The water flows all the way, endlessly, like the water given that day, full of vitality, giving this hot land a bit of moisture."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, slightly enlightened.

The guy on the side was full of doubts and smirked, "The guest officer is a bit complicated and doesn't understand."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Let's order."

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, and Yiyi also looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, and looked at the buddy, "We are not people around here, so we don't know any good food."

"What's yours, please serve them all, one serving."

The dude wondered, "The same serving? The guest officer is two people, but I can't finish it."

Xiao Yi took out a bank note, "Go."

The man's face was overjoyed, "The guest officer wait a moment."

The buddy leaves.

Xiao Yi looked around, and Yiyi also looked curiously.

"As we walked along, the Red Rock Kingdom has also traveled several counties."

"What do you think of Yiyi?"

Yiyi pondered for a moment, and said, "The air is hot and dry."

"On the Middle Territory side, some big cities in some regions will have this kind of weather."

"But the local customs are not like the Chiyan Kingdom side."

Xiao Yi nodded, "There may be similarities in regions, but there are only similarities in customs, and there is no similarity."

"Additionally, in the Eastern Region, the martial art of heaven and earth is not complete, so the resulting landscape of heaven and earth will be different."

Nearly ten minutes later.

The buddy brought in plates of food.

Xiao Yi's guest table still couldn't fit, so the dude pushed five guest tables together.

The original square guest table is now directly elongated.

The two drank lightly.

Xiao Yi glanced at the people coming and going outside the window from time to time.

The local customs of the Chiyan Kingdom can be regarded as the most special among the Sixteen Kingdoms.

Warrior costumes are also particularly different.

Men, there are no lack of burly people, only shorts, nothing on the upper body, strong muscles like blocks of stiff rocks.

Slightly more normal, the body is also strong, muscle lines are clearly visible.

Women are short shorts, with wheat-colored skin exposed.

Although she is a woman, she has no sense of muscular strength, but between her well-proportioned arms and legs, there is obviously an explosive power different from ordinary people.

Between the costumes, a little wild.

Of course, for Xiao Yi, this is a bit strange, but the two of them are in this Red Rock Kingdom, but they are like strange clothes.

However, it is not too strange and eye-catching.

In the Chiyan Kingdom, as many warriors from other kingdoms come here to practice.

At this time, Yiyi asked softly, "Is there anything that the son likes to eat?"

"Yiyi writes it down and can do it back to Xiao's house."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "I like everything you do."

Just at this time.

Boom... a bang.

A burly man came from a table not far away.

The strong man got up, tall as a bear.

The burly man's gaze first fell on Yiyi, and finally fixed on Xiao Yi.

"Enough little white face." The strong man blurted out.

"The woman next to you, I want..."

Xiao Yi glanced and said nothing.

Boom... In the air, there was an explosion.

The strong man disappeared instantly.

No, it was not disappeared, but an invisible force seemed to be in the air, blasting it away.

It's just that it flies extremely fast, so fast that no one can see it.

On the side of the inn, it has been penetrated.

The brawny man was blown away from a distance, and for the moment he landed, he was completely dead.

A flame suddenly burned on the strong man's body.

Invisible to the naked eye, an invisible spiritual sense floated out, but was instantly burned into nothingness in the flames.

All around, there was no sound.

For a long while, inside the inn, there was a boil.

"Is that guy just now..." The guests around were too late to finish their words. "It's been a disaster. Go away."

In an instant, the inn was completely empty.

The man hurried over, "Guest, you can run away quickly."

"That person just now, but our brother-in-law of City Lord of Lianghuo, although he doesn't have a lot of strength, but City Lord of Lianghuo is domineering and loves his sister very much."

"Guest, if you run away now, you will leave Lianghuo City, and there is still some way to survive..."


Xiao Yi threw a token casually, and shook his head, "There are always fools who can't open their eyes."

"Hang this token at the gate of your inn."

The dude glanced suspiciously, his body trembled, and above the token, the red-colored "lord of the country" was extremely dazzling.

"The country... the country's master..."

"Go." Xiao Yi waved his hand. "Everyone has gone clean, but I am cleaner."

"I've taken this inn by the way."

"Yes, yes, my lord." The dude said repeatedly.

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi and said with a light smile, "Back then, I was in the East China Sea Fortress to find the commanders and leaders of various countries to help make orders."

"The token was obtained at that time."

"In order to find you back then, I almost turned the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Yanlong over."

"Now that I find it back, it's hard to take a trip, but there are always people who are looking for trouble."

"Fortunately, these tokens are still there, which can save a lot of trouble."

"The son." Yiyi was ashamed, snuggling in Xiao Yi's arms obediently.

Even if she didn't know about the Eastern Region, she knew how much her son had suffered and how many dangerous places her son had endured to find her.

Yiyi said softly, "My son, or we don't travel."

"It also saves that the son often disturbs the interest of these trivial matters."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "Not necessary."

"This world, after all, is like this, the weak eat the strong, and there are disputes everywhere."

"We travel around us so that we won't be disturbed by these trivia."

"I said, Eastern Land, I will accompany you all the way."

Yiyi nodded obediently.


Into the night.

In the room.

Yiyi changed Xiao Yi's clothes, took off his son's clothes, and wanted to rest and sleep.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "You know, why do I always sleep on your lap these days?"

Yiyi thought for a while, "Is the son lazy?"

Xiao Yi's face twitched slightly and shook his head.

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Holding you, I'm afraid I can't stand the temptation."

Yiyi was stunned.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand.

A forbidden barrier, covering the surroundings, between heaven and earth, all blocked, without light and sound.

Before the prohibition fell, beside the bed, only the beautiful woman's face was faintly red, and Xiao Yi had already pressed her under him.

There was a sweet soft voice...

"It's late at night, go to sleep, madam."


The so-called travel, cares about the heart, care about the companion.

Time flies, in an instant, months pass by.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Probably, the tour will end in tomorrow's chapter and begin the secret story of the Eastern Region.

If you should write, you must write.

Don't worry, everyone.

good night!

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