Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3272: Now I am going to kill

"Li." Wuyue Siming's pupils shrank and exclaimed.

"The son." Yiyi paled on the wall of the fortress in the distance.


"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Sword Lord Jiuxiao's expression changed drastically.

"Bad." Dongfang Taishang also changed his face.

Just now, the Moon Emperor who had fought with him disappeared in front of him within an instant, and then crossed the space, and instantly appeared in the distant Star Luo Destroyer God Formation.

Dongfang Taishang suddenly remembered something, "Spirit Devouring Black Moon is a companion of Amethyst Spirit Flame. Amethyst Spirit Flame can burn everything, and Spirit Devouring Black Moon can swallow everything."

"Damn it, swallow space, starlight power, large array power, everything can be swallowed."

At this moment, Xing Luo Destroyed the God Formation.

Xiao Yi's face was full of unbelievable, surprised at the sudden arrival of the Moon Emperor who was fighting against Dongfang Taishang, and even more surprised at the failure of his immortal Dao body.

However, he understood for a moment when amethyst spirit flame surged in his body.

"Human kid, you deserve to die too." Yuehuang's face was grim.

"If you die, you will be relieved without a month, and you will be her nine-horse female monarch with peace of mind."

Boom... The old palm that penetrated Xiao Yi's chest suddenly surging with the black moon, like a black flame that ate people.

"Patriarch..." Wuyue Si Mingyi grasped that old palm.

"No Moon." Yuehuang's face was cold, "This human kid just wanted to kill you, do you want to protect him?"

"Um." Xiao Yi snorted, trying to forcibly pull out his body.

However, the vitality in his body seemed to be fading fast, making him so weak that it would take a step to move.

"Get out of the way." Yuehuang shouted coldly, caught off guard from the next aura, and forcibly moved Wuyue Siming back several steps.

"Death to the deserter..."

Yuehuang suddenly clenched his fist, and the moonlight burst into the sky.

Xiao Yi's eyes cold suddenly, as if moving.

Just at this moment, suddenly, within an instant... a white brilliance lingered in front of Xiao Yi's chest.

The black moonlight instantly disintegrated.

Yuehuang's old palm touched the white light for a moment, as if the ice touched fierce fire, it was melting at a rapid speed, and even continued to corrupt.

"Not good." Yuehuang suddenly shrank his pupils.

Whoosh... a figure came across the space.

A slender hand took Xiao Yi's chest straight.

Snap...A palm was shot, and it was printed on Xiao Yi's chest as if it was weak, not hurting Xiao Yi any more.

But the old palm was heavily blasted out.

"Ancient Jingyue?" Yuehuang pulled out his hand, backing a few steps, an old palm was already corrupted and exposed.

"Um." Xiao Yi snorted, and without the Spirit Devouring Black Moon on his chest, the injury on his chest instantly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Go." Xiao Yi didn't make any extra moves, and even if he could feel his chest injury in the future, he hugged Yiyi and retreated.

"Um." Taking a few hundred steps away, Xiao Yifang paused and snorted again.

"The son." Yiyi's face was shocked, his face was full of shock.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You're looking for death." Yiyi's gaze was gloomy for an instant, scanning over the moon emperor and Wuyue Si Ming in the distance.

Yiyi's figure was just about to step forward.

Xiao Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he grabbed it.

The battle at this level was far from what Yiyineng, who was only at the four peaks of the Sovereign Realm, participated.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi took a step forward, blocking Yiyi behind him.

With sharp eyes, glanced into the distance.

There, his own Star Luo Destruction God Formation was blasted out of a gap at some point.

No, it wasn't that it was blasted out, but it seemed to have been purified, and a part of the power there disappeared directly.

far away.

Yuehuang's expression was ugly, "There is still someone who can control the power of Ancient Jingyue?"

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of Jingyue Yuegong, she would have killed the hateful human kid now.

Here, Xiao Yi's face is full of solemnity.

The second Lord of the Nine Desolates, Moon Emperor, really deserves its reputation.

With this move, she was obviously ready to go. She had been prepared long ago, and Fang was so fast that he had no time to react.

Besides, did she know his immortal body? And obviously I knew that for a long time.

Those who have seen his immortal Taoist body, except for the human martial artist, were all killed by him.

Xiao Yi at this moment clearly smelled an unusual meaning.

"Return to the city wall..." Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, just about to give an order, but saw that behind him was a battlefield where the human race and the monster race were fighting intensively.

With Yiyi's strength, he can indeed walk through it and return to the city wall.

However, if you encounter the monster emperor, there will be fierce battles, and there must be fierce dangers.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi squinted, "You are waiting for me here, don't move."

"Yeah." Yiyi was confused, but still nodded.

Xiao Yi looked sharply at the two people in the distance, and finally, his eyes fell on Wuyue Siming.

"Sorry, I just wanted to hurt you seriously."

"Now, I am going to kill someone."

If Yiyi were to pass through the battlefields and return to the fortress, there would be a certain degree of danger.

Just now, she suddenly shuttled over, beyond everyone's expectations, she didn't meet the emperor of the monster race.

Of course, it is equally dangerous now, and it will be even more dangerous under the millions of miles covered by the stars.

However, as long as these risk factors are removed, there is naturally no danger.

"Xing Luo." Xiao Yi shot out with a sharp sword.

In the distance, Yuehuang's expression changed, and he did not dare to hold on, but quickly dodged and dodged, then retreated to Xue Jialuo's side.


Dongfang Taishang yelled violently, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, quickly open the big formation, and the old man will go in and help you."

At the same time, a glimmer of light flashed in Yuehuang's eyes.

If the big formation is opened, she can leave this blockade directly with Wuyue Si Ming and Xue Jialuo.

The speed of Xue Jialuo would only be faster than Dongfang Taishang.

Once Xue Jialuo joins the outside battle, he can consume the power of living creatures faster and grow faster.

At that time, it would only be a simple killing.


Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and looked at the far east Taishang, "No need."

"Tongfang Tai goes up to help others."

"I kill these two people, more than enough."

Far away, Dongfang Taishang frowned when he heard the words.

Here, Xiao Yi's figure moved instantly.

The figure moved for a moment, and the sharp eyes had completely locked the two figures.

Before Yuehuang attacked him, he was caught off guard.

This time, Yuehuang will not have a half chance.

With him, these two couldn't hurt Yiyi at all.


Xiao Yi's figure kept leaping forward, but the sword in his hand did not stop for a while.

Swinging the sword again and again, starlight sword aura burst out.

In all directions, wisps of star power also rushed in continuously.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure took dozens of steps forward.

High in the sky, behind, in front, left and right, countless stars rushed.

Xiao Yi's figure suddenly stopped, and another sword blasted out.

Almost his figure paused for a moment, and the sword bounced for a moment, and countless stars from all directions fell on the sword at the same time.


This roar trembles the entire world for hundreds of millions of miles.

This sword fell, and countless starlight sword qi destroyed the world.


Fifth more. (The second update today.)

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