Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3180: March

Fortress, in the Eight Palaces area.

With Mengjia as the head, the elite of the 100 schools really arrived as expected.

Of course, the nine families including the Yan family that had been destroyed under the bite of the ferocious beast were not there.

In addition, the owners of the various families have not yet arrived.

The young masters of the various families came, among them the leader of the Meng family Meng Gongzi Meng Piao Piao, the Murong Family Seven Killing Sword Murong Lingyun and so on.

"Master of the Palace...Master of the Palace..."

One by one, a hundred martial artists, eager to say something.

In the previous reception ‘ceremony’, Baijia did not show up, and has been waiting here in the Badian area.

Xiao Yi also received a hundred martial artists here.

At this moment, Xiao Yi single-handedly pressed, "I know what you want to say."

"To make a long story short, I will order the Ice Palace guardian to go to the Hundred Family Land later."

"For the sake of caution, the six evil spirits will also go together."

"In addition, Xia Yifeng's guardian will do her best to strengthen the clan guardian formation for you."

Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Previously, the old Patriarch Meng told them that only the four guardians of the Ice Palace were helping to guard the Hundred Clan Land, and they felt stable enough.

Now, with the addition of the six evil spirits, the defense force has doubled.

Coupled with the means of Xia Yifeng, Yinshi, the word Yinshi can be described as thunderous in their hidden world.

With these guarantees, it is definitely far more secure than the heads of their families staying in the family.

With such a guarantee of combat power, if this can happen, then even if there is a Patriarch guarding them in the Hundred Clan, they will not be able to hold it.

"Thanks to the Chief Hall Master." Everyone thanked them all together.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

He does not lack top combat power.

The guardian of the ice palace plus the six evil evil spirits, but the ten top combat powers can exchange the high-end combat power of at least two hundred patriarchs and the great elders of each family.

This account is a good deal.


At this time, Tang Yin and other main hall masters had opened up an independent closed room for Xiao Yi.

Outside the retreat, Xiao Yi met the people of Bing Zun's line, as well as the ghost evil city and the black evil six evil spirits.

"Palace Master."

"Master Hall Master."

Everyone bowed and saluted.

"No gift." Xiao Yi waved his hand and looked at Xia Yifeng first.

"This time I ordered Bing Zun's line to come to the southern stronghold, to participate in the war."

"Of course, I don't force it."

"In fact, the south and the north are too far apart."

"On the southern side of the snow-capped mountains, there is a world of ice and snow all year round, with ordinary evil cultivators and evil beasts. It is impossible for them to wreak havoc on a large scale there.

"So Bingzun's line can actually stay away from this disaster."

"I only need your four guardians to help me guard the Hundred Clan Land."

"The lord of the palace is out of sight." Nangong Law and Ice Guardian were the first to speak.

Protector Lu Long said coldly, "The evil repair disaster in the south is the most serious. How can the palace owner be alone here?"

"I'm Frozen Sword Pavilion, I will wait to the palace master's orders to the death."

Xia Yifeng looked at Xiao Yi and only smiled, "I want to come to the Palace Master with my own plan."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Senior Xia still remember what you said to me back then?"

"Flowers in the ice also need sunlight."

"Bing Zun has a line, in fact, there are countless martial arts gods, who have never been vulgar."

"This is an advantage that no other power can match."

"Except for the sixteen envoys who are peerless evildoers, the rest of Tianjiao are all top-notch martial arts talents."

"But I never believe that a martial arts evildoer can grow up from comfort, no matter how good this evildoer is."

"And this evil repair is an opportunity, not only sunshine, but also nutrients."

The four guardians nodded, "Follow the palace lord's order."

In fact, when the four great guardians brought together the elders, warriors and Tianjiao of the Ice Venerable line in the southern stronghold, it already meant that they would unconditionally obey Xiao Yi.

"That's all right." Xiao Yi said solemnly, "You will go to the Hundred Clan Land with Senior Chang Tian and others later."

"The warriors of Bingzun's line are temporarily dispatched by my eight palaces."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi turned to look at Changtian Wine Demon and Guisha City Lord.

"You black evil spirits will also go to the Hundred Family Land."

"The ghost hunters in the ghost city, there is nothing to say, they wander through all kinds of dangers, and their combat power far exceeds the warriors of the same level."

"But they collect money and act, and our Eight Palaces will give generous rewards. They can hunt down evil cultivators and evil beasts."

"But remember." Xiao Yi looked at the Ghost Sha City Lord, "The southern stronghold does not allow them to come and act wantonly."

"It used to be perverse and weird, so I put it away."

"The Iron Rules of the Eight Temples will also be the iron rules of the southern stronghold here."

Ghost Sha City Lord nodded, "Don't worry, I have been in charge of Ghost Sha City for many years, and this matter will be handled as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Let's all start."

Xiao Yi looked at the Bing Gong Tianjiao who was following the four guardians, "Your great envoys are waiting here, I have something to tell you."

Before leaving, the four guardians also gave orders to Tianjiao.

Lu Long looked at Lu Lingshuang with long white hair in a deep voice, "Lingshuang, when the old man is away, listen to the palace lord's orders and don't play tricks, you know?"

Lu Lingshuang nodded arrogantly.

The ice guardian looked at Bingman, "Man'er, listen to the palace lord, do you know?"

After that, the Bing Protector looked at Bing Mei'er and whispered, "Serve the Palace Master well, but the Palace Master has a need and cannot resist orders, you know?"

Bing Mei'er nodded repeatedly, winking like silk, "Yes."

Lu Long frowned, glanced at Lu Lingshuang, "Lingshuang..."

Lu Long just wanted to say something, but when he saw that Lu Lingshuang had turned around, he thought he could not hear.

Lu Long sighed and said nothing.

A group of people left, heading for the Hundred Family Land.

Outside the retreat, there were only Xiao Yi and a group of envoys.

The sixteen envoys are the sixteen most outstanding evildoers in the line of Bingzun.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged.

After a long while, all bans were shot, covering the surroundings.

Everything is blocked within a hundred meters.

No one knew what was going on inside, what was being said.


After a whole number of hours, the prohibition blockade was released, and the sixteen envoys were already shocked.

Xiao Yi's face was solemn, "Remember, just forbidding everything that happened within the blockade, prohibiting spreading, including the four guardians."

"If there is anyone who violates the order, he will be expelled from the line of Bingzun and will never enter."

Sixteen made his complexion change, and then he sighed, "Follow the palace lord's order."


The sixteen envoys left, and Xiao Yi slowly stepped into the closed room.

He will continue to refine medicine.


Time flies, three months later.

These three months are probably the most turbulent March for Zhongyu in the past ten million years.

Just three months, compared to tens of millions of years, is not worth mentioning.

But the battles that erupted in March would probably exceed any long period of time since tens of thousands of years.

The killing broke out to the extreme in these three months.

The sentence that life is the most worthless is most vividly manifested during this time.

Stronghold closed room.

The door that has been closed slowly opened today.

Xiao Yi's figure lightly walked out, and a trace of fatigue appeared on Jun Yi's face.


Fourth more. (Make up)

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