Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3175: The Mystery of the Night Emperor

"That's true." Xiao Yi nodded.

He still understands such a simple truth.

Otherwise, during those few years in the Eastern Region, he would not leave his 30,000 spiritual veins to the Purple Lightning Divine Sword.

Smiled with big eyes, "You can get the magic dragon pill. This time is your chance."

"The Ye Emperor back then, but the nightmare of almost all emperor realms."

"And this magic dragon pill is even more a nightmare in a nightmare."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi asked softly.

Big eyes replied, "How did you get his title of night emperor?"

"Under the night, he is like the ruler of heaven and earth, except for the few, almost no one can compete with him."

"During those years, either don't grudge with this madman, or just wait for the rest of your life, don't close your eyes, don't think of doing retreats and other things that require calming down."

"Otherwise, his Dream Dao can easily pull the opponent into the dream realm, even if it is the Emperor Realm."

"Within the dreamland, he is invincible."

"With the Dream Dragon City of the Illusory Dragon Pill, it is almost equivalent to the Overlord when he was in charge of the Star Luo God Destruction Cone.

Xiao Yi asked curiously, "How did such a powerful character finally fall?"

"Like the Overlord, died in the hands of the Underworld Emperor?"

Big eyes replied, "That's not the case, the Tyrant himself is stupid. The Night Emperor Dream of Dragon City is a scheming hero."

"The whereabouts of the emperor is originally a mystery, no one knows where he lies."

"He almost never shows up."

"He can completely travel the world with his Dream Dao incarnation, knowing everything in the world from a dream."

"Of course, the same is true for the enemy."

"If it weren't for the loss of his breath in the martial arts of the world, no one would have known that he had suddenly fallen."

"Naturally, no one knows why he fell."

The big eyes continued, "The Emperor Buwang has left for descendants."

"After he fell, the entire family suddenly evaporated and disappeared."

"I heard it was all in hiding. After all, the Magic Dragon Pill was enough to make the Emperor Realm covet it."

"After that, I don't know how many years have passed, the bloodline family left by Ye Emperor has no more news, and no one will follow it."

"Now it seems that this family is the dream family, one of the so-called one hundred families in your mouth."

Xiao Yi nodded, "That can be roughly speculated."

"Emperor Ye is dead, and descendants of the bloodline are worried about being coveted by the strong because of the magic dragon pill, and completely disappeared."

"But without the optimistic pillar of the Emperor Realm, a family can only hide in the dark. The decline is just a matter of time."

"At the end of the ancient times, in the middle of the ancient times, after such a long period of time, the Dream Family dared to emerge."

"After that, there will be one of the hundreds, Mengjia."

Xiao Yi thought about it for a moment, and it was almost astonished.

I think so, in the middle of the ancient times, the difficult years of martial arts that were extremely bleak and almost completely declined, and created a period of brilliant ancient martial arts, so that martial arts returned to its peak. How could the founder of the 100 schools be general? generation.

Hundreds of hidden families seem to have their own stories.

Xiao Yi shook his head, ignored the matter, only whispered, "But this magic dragon pill seems to have limited effect on me."

"I don't cultivate Dream Dao after all."

"Although this Dan has a stronger effect, it is still too extravagant."

Big eyes sneered, "Illusory Dragon Pill, but Illusory Dao Pill."

"Dream Dao belongs to Illusion Dao."

"Have you forgotten your illusion?"

"And your blood sword."

"Speaking of it now, this emperor suddenly discovered that the effect of this pill in your hands may be greater than that of a normal phantom power."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi gave a startled suspicion, thinking briefly.

"I understand." After a long while, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"There's one more thing." Big eyes said, "Aren't you always chasing that star fire?"

"This powerful flame is mysterious even in the ancient years."

"But as far as I know, Ye Di was in control of this flame at that time."

"When he stepped into the peak of Dream Dao, Fang Chuang created the magic dragon pill after he stepped into the peak of Dream Dao, and Fang Chuang created the magic dragon pill. Later, he used this flame to refine the magic dragon pill."

"Maybe, there will be traces of illusion fire on the magic dragon pill.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"It seems that the harvest this time is bigger than I expected."

As a result, the Baijia issue was resolved.

Secondly, I got this magic dragon pill.

In the past three years, the whereabouts of the stellar fire may have a certain direction.


Out of the Mengjia retreat room.

Patriarch Meng has been waiting here. Seeing Xiao Yi walking out, he quickly asked, "Elder Xiao Yi, what happened?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "It's done."

"This pill, your dream family can't refine it in the past?"

Patriarch Meng shook his head.

Xiao Yi let out a laugh, "It turns out that this pill is useless in your dream house."

"You gave it to me without any harm to yourself."

"Old Patriarch Meng has a good plan."

No wonder the old Patriarch Meng walked so fast before, and came back so fast, for fear that Xiao Yi would regret it.

Patriarch Meng smiled triumphantly, "The magic dragon pill is extremely precious and precious."

"And now it seems that Elder Xiao Yi is very satisfied."

He could obviously notice that Xiao Yi looked disappointed before entering the closed room, but now he came out with joy in his face.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly and arched his hands, "I'm talking about it today, thanks to the old Patriarch Meng, I'm leaving."

Patriarch Meng waved his hand and took out a pile of Qiankun rings in his hand.

Xiao Yi frowned, "What does the dream of the old Patriarch mean?"

The old Meng Patriarch said in a deep voice, "This is the foundation of my dream family for thousands of years."

"This time, count my dream family's full support of Badian."

"Really?" Xiao Yi's face was startled.

Patriarch Meng nodded, "Little old man has one more thing to ask the Chief Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi asked.

The old Meng Patriarch said solemnly, "Little Laoer wants to use the Ice Palace Protector of the Chief Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"The elite of my dream family should have almost reached the southern base now."

"The whole team is led by the elder of my dream family, and 90% of the martial artists in the family will go."

"The big dream family, now there are only the old man and the second and third elders, as well as the family members and some little guys who are not strong."

"In a few days, a hundred teams will continue to go there, and the team's strength will be similar."

"Every master should stay in the family, after all, the family also needs to be guarded."

Xiao Yi nodded.

This evil repair is so serious that no one dares to take it lightly.

The Yan family was attacked by evil beasts, and the whole clan died tragically.

The heads of each family will never leave the family.

Patriarch Meng said in a deep voice, "But the old man can't worry about being alone in the south, where the evil cultivation is the most serious."

"The old man meant that the guardian of the Ice Palace could help guard the dream house."

"The old man wants to go to the southern stronghold in person and be with Piaopiao."

Joining the southern stronghold with the power of the old Patriarch Youmeng is naturally excellent.

But the combat power of the Ice Palace protector is also extremely strong.

the most important is…

"That's the same sentence." Xiao Yi frowned, "I dare not promise you something like this."

"If there is a mistake in your dream family, how can my Ice Palace guardian bear it?"


Second more.

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