Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3090: Complain

Yiyi heard the words, thought about it, and suddenly.

"This is called the ultimate."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

Yiyi frowned, "A martial artist can practice, isn't it a distraction?"

"There are 100,000 Dao in the small world, and more than ninety-nine percent of them are not integrated, and they are useless."

Xiao Yi was stunned, shook his head and chuckled, "I can't answer you for this question for the time being."

Xiao Yi put his arm around Yiyi's waist and smiled triumphantly.

"The so-called travel is nothing you have seen, what you have heard of, and what you know is unknown."

"Along the way, read the scenery and see the wonders of the world."

"You can chat and joke, you can talk about martial arts, you can talk freely, and you can be unrestrained."

"This is a truly pleasing tour."

Both of them are martial artists.

In addition to the deep affection and honey talk, there will be subconscious martial arts conversations.


Blackwood Kingdom, in a certain ancient place.

Xiao Yi looked up, and in front of him was a huge black tree.

A giant tree, without too many branches and leaves, is like a straight wood.

The giant tree is more than ten thousand feet high and several hundred meters wide.

"It's an ancient tree." Xiao Yi was slightly surprised, "I didn't know that there were such ancient trees in the Eastern Region in the past."

Yiyi was also slightly surprised, "Looking at its breath, I am afraid it has existed for tens of millions of years."

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "It seems that this is the origin of the name of the Blackwood Kingdom."

Tens of millions of years are several times older than the existence of the Eastern Regions after the division.

In other words, this huge poisonous tree already existed before the Eastern Region and the Middle Region were separated.

Xiao Yi looked at the giant tree and shook his head slightly, "Unfortunately, it's not a rare treasure of the world."

"It's just an ordinary poisonous tree. Because of its long existence, it grows so huge."

"For warriors below the celestial realm, practicing here is of great benefit."

"Huh? But it's not right." Xiao Yi frowned in confusion.

"This poisonous tree, at best, is not a second- and third-order product. It shouldn't have such a long life."

"Although the plant has a huge lifespan, this poisonous tree has only withered in a hundred thousand years."

"Now, the mere second and third rank products have become the poison of heaven and earth second only to the sacred products."

This is like a Houtian realm martial artist, and the huge gap between a celestial realm martial artist.

Xiao Yi stared at the tree tightly, frowning, "Although it is a poisonous tree, the aura inside is full of tenaciousness, indomitability, and an inexplicable martial arts meaning."

"According to the Shouyuan Law, this poisonous tree is already going against the sky."

The level of this poisonous tree is actually far from the cultivation level of the two, and it is impossible to cause any danger to the two at all.

But its existence surprised Xiao Yi for a while.

Xiao Yi frowned, took a step forward, a little bit of sword aura gathered in his hand, and he swiped lightly.

In the tree, black sap came out, it was venom.

The moment the venom touched the air, the space collapsed instantly, and the poisonous gas permeated.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi was startled, "These venoms are already enough to threaten the Celestial Realm martial artist."

Xiao Yi sniffed, and suddenly said, "That's it."

"Venom is indeed only a lower-level poison attribute power, but it is better than compressing the word."

"The branches and leaves and toxicity of this poisonous tree have long been compressed to the horrible extreme. It is not far more than a thousand layers."

"Moreover, the compression process is the subconscious growth of the poisonous tree itself, which fits the way of heaven and earth and belongs to nature."

"It's me, if you compress the venom at the noble level, I'm afraid it may not be able to compress to this point."

Xiao Yi smiled, "This, I am afraid it is the so-called..."

"If it is the ultimate, the snake will win the dragon."

"This poisonous tree of Tier 2 or Tier 3 is not inferior to anything of heavenly quality at all."

Suddenly, bang...

Above the poisonous tree, a burst of poisonous gas gushed out.

The poison gas swallowed Xiao Yi instantly.

Yiyi's face changed, "The son."

At that moment, Yiyi's face was frosty, and he stepped out suddenly.

The world changed suddenly.

The sky is bright and bright, but the sky is covered with moonlight.

"Jingyue." Yiyi's eyes were cold.

A stream of pure moonlight is overwhelming.

Wherever it passed, the poisonous gas seemed to melt.

In an instant, the huge poisonous tree was swallowed by Moonlight.

At this moment, Xiao Yi quickly stepped back and smiled, "I'm fine."

The eagerness to step back was not because he was afraid of the poison, but because he didn't want to worry about Yiyi.

In fact, Yiyi is just caring and chaos.

With his Xiao Yi's strength, no matter how weird this poisonous tree was, it wouldn't hurt him a bit.

Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and her beautiful eyes returned to normal.

The celestial moonlight disappeared completely.

The cold breath in the world also disappeared without a trace.

However, after the pure moon light disappeared, the huge poisonous tree in front of him that had been swallowed by the moonlight for a moment had no more poisonous gas.

"Uh." Xiao Yi glanced at the poisonous tree and was stunned.

The whole poisonous tree no longer has a poisonous atmosphere.

No matter how the poisonous tree was against the sky and how wonderful, it was still vulnerable to absolute strength.

In just a moment, the poison attribute power in it has been all the essence of the pure moon light.


The poisonous tree that had lost its poison attribute power, seemed to have no vitality, and its body was cracking every inch.

With a loud bang, the giant tree collapsed.

Boom... There was another loud noise, and the huge tree fell to the ground weakly.

Yiyi was also stunned, looking at Xiao Yi worriedly, "Is Yiyi getting into trouble?"

Xiao Yi reacted and chuckled, "No, my family Yiyi is so well-behaved, how can he get into trouble."

"This tree is broken, and it falls down. Is it possible that my life is more important than your son?"

Yiyi pursed her lips.

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, "I knew this broken thing would worry my maid, I should have chopped it long ago."

Just at this time.


In the distance, a group of figures came quickly.

The overwhelming breath came in densely.

One of them was the fastest, and that was an old man.

Before anyone arrived, an old and majestic anger was already resounding across the world.

"A broken tree? What a big tone."

"Split me the sacred tree of the Blackwood Kingdom? Your Excellency is not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue."


With a roar, an old man fell from a height.

For a moment, the earth cracked.

Come, the momentum is amazing.

"Sixth Layer of the Polar Realm." Xiao Yi glanced at the old man.

The old man stood with his hand holding his hand, glaring at Xiao Yi.


Around, a group of silhouettes fell immediately, already surrounding the surroundings.

The figure is full of armor, and the level of cultivation in the late stage of Tianyuan realm is nearly 100.

"Take this culprit to the lord..." the old man shouted angrily.

However, before he finished speaking, the old man frowned when he looked at Xiao Yi's strange and familiar face.

Only frowning for a few breaths, he was taken aback.

"Xiao... Xiao Yi kid?..."

But after this froze, he was instantly furious.

"I said that the black wood **** tree stood for countless years, but suddenly it fell."

"It turns out that Xiao Yi, your little thief, is here."

Xiao Yi's face twitched.


Second more.

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