Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3187: What are you without Zidian?


That’s right, the ghost hand old man named "father" in Lu Long's guardian... Lu Fan is one of the four major disciples of Venerable Ice, the founder of Ice Storm Sword Pavilion.

It is also the most outstanding evildoer of the swordsmanship under the seat of Ice Venerable.

When Xiao Yi heard the word ‘Lu Fan’, he actually knew the identity of the old ghost hand.

At this moment, Lu Fan looked at the ice storm giant sword in Lu Long's hand, and sneered, "Just relying on your peak cultivation base and this sword, how many moves do you think you can take in my hand?"

Lu Long no longer had an ugly expression on his face, replaced by an endless coldness.

"Parents still remember this ice storm giant sword?"

Lu Fan nodded, "This sword is mine, I remember it."

"When you were 16, I personally handed this sword to you."

Lu Long said coldly, "But my father also handed the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion to me at the same time."

"And you, disappeared without a trace. For eight million years, there was no news. I don't even know whether you are alive or dead."

"I still remember my father's words when he left, holding the ice storm giant sword, he inherited his master Bingzun's swordsmanship, and he needed to protect it for a lifetime."

"The significance of the existence of Ice Storm Sword Pavilion is the inheritance of Ice Venerable, not the other."

"The meaning of my Lu family's existence is the same."

The sword in Lu Long's hand has already burst out, "I remember these words firmly."

"But father, I forgot."

"When you become the enemy of the palace lord, you will be my Lu Long's mortal and the enemy of our entire line of Ice Venerable."

"Bingzun's line?" Lu Fan burst out laughing when he heard the words, "Hahahaha."

"Bing Zun's line, what is the point?"

"Venerable Ice, what is it?"

"He is dead. When he died, he was silent and dignified, Venerable Ice, what happened to him?"

"And you." Lu Fan looked at Xia Yifeng's trio with cold eyes, "When did your blood relatives die, do you remember?"

"How silent is the founder of the Ice Palace when he died, how can he know how he has gone from being a strong man to being powerless to wait for death?"

In the long history of Bing Venerable, the Ice Imperial Palace and Ice Storm Sword Pavilion were founded by the four major disciples of Bing Venerable.

Originally, there was only the Ice Palace.

Bing family, Xia family, Nangong family, Lu family.

Then it was rumored that the ancestors of the Lu family were not in harmony with these three ancestors, so they left the Ice Palace and created the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion.

Lu Fan is the ancestor of the Lu family and the founder of the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion.

"The ancestors of your three families are all dead."

"Only I, Lu Fan, is alive and well."

"Not only did I live very well, but now I have surpassed the realm that Master Bingzun could not break through in his lifetime. I have broken through."

"This is where they are inferior to me."

"Joke." Xia Yifeng said coldly, "The three ancestors died when the time came."

"What about you? In order to cross the limit and get a longer lifespan, you have lived for a long time so that no one is a ghost or a ghost."

"Only you are enough to be on par with Master Bingzun?"

"Enough." Lu Fan yelled coldly, waving the old ghostly palm in his hand.

"Who told you that the three of them died at the end of the day?"

"Old dog Luo? Are those hypocrites in the Eight Halls?"

"They are like fools, believing in Badian."

"Now the four of you are also four stupid donkeys, believing in the Eight Palaces."

Lu Fan's tone became more and more excited, turned his head, and opened your eyes to see clearly.

"You came to protect their ancient home, but what about their ancient home?"

"Why are they in the guardian array, but you are outside?"

"Why don't they let you go inside? Let the four of you deal with this endless beast surrounded by them?"

"If it hadn't been for me to still remember the little love of your Bing Zun family, now the four of you are four corpses."


A black air surged in Lu Fan's hand.

That ghost hand was instantly grim.

"I'm just the last time, get out, otherwise, kill without mercy."


The ghost hand invaded with momentum.

These auras alone caused Lu Long's sword intent to dissipate, and the four guardians were all breathing unsatisfactorily.

There seemed to be layers of corrosive air on the body of the four great protectors, and they kept humming.


Xiao Yi took a sudden step, and the ghost hand's momentum disappeared for a moment.

Xiao Yi stared at Lu Fan coldly, "I don't know the grievances back then."

"I don't know exactly what happened that year."

"But, I don't care." Xiao Yi's eyes were instantly indifferent and even hideous.

"I said, whoever dares to stand beside Shui Ninghan again, who dares to help her any more, is my Xiao Yi's enemy."

"You are no exception."

I still remember that at the end of his first tour, he encountered the ghost ghost city lord who was defeated by the sword who was still the lord of Lingyan Pavilion.

At that time, he took Guisha City Lord back to the Black Demon Palace to heal his injuries.

However, Senior Luo was furious, and even blasted the seriously injured City Lord Ghost Sha outside the door.

At that time, he asked Senior Luo why.

Senior Luo only said that this pavilion master of Lingyan Pavilion was supposed to be the one killed by his disciple.

Xiao Yi still clearly remembered how angry Senior Luo was at that time, and how disappointed he was saying "My disciple is useless" when looking at the six people including the Changtian Wine Demon.

Now, Xiao Yi suddenly.

As a friend of Venerable Ice, this rebellious disciple of Venerable Ice, it is up to him to clean up the door by his disciple.


The grotesque aura erupted from Lu Fan again.

"It seems that the old man made a wrong decision not to kill you."

"Little, a pinnacle of noble state, without your sword of kendo, what right do you have to be presumptuous in front of the old man."


Lu Fan's figure disappeared instantly.

A ghost hand instantly hit Xiao Yi's throat.


A generous heavy sword in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air.

The heavy sword blocked the ghost hand.

"Without Zidian, I still have Star Slash." Xiao Yi's eyes were awe-inspiring to kill.

"Today, I will clean the door for Venerable Ice."

"Hong Weixing, descend."

Boom...A sea of ​​scarlet stars descended instantly.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi...

On the Star Slashing Sword, there was a piercing noise at this moment.

Lu Fan's ghost hand is actually the edge of the star-cutting sword, holding it with one hand, and it will show the sword of the sword with sparks.

Xiao Yi felt the astonishing breath on Lu Fan's body and squinted his eyes, "You really are the Triple Sovereign Realm."

Lu Fan grinned, "Today, there are no elites from the Eight Palaces to share your vitality."


There was a loud noise.

Xiao Yi was heavily bombarded with his sword.

That ghost hand was actually so powerful.

After all, Xiao Yi was only the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm. Without the increase of Zidian, relying only on the Star Slashing Sword and the temporary power of the stars, his strength was in the Sovereign Realm Triple Layer.

However, Lu Fan has the triple level of cultivation as a monarch, and his strength is above the triple level.

The gap between the two is obvious.

"You guys, it's an eyesore." Lu Fan looked at the four guardians of the Ice Palace, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The devil's hand of the crippled man took the four of them straight away.

Boom... There was an explosion, and a flame burst from below, blocking the ghost hand.

"Blood brake cut."

There was a cold drink in the air, and a huge **** sword came straight to Lu Fan.


Fifth more. (Make up)

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