Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3352: Long-lost feeling

"Threat the old man?" The Shui Clan Grand Elder stared at Xiao Yi coldly and sneered.

In the next instant, the elder of the aquarium showed a majestic look and shouted from the sky, "We aquarium, never fear threats."

The elder of the Shui tribe stared at countless people around him, "Ask our millions of Shui tribesmen, have you ever been afraid of threats?"

"Ask us, the countless sea creatures in the sea to the east, have you ever been afraid of your humans?"

"The sea to the east of us is the nightmare of your human continent and the forbidden place for your human warriors."

"If you dare to commit a crime, you will suffer the fury of the surging sea."

"Huh." Millions of Shui people looked up to the sky and cheered.

Countless sea beasts roared.

The great elder of the Shui tribe grinned with a grin, and then waved his hand, "Bloodwashing the east, we must make these human warriors who dare to offend the sea to the east to pay."

The voice fell for a moment.

Millions of people in the Shui tribe were angry, and the monstrous waves that had been stabilized by Xiao Yi instantly ran away.

Xiao Yi frowned suddenly.

This wave is ten thousand feet high and hundreds of miles wide, but its length stretches for a billion miles, almost covering the entire coastal edge.

Aquariums and sea beasts are born with a water control ability that far exceeds that of human warriors.

Here is the sea in the east, and their territory.

In this vast and endless east sea, they have almost endless huge sea water to move.

With such monstrous waves, Xiao Yi couldn't forcefully stop it by himself.


The monstrous and turbulent waves have already gone violently, rushing to the shore, and then swept all the way.

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly cold, "You are looking for death."

Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

A purple thunder and lightning also instantly jumped into the millions of Aquatic people.


Among the sparks and flints, the Shui people were divided and died.

Chi... Chi... Chi...

Suddenly, Li Jian Hanmang pointed out one after another, and the Shui people sealed their throats with swords.

Except for the elder level, the Shui people have no enemy of Xiao Yi.

The purple sword glow, the elegant and fierce figure, shuttled and slaughtered the dense Shui people.

When an elder of the water clan saw this, his eyes instantly opened in anger, "What a thief, Xiao Yi, do you think you are a tiger in the flock?"

"Here is the sea in the east, the territory of our aquarium."

"The elders follow me and kill this thief."

In the hands of the aqua elders, the power of the waterways poured madly.

Streams of water impacted and shot out quickly.

A series of huge currents besieged Xiao Yi.


The purple sword light flashed past, and the ocean currents were split by a sword.

The figure with the sword could not be blocked at all.

High in the sky.

The ten elders of the Shui Clan are all controlling this huge wave that is sweeping toward the Central Region.

The second elder of the Shui clan said coldly, "Great Elder, this little thief Xiao Yi looks like the first level of monarchy cultivation, but his combat power is unpredictable.

"Among the aquarium, only the elder level can fight against it."

"But if we can stop him and even subdue him, only our ten elders."

The great elder nodded solemnly, but did not make a move, he only snorted, "A billion sea beasts, this little thief Xiao Yi will never want to move us even if he is exhausted."

"Endless sea beasts, enough to submerge him, and then tear him to pieces."

Roar... roar... roar... roar...

The endless huge sea beasts flocked to the dense Shui people, more precisely, flocked to Xiao Yi.

That fierceness, that kind of giant beast madly devoured, it seemed that when they besieged fifty thousand sword repair a few days ago, they almost consumed the Supreme Sword Sect's fifty thousand sword repair elite alive.

Just at this time.


In the distance, a sound of shaking the sky came.

As Weng Ming passed, the air and the turbulent sea were all scraped across layers of ripples.

High in the sky, the ten elders of the Shui Clan changed their expressions.

In the distance, behemoths, like huge sea fortresses, come quickly against the water.

The beast rushes, and the sound comes first.

The countless fierce sea beasts like this crazy, after hearing the sound of the sound, they all froze, and their faces appeared in horror.

These sounds seem to have a natural pressure on this endless sea beast.

Among the densely packed Shui people, Xiao Yi sneered, and the killing speed did not stop.

On top of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, a flash of blood was gathered.

The ordinary elders of the water clan couldn't stop him, this was just a simple killing.

High in the sky.

The second elder of the Shui clan looked ugly and anxious, "Elder, if we do not take action, the tribe will suffer heavy casualties."

It's not that they don't make a move, but they can't make a move.

In addition to the control of a large number of aquarium people, this billion-mile long and huge wave also requires the joint control of their ten elders.

The ten of them are the ten strongest members of the Shui Clan.

If they split up, this huge wave will no longer be able to sustain.

The Grand Elder of the Shui Clan has a cold expression, "If this little thief Xiao Yi is struggling to fight, we will not be able to subdue him in a short time."

"Don't worry about him, the huge waves of the vast sea must be pushed forward with all their strength, flooding all major areas in the east."

The second elder of the Shui clan was just about to say something.

The Shui Clan elder said coldly, "This is the meaning of the water girl."

"Regardless of the cost, at the fastest speed, this is also an iron order from the water girl."

The second elder of the Shui clan gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The huge waves of the vast sea swept swiftly, sweeping millions of miles in a short time.

Within the crowded area of ​​the Shui people, Xiao Yi's face became increasingly cold.

He really couldn't block this huge wave.

"Blood heart cut." Xiao Yi cried secretly.

All he can do is to kill, slaughter faster.

This group of aquatic **** are scared to kill, and if they retreat, this huge wave will disperse.

At this moment, in addition to the ten elders of the aquarium who are fully controlling this huge wave, the millions of aquariums are also leaping rapidly and walking with the waves.

An aquatic clan suddenly shouted, "As long as the Terran region becomes a vast ocean, then the Terran region will also be our territory. This Xiao Yi little thief can't help us."

With that said, the Shui Clan member and the high-altitude Shui Clan elder looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Millions of aquariums are even more fierce and not afraid of death.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi's killing speed was even faster.

The blood above the purple electricity is already rich and dazzling.

Xiao Yi's body was already lingering.

Blood Heart Slash, the fourth of the four types of the blood world, the blood is added to the body, from the inside out, to the strongest killing state.


Xiao Yi slashed out with a sword, and a huge **** sword swept across the air, slashing into the distance.

Along the way, the large tracts of Shui people who were walking along the huge waves of the vast sea were all divided.

Xiao Yi's figure continued to flicker, and wherever he passed, the Shui tribe's blood boiled suddenly and then turned strangely into blood mist.

Chi... Chi... Chi... Chi...

As Xiao Yi's figure flickered, the **** cold glow in his hand continued, all of which were sealing his throat with a sword.

This is the Blood Heart Slash, the best of the four blood types.

Under the state of blood energy, between every move, between the hands and the sword, all are Blood Slash, all Blood Rage Slash, and all Blood Realm Slash.

This is not only a slaughter, but also a feast of blood.

The death of the Shui people one by one brought a **** force that was absorbed and poured into Xiao Yi's body.


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