Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3185: Idiot, how can you not go

Yes, the figure is Xiao Yi!


Xiao Yi stepped out and strode across the air.

That vast ocean has already frozen.

The expressions of the two old men changed drastically at the same time.

The vast ocean that was originally under their control seemed to be out of control at this moment.

That young man, with just a glance, has already made the high-altitude and vast ocean wave uncontrollable.

He seems to be the king of this world, everything in this world, the king of the ocean and waves.

Xiao Yi's figure stopped a hundred steps away in front of the two old men.

Xiao Yi stared at the two with cold eyes, "Although you are human-like, you also have a human aura, but your aura is not pure."

"You are not human, no, to be precise, you are not normal people."

Xiao Yi glanced at the vast ocean, "Such astonishing water control ability, you are aquatics."

Xiao Yi's gaze fell on the two old men again.

The expressions of the two old men changed at the same time, and the stern gaze made them depressed.

"The two monarch realms and the four levels prove that you are the elders of the aqua clan." Xiao Yi squinted.

Although the Eight Sects and the ancient powers are gathered in the monarchy, they are not yet powerful in the monarchy.

Most of them are about one or two kings.

Above the triple level, until the fourth level stepped into the middle stage of the monarchy, it was at least the position of the eight elders.

"You..." The long-haired old man shivered, "You have clearly left the southern stronghold."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I haven't left."

"Impossible." The long-haired old man was full of unbelief, "The sea beasts in the east are scourge, and nearly a hundred cities have been slaughtered. If you don't go, just wait for the scourge to worsen, and let your souls go to waste."

"Hundred family land, you can't leave it alone."

Xiao Yi sneered, "It's a good calculation."

"The danger of the Hundred Clan and the scourge of the sea beasts in the east, whatever it is, has actually caused me to divorce."

"But you chose to be safer and break out together. After all, you know that I am always cautious."

"Worrying on both sides will not only make me divorced, but it will even make me feel confused when I do not have enough skills to do so. When I am in a hurry, I don't care about anything to leave.

"As soon as I leave, there is no strong guard of this level in the southern stronghold, and it is just like paper in front of you."

"Once the southern stronghold is destroyed, the consequences..."

Xiao Yi's words stopped abruptly.

The destruction of the southern stronghold is equivalent to the destruction of the Middle East Sea Fortress in the Eastern Region that year, and countless abyssal monsters will be able to drive straight into the hinterland of the Central Region.

In the Eastern Region, there is still no abyss monster raging.

But in the middle of today, there is the southern area outside, and there are evil beasts in various places.

The consequence will be a disaster in a disaster.

Xiao Yi stared at the two, "Shui Ninghan can only imagine such a despicable method."

"It's a pity that he underestimated my Xiao Yi."

"The southern stronghold is the top priority, how could I really leave."

Xiao Yi sneered, her voice resounding across the world.

"Tang Yin." Xiao Yi looked down at the Hall Master Tang Yin.

The suppressive momentum in the stronghold has long since dissipated.

The Lord Tang Yin leaped to the sky.

"What about the casualty report I asked you to prepare?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Hall Master Tang Yin handed over a file, "Report to the Hall Master, this is the casualty report of the sea animal disaster in the east."

"Although it is not accurate enough, ninety-nine percent of them have been calculated."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The masters of the Eight Halls may not be strong, but their ability to do things is indeed excellent.

Xiao Yi flipped through the files and sneered again, "I have only one criterion for Xiao Yi."

"If people do not offend me, I do not offend others; if people offend me, they will be refunded a hundred times."

"Shui Clan..." Xiao Yi looked at the two old men abruptly, with sullen expressions in his eyes.

Xiao Yi's figure moved in this instant.


In the air, a sword sounded.

A purple thunder is extremely strong, like two huge thunder dragons, swallowing the sky.

The sword flashed past.

Thunder, also flashed by.

The two aquatic elders in the sky were already two cold bodies, unable to fall from the sky.

The sky is so big, there is only the vast ocean.

And...the invincible Xiao Yi standing proudly among them.

Qiang...Xiao Yi's arm shook, and the purple light in his hand came out.

The purple thunder and lightning drew a beautiful arc high in the sky and fell slowly.

Clang... There was another clang.

The Purple Lightning Divine Sword steadily fell to a hundred meters away from the stronghold city wall and plunged into the ground.

Xiao Yi stared down, "I said, I will stay here."

"The sword is there, the man is here!"

No one doubts his words, because he is the master of the Eight Palaces, because he is a sword repairer who is more arrogant than anyone else.

Below, there was a burst of cheers.

Zi Zi Zi...

On the Purple Lightning Sword, thunder and lightning roared.


On the sky, a million thunderstorms ran away in an instant.

A stout thunder blasted down.

In a short time, the vast expanse of ocean was completely swallowed by thunder and lightning.

In fact, after the death of the two aquarium elders, the power of the vast ocean that they had gathered with their vitality was constantly flowing away, turning into pure heaven and earth aura.

Now that the blockbuster Thunder crashes down, it has accelerated its passing speed.

After a few dozen breaths, in the horrified eyes of all the warriors, the sky was densely covered with thunder, blasting this huge ocean into a large piece of pure aura.

Ninety-nine percent of the power is scattered.

But the remaining little power is still rich, from aura to ordinary water, falling from the sky.


The heavy rain fell, covering the entire southern stronghold.

No one is frightened, only cheers.

This is the rain of joy.

Over the course of nine months, there have been countless battles in the entire Central Region, and the southern stronghold, which is the place of command, is actually full of noise and tension.

And today, it is also the first time that the legendary Lord of the Eight Palaces made a move in the southern stronghold.

If you don't make a move, it's just a thunder blow, slaying a powerful enemy.

In the torrential rain, the arrogant figure has disappeared in the white misty sky.

However, the haze that has been entrenched in the southern stronghold for a long time seems to have been completely washed away by this heavy rain.

That arrogant figure and the heaven-shaking divine sword outside the city wall gave them the greatest confidence.


Go back to the closed room.

As soon as Xiao Yi left his figure, he quickly took off his son-in-law's clothes and changed to a strong outfit.

Put on a Senhan mask.

"" Changtian Wine Demon looked suspicious.

"Idiot." Xiao Yi replied while quickly sorting out, "How can I really not go to the east sea and the Hundred Family Land."

"Thanks to the two fools of the Shui Clan, they couldn't help but show up on their own in just an hour."

"It's only an hour now, and the crisis on both sides should not be aggravated too much."

The voice fell.

Whoosh. . .

Xiao Yi's figure, like a black ghost, left the East China Sea Fortress silently, no one knew it, nor knew it.

Who could have imagined that the Lord of the Eight Palaces, who would guard the southern stronghold, would leave without a sound after a long while, calmly speaking.

Who could have imagined that this arrogant sword repairman would even leave his sword behind and run without a trace?


Third more.

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