Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3183: A powerful enemy strikes

Xiao Yi frowned.

"Which level is the sea animal disaster on the east side of the sea?" Xiao Yi looked at the Hall Master Tang Yin and asked.

Hallmaster Tang Yin handed over the dossier information and replied, "It's not clear for the time being, the main force of the spies in each temple is placed on the evil repair tracking."

"Ordinary detectives are incapable of entering the area of ​​that sea beast to investigate."

"But the eastern edge of the region is not weak, but it was still flooded by waves in a short period of time, and it could not stop the sea beasts from attacking."

"It is preliminarily judged that the sea beast disaster over there is more troublesome and urgent than the evil beast disaster in many normal areas."

The main hall of Tang Yin continued, "Several of our main hall owners have discussed the priorities. Since the eastern fringe is in a hurry, in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the creatures, we should first transfer some of the elite back to guarding."

"It's reasonable." Chang Tian Jiu Demon said in a deep voice, "Except for the southern part of the Central Region, the overall evil repair disaster has been stabilized."

"The major regions and cities are already well guarded, and there will be no major problems in a short time."

"Although the evil repairs are serious in the south, our southern stronghold is guarded here, and the problem is not big."

The two gave reasons and looked at Xiao Yi at the same time.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said coldly, "No."

"Weary soldiers fight more, taboo."

"Now it seems that our eight palaces have the absolute upper hand, and evil repairs and evil beasts have suffered countless deaths and injuries, but how many deaths and injuries do we human warriors have?"

"It lasted nine months. There were countless battles in the entire Central Region, with deaths and injuries. How many battles has each warrior himself experienced? And how many life and death lines?"

"Now their entire minds are put on dealing with evil cultivators and evil beasts, and suddenly they turn to dealing with sea beasts. Physical and mental exhaustion will burst out instantly."

"In addition, since September, they must have accumulated their own experience in dealing with evil cultivators, even with ease. Now they suddenly deal with sea beasts, and they are blunt."

The Lord Tang Yin frowned upon hearing the words, thoughtfully.

"Weary soldiers fight more, taboo."

"Tired and dull?"

"I understand." Hall Master Tang Yin nodded.

Changtian Wine Demon said anxiously, "This can't work, that can't work, then what are you going to do?"

"If you don't send elites to the east to expel the sea beasts, do you go yourself? You go to the east, what about the Hundred Clan Land?"

"According to my opinion, either you send the elites over, or just leave it alone."

"Under this evil repair, there are enough dead creatures, and the world is not your responsibility."

"But the safety of the Hundred Clan is something you promised."

Obviously, the long sky wine demon is like Senior Luo's character that ignores the common people.

For the Long Sky Brewer, commitment is more important than anything else.

"How can this be done?" Hall Master Tang Yin exclaimed.

Xiao Yi shook his palm lightly, and stopped the quarrel between the two of them, "I'll take a trip myself."

"Boy." Chang Tian Jiu Demon frowned.

Xiao Yi's face was light, but in the light, it was cold, "The taboo sea in the east is not in the secular category, and even exceeds the ancient level."

"If I didn't guess wrong, there is the shadow of the aquarium behind this sea animal disaster."

"Shuizu?" Tang Yin's Hallmaster frowned, "According to the spy's report, this sea animal disaster is a bit unusual, and it seems that someone is driving it on purpose."

"But what's going on is unclear."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "The four clans of heaven and earth, not to mention, they are completely ancient forces."

"I heard Senior Luo and the Master Palace Master Shura say that on the east side of the Taboo Sea, it should be the area where the Supreme Sword Sect should be responsible for contending."

In the east, all the way to the east, the strongest secular power is one of the three sword palaces, the sword palace is in the east.

And further east, all the way into the extreme east, is the scope of the ancient emperor's tomb.

The land of the sect of the Supreme Sword Sect is deeper in this range.

Dongli Sword Palace is itself the representative force of the Supreme Sword Sect in the world.

