Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3162: War, the Sovereign of the Ancient Realm


Xiao Yi's sword was instantly bound by the surrounding golden light, and the sword was fixed a few feet away from the side of Changming Gujun.

At the same time, the sword body actually seemed to be blasting on some sturdy hard object, with continuous ear-piercing humming, and the sword body trembled constantly, and Xiao Yi's hand also felt a sharp pain.

That is obviously just air, obviously just a bright golden light.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and at this moment he could judge that the cultivation base of the ancient Lord Changming was a bit deeper than that of the ancient Lord overnight.

But that's it.

Chang Ming Gu Jun turned his gaze slightly, "Under the golden lamp of the ages, you can't hurt the old man, let alone my ancient sect."

"Eternal burning light." Chang Ming Gu Jun suddenly opened his eyes.

That glaring look was actually the range of the gaze, and the space kept trembling, turning into nothingness.

Xiao Yi's face changed, and he retreated with swords.

Chang Ming Gu Jun did not move, but the large golden light kept running away under his gaze.

In an instant, a sea of ​​golden light overwhelmed Xiao Yi.

After the golden light passed, it was as if the world burned and everything turned into ashes.

Xiao Yi retreated with the sword, straight back to the giant elephant.

"Colossal elephant." Xiao Yi shouted abruptly.


The giant elephant Dharma image, long and long sounding.

Chang Ming Gu looked directly at him with cold eyes, "A fierce thief like you should be turned into ashes under the burning lamp of the ages."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I don't know how old you are, I don't know how much I killed, and you are the same today."

"The ice storm eats the soul."


A storm of ice and snow came out.

Along the way, the earth was frozen all the way, paved a road of extreme ice.

The high-altitude air is filled with ice and snow.

Large ice and snow storms shook the golden light and burning sea.

The confrontation between ice and fire has become a stalemate in the collision of white and gold between heaven and earth.

Chang Ming Gujun squinted his eyes, "The means are average, but the power is as strong as that, what a huge force."

Xiao Yi also squinted, "The ancient golden lantern martial arts souls that were rare in ancient times are indeed well-deserved."

"Exquisite methods, coupled with the deep cultivation of the long years, this golden light is enough to burn the sky and destroy the earth."

"Soul Palace." Xiao Yi shouted abruptly.


An ocean of soul power condensed out above the soul hall elite.

Through the Dharma image, this huge soul power is all shared with Xiao Yi.


The ice and snow storm surged in power instantly, back pressure on the golden light burning sea.

"Colossal elephant." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.


There was another long and long cry.

The snow storm turned into an ice giant elephant.

Above the giant elephant, the invincible pair of ivory became the center point of the ice storm.

The giant ice and snow elephant marched all the way, and the ice was more severe wherever it passed.

Jinguang is being sealed by inch by inch.

The giant ice-snow elephant is as positive as a broken bamboo.

The ancient emperor Changming, who has been as stable as Mount Tai, finally changed his face, "Damn, share the power of the giant elephant with the power of the giant elephant?"

Xiao Yi stared at him, manipulating the Ice Storm Soul Eater, holding a sword in one hand, "Mammoth Star, Soul Star, descend."


The ocean of stars came crashing down.


At this moment, the ice and snow giant elephant was completely invincible and went rampant all the way.

The golden sea is completely frozen.

That eternal golden lamp was crushed alive by ivory.

Chang Ming Gu Jun spouted a mouthful of blood, and the broken back of his martial soul made his face pale.

The giant blizzard rushed all the way, and everything it passed was turned into pieces and completely frozen under the extreme blizzard.

The sect of the ancient realm sect is already covered in silver.

Frozen, spreading all the way to Zongmen Square, Fang was stopped.

At this moment, before the giant elephant transformed by the wind and snow, there was a golden light giant beast, firmly suppressing the giant wind and snow giant elephant, making it unable to continue to advance.

Inside the ancient realm sect, a golden light skyrocketed.

As it was in the past, the majestic aura of heaven and earth instantly permeated hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Sect Master of the Ancient Realm." Xiao Yi's eyes stunned.

Only one of the eight sect masters can stop his Snow Wind Elephant at this moment.

"Broken." An old voice of majesty.

The wind and snow giant elephant was crushed in the hands of the golden light giant.

The ice within the ancient realm sect disappeared.

An old man walked out slowly in a golden light, as if walking across the void.

The old man, facing the majesty, the invincible feeling of looking at the world is what Xiao Yi has seen in his life.

If it is said that in terms of the living opponent Xiao Yi has seen, this old man is definitely the strongest he has encountered now.

"See Sovereign."

At this moment, the Ancient Realm Sect bowed in unison.

Including the two monarchs of the ancient realm, also bowed in the sky.

Between heaven and earth, there was a breath of majesty instantly.

Only at this time, a loud joking sound smashed these majestic breaths to pieces.

"Hehe, I thought you, an old monster, would not be able to shrink like last time, and would only play mystery behind it."

Xiao Yi laughed teasingly.

Back then, there was a great uproar in the ancient realm sect, even if the master of the Shura palace came, the ancient realm sect master did not show up, only the golden light.

"Presumptuous." Gu Jun yelled coldly one night.

"Little thief, do you know who is in front of you? Do you dare to be arrogant?" He shouted, coming from the ancient realm sect warrior.

"Lord of the Eight Palaces." The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm, standing with his hand holding his hand, actually slowly spit out four characters.

This was the first time he called Xiao Yi like this.

Of course, it was also the first time he spoke to Xiao Yi in such an almost casual tone.

This proved that he had already placed Xiao Yi above him.

"The Eight Halls and My Eight Sects have long agreed that they will not overturn each other."

"Today you led the Eight Palaces to offend my ancient realm sect, but you want to go your own way and tear up the promise?"

"You are the master of the Eight Palaces, and your words and deeds represent the Eight Palaces; today, do you want to declare war with the Eight Palaces?"

The sect master of the ancient realm questioned with majesty.

Xiao Yi grinned, "Now I know the agreement?"

"Okay, I will tell you an agreement."

"The ancient realm sect secretly assisted evil cultivation, which caused great chaos in the Central Territory. My eight halls and the branch hall were killed and injured millions of people, and the Central Territory warriors died and injured countless."

"This alone, I will be enough to kill you Ancient Realm Sect, not destroy the promise."

"Do you have evidence?" Ancient Realm Sect Sect Master said majesticly, "That's just your family's words, random speculation."

"If you want to add to the crime, you shouldn't be ignorant of the reason why you have no words."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Evidence, in your ancient realm sect, I have it in one search."

"Also, I came to your ancient realm sect. I was only searching for wanted criminals. It is your ancient realm sect's warrior who insists on hindering difficulties. With a guilty conscience, Fang Yin is now fighting."

The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm frowned, "Search my Ancient Realm Sect? A joke."

"Go back and ask your old palace masters, even in the years of the first generation master palace master, they never dared to search for my ancient realm sect."


Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "Now, I dare."

Sect Master of the Ancient Realm squinted, "What if the old man says no?"

Xiao Yi grinned, "Then it depends on whether you have the ability to stop the Sect Master of the Ancient Realm."


An ocean of blood-colored stars descended from the sky.

A huge **** sword, quickly condensed.

The face of the ancient sect master changed slightly, "Sword of kendo?"

"The strong, it's not you, just the sword in your hand and the elite of the Eight Palaces."

Xiao Yi grinned, "That old monster can kill you."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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