Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3125: Magic body, absorb and transform

"What are you afraid of?"

"I want to hack you, I hacked it a long time ago, so I have to wait now?"

Xiao Yi said with a slight surprise, "You are an emperor anyway, so afraid of death?"

The huge eyes glared, and then asked, "Can't the Emperor Realm be afraid of death?"

Xiao Yi thought about it for a moment, but retorted silently.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Go, go to the Demon Tomb first."

Whoosh... The figure flashed, already 10,000 meters below the seabed.

Huge eyes followed.

Inside the tomb.

As before, it is huge, empty, desolate, and quiet as silent.

Those two bodies, too old to be imagined, came into the eyes first.

Behind him, there are countless disciples of the magic path.

"Boy." Big eyes asked in confusion, "What are you doing in the Devil Tomb?"

"There is no good for you here."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, walked to the two corpses of the demon ancestor, and paid three salutes.

The huge eyes were stunned, and said in surprise, "Boy, you..."

"Don't get me wrong." Xiao Yi said earnestly, "Somehow it is your demon's inheritance. These three rituals need to be worshipped."

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi left with a cry and left.

Out of the demon tomb, 10,000 meters under the sea, cold and dark.

Xiao Yi looked into huge eyes, "To be honest, I am not willing to take you out of this restriction."

"You are in the emperor realm after all, quite dangerous."

"If you leave this area without being able to control it, it will be a disaster."

Xiao Yi's huge eyes whitened, "Then what are you telling the emperor?"

"The emperor didn't say to leave, you just left."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Being trapped in this area for countless years, I can only endure the cold and darkness under this 10,000-meter seabed forever."

"You even live in panic all day long, not daring to appear, for fear that your trace and breath will be discovered by that person."

"This kind of taste is not good."

"Ice cold and dark, you may not care, but the feeling of endless loneliness for billions of years, even you can't bear it."

Hearing the words, his huge eyes fell into silence, staring only at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I can take you away."

"But the premise is that I need to give you another yoke."

The huge eyes remained silent.

Xiao Yi was also silent.

After a long while, huge eyes burst into laughter, "Hahahaha."

"Boy, why do you think you can break the demon ancestor's restriction of staying here?"

"This is a terrible imprisonment that even the emperor is in his heyday can't escape half a minute, and even the power of heaven and earth cannot penetrate for half a minute."

"In addition, the shackles? It is even more a joke. The emperor is the emperor of the illusion, self-changing and unpredictable, staring at nothing but only a single thought, what shackles can do with the emperor?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Nothing is absolute in this world."

"As you said, you can be unpredictable, you can be invisible, but the restraint of the demon ancestor has trapped you for hundreds of millions of years."

"Your own words are just slaps."

"Again, nothing is absolute, including the illusion that you are proud of, the prohibition of the demon ancestor, and everything."

"If there is, then it can only be a Valkyrie."

Xiao Yi's face was serious, "You don't care about the demon ancestor's prohibition, I can't break it, but I have my own way to take you away."

"As for your shackles, it's very simple."

Xiao Yi glanced at the Bingluan Sword in his hand, and squirmed slightly in his mouth.

The sound is extremely weak under the seabed.

But his huge eyes shrank suddenly.

"You kid, it's really a good idea, let the emperor give you..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a chuckle, "Will you or not, a word."

"You said, you can change everything."

The huge eyes were silent, and he thought for a while, "Yes, yes."

"It's just...what's the difference between completely restraining the emperor and enslaving the emperor?"

"If this emperor is truly transfigured, there will be no chance of regret in the future, you will be eaten to death by then..."

Xiao Yi interrupted again, "I am not too much, as long as you have a thousand years of time."

"Within a thousand years, you are under my control."

"After a thousand years, I will set you free."

"Thousands of years..." His huge eyes narrowed, "The emperor doesn't have much time."

"If you are enslaved by you, it is better to live on the bottom of the sea and wait for your life to fall."

"You don't come here." Xiao Yi sneered, "In my perception of heaven and earth, your lifespan breath is indeed quite weak."

"But this is a contrast with yourself."

"Compared with your longevity, which lasts for hundreds of millions of years, this last meager breath of longevity can at least last ten thousand years."

"Now I only want you to be in control for a thousand years."

"You have figured it out clearly. For you, a million years is only a short period of time, a thousand years, but a moment."

His huge eyes squinted, still thinking.

Last time, in order to allow Xiao Yi to practice the demon body, it was even willing to surrender a piece of its own spiritual knowledge and let Xiao Yi lay the flame restraint.

But in fact, with its imperial realm means, it only takes a certain amount of time to unlock it by itself.

But now, Xiao Yi mentioned this condition...

"Forget it, I'm leaving." Xiao Yi shrugged and turned around.

He didn't force it.

"Boy, wait a minute." The huge eyes solemnly said, "The emperor believes in you."

"bring it on."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I just want to take you out to see the world."

"The emperor knows." There was a hint of gratitude in the huge eyes.


The body with huge eyes began to collapse continuously.

After a whole day and night.

The body with huge eyes has completely disappeared.

"Boy." The figure with big eyes suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea.

No, to be precise, it came from Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled, "It's okay."

Looking inside, there is no more worry in my heart.

Bingluan sword is his biggest trump card, and also his biggest reliance.

With the Bingluan sword, even if these big eyes are evil, he is not afraid of it.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi paused just as he was about to leave.

"What?" The huge eyes were puzzled.

The voice also came from Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and felt it, frowning and asked, "Your entire emperor realm cultivation base is all under the restraint of this demon ancestor."

The demon ancestor restrained, covering the entire range of the extremely cold sea.

And the power of cultivation with big eyes is blocked in this restricted area.

"The magic can absorb any power, and can also transform any power."

"Including this demon ancestor's prohibition, and the emperor realm cultivation base that belongs to you."

Huge eyes replied, "It is indeed possible, demon, omnipotent."

"But that's quite time consuming."

"Remember the spirit stone you transfigured just now? You can transform it into any power in an instant."

"But, what if you absorb something stronger? Like your sword."

"As long as you want, you can absorb your purple electricity into a bunch of pure power, but how long will it take you?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

The huge eyes continued, "How can I talk about the prohibition of this extremely strong Demon Ancestor?"

"If you want to absorb these forces, you can, but it will only slowly eat away, one point, one bit, and slowly absorb and transform."

"Yes, that may take tens of millions of years or even longer."

"Um." Xiao Yi was stunned, he didn't doubt the words of huge eyes.

The demon ancestor's prohibition, even if the emperor realm is strong, can't even think of hurting a single point.

Using the magic body to absorb and transform is nothing but slowly eating away, terribly slow.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi sighed, "I can't help this demon ancestor's restriction, and I can't easily get the power inside."

The huge eyes sneered, "You still want to covet the power of the emperor? Are you dreaming."

Xiao Yi curled his mouth and said nothing, his figure flashed out of the sea.


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