To put it simply, the Supreme Sword Sect is not directly facing the sea to the east, but it belongs to that large area.

If there is a change in the East Taboo Sea, or even a larger-scale disaster, the Supreme Sword Sect itself will be involved.

Therefore, in the past, this ancient level itself was the responsibility of the Supreme Sword Sect, which belonged to the same ancient level.

Hall Master Tang Yin said with an ugly face at the moment, "I would like to ask the Master Palace Master, the Supreme Sword Sect sent a letter the day before, and it is also in the archives information in the hands of the Palace Master.

"I saw it." Xiao Yi nodded, his face light and cold.

The main hall of Tang Yin said, "The Supreme Sword Sect said that it is a ban from the main hall master, prohibiting the eight martial artists from entering the middle area."

"So this time the disaster of the sea in the east, they are the supreme Jianzong."

"Bazong bastards." Chang Tian Jiu Demon cursed with a cold face, "He said that he would not intervene in this incident again, let alone help the water cool down..."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "They did not intervene, but they were a stumbling block for me."

"The Monarch Realm who attacked Hundred Clan Land is not from the Eight Sects."

"The sea beast disaster has nothing to do with them."

Xiao Yi paused and smiled playfully, "Sometimes, Bazong these villains are still very trustworthy."

"Okay." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I will take a trip myself."

"With my strength and speed, across the Middle Territory, I will deal with the affairs of the Hundred Family and the Eastern Sea Beasts. The problem is not big."

"In half a day, I will return."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi wanted to leave.

"That's right." Xiao Yi paused and looked at Palace Master Tang Yin, "You count the casualties in the big city in the eastern part of the east that was invaded by sea beasts. I will return in half a day to see accurate information."

"Yes, the main hall master." Tang Yin Hall master Gongsheng took the command.


Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

This is also the first time he has left the base in the nine months since he came to the southern base.

In the distance, high in the sky, a flame streamer ran across quickly.

A joking voice with big eyes sounded, "Boy, when did the villain of Bazong talk about credit?"

"Don't be too naive..."

Xiao Yi sneered and interrupted, "No, yes."

"It's just when they are full of self-confidence, they think they are in their hands, and they are triumphant."

In an instant, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared into the distance.


An hour later.

Southern stronghold.

As always, all major regions are busy.

The warriors of all major forces have never stopped pursuing evil cultivation and evil beasts.

As for the Eight Halls area, which is the central command area, no warrior in the Hall can appear to come down.

"I heard that the sea animal disaster in the east is very troublesome." The moxibustion temple master said with a worried expression on his face.

Hall Master Tang Yin was finishing the file, and when he heard the words, he raised his head and glanced at him, "There is the Hall Master who took the shot himself, the mere sea beast, what's the deal?"

"That's also..." The Lord Moxibustion nodded subconsciously.

Just at this time.

Suddenly there was a joking laughter in the air.

"Oh, is it so?"

"Who?" Tang Yin Hall Master and Moxibustion Flame Hall Master were shocked at the same time.

The two quickly scanned their surroundings, letting out their perception.

However, before they could perceive the spread, there was already a blast from the sky above.

Under the terrible sound, even the strength of both of them felt pain in their ears.

If it is a warrior with a slightly weaker cultivation base, he is afraid that he has temporarily lost his voice, and his ears are extremely uncomfortable.

Even the entire southern stronghold shook under the sound of the explosion, as if the ground was shaking.


The faces of the two changed greatly, but after all, they were the main hall of the main hall, with extremely high adaptability, and they jumped out of the room instantly.

But at this moment.


Accompanied by this explosion, there was a terrible pressure of suppression.

Almost the moment the momentum appeared, it had swept the entire southern stronghold.

The two of Tang Yin's hall masters just met this moment when the momentum fell.


The silhouettes of the two were blown away in an instant, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, their faces pale.

"The surging momentum alone has caused us two to be seriously injured?" The two looked at each other, their faces full of horror and horror.


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