Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3511: ‘Old Knowledge’

"Mask, not wear a mask."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Palace Master Chengfeng nodded, and said, "It stands to reason that there are more warriors walking in the middle area wearing masks to hide their identities."

"It's a simple mask, very few."

It is very common for warriors to walk in masks and hide their identity.

The mask can cover the face.

The most important thing is that there are many types of sacred artifacts with masks, which have many functions, and the shielding breath is one of them.

Of course, depending on the level of the sacred artifact, the effect is limited.

And masking... Besides covering the face, it has no effect at all.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "In other words, this person does not shield his breath at all, and he is not afraid to leak his breath."

"He has very few records of walking in the middle domain."

"No one recognizes his breath."

In this world of countless strong men, warriors possess many unpredictable methods.

It’s easy to move the mountains and fill the sea.

Those restrictions that slightly change the face are gone.

Therefore, the martial artist does not rely on his face to distinguish his identity, but his breath.

The breath is unique to life and spirit, and it is recognized by the world and cannot be changed at all.

Therefore, breath is the most accurate way to identify the martial artist on the mainland.

"One more thing." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Spy in the Eight Palaces, may you feel that the recent evil repair team seems to be stronger?"

Hall Master Chengfeng frowned, "The Hall Master means..."

Xiao Yi said, "I'm going all the way to clean up, for me there is no pressure."

"But in the evil repair, sometimes some teams have added some strong people."

"The number is not large, so I can only judge it as a special case; but there are so many evil repair teams in Zhongyu, I am not sure."

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head and said, "There is no clue on the intelligence side."

Xiao Yi frowned, but nodded, "Okay, I will find out for myself."

The voice fell.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left.


A few days later.

Xiao Yi was still as before, sneaking through all the regions.

The eyes of the lunar sun are condensed, and it is easy to judge whether there is an evil cultivation team in this area and the accurate whereabouts of the evil cultivation team based on the perception of heaven and earth.

It was just one massacre after another.

Everything seemed quite relaxed to him.

At most one month later, all evil repair teams will be wiped out by him.

Let these evil cultivations be weird and varied, and let them be cruel, they are all like jokes in front of Xiao Yi.

If there is no absolute strength to stop Xiao Yi, ending this evil repair is just a matter of evil repair.

This is Xiao Yi's confidence.

It is also the confidence of a strong king.

However, my instinct told Xiao Yi that Shui Ninghan planned for a long time, how could everything be so simple?


Today, since these few days of suppression, Xiao Yi has become more and more certain that the strength of these evil cultivators has grown stronger, and there have been more powerful people inside.


An hour later.

Within a certain area.

Xiao Yi's sense of heaven and earth glanced past, and instantly shot.

In a mansion in a big city.

Xiao Yi appeared for a moment, and a kendo prohibition had blocked the entire residence

"It's cunning." Xiao Yi sneered.

Not all of these evil repair teams are walking in the wilderness.

Now, it is hidden directly in the big city.

Xiao Yigang appeared, and the evil self-cultivation in the mansion was instantly aware.

A series of cold eyes cast all of them.

But at the same time, there were ten sharp gazes.

Based on this sharp look alone, we can know that this person is by no means a general.

The evil repairs in the mansion are also more than a hundred people.

However, ten people with cold masks were added.

Those ten sharp eyes came from them.

Of course, in a flash, the cold eyes turned into panic eyes.

"The Lord of the Eight Halls?"

"Little Thief Xiao Yi?" The ten people wearing masks blurted out, with horror and the same panic in their tone.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed, "Will call me Xiao Yi little thief, but..."

Above the Middle Territory, no matter the ordinary warrior or evil cultivator, it is enough if he can't recognize his identity. If he recognizes him, he will be called the master hall master.

He would call him Xiao Yi, the little thief, but only the ‘old knowledge’.

Of course, most of them will be ‘old acquaintances’ that Xiao Yi may have long forgotten, and have little overlap at all.

"Please also ten adults of secret agents to take action." A group of evil cultivators looked at the ten people respectfully.

Ten people blurted out an exclamation, "Run away."

"Escape? You can't escape." One suddenly got up, his tone cold.

"Little thief Xiao Yi's methods are fierce, and he is very good at tracking. We can't escape."

"If you want to survive, you can only kill him."

"Not bad." Another warrior with a mask sneered, "Hmph, what about the Lord of the Eight Palaces."

"He is just like us, but a young arrogant, afraid of him doing anything."

"Shoot." Ten people suddenly violent.

For a time, the evil spirits were awe-inspiring, and the entire mansion was cold.

"Looking for death." Xiao Yi squinted.

But in his perception, the breath of these ten people seemed a bit familiar.


In the air, a sword sounded.

The evil path in the entire mansion was completely destroyed by Jian Qi.

The ten people who violently vomited blood and flew, their face masks were cut open with fierce sword energy, revealing true faces.

"Either he died or we died." One yelled.

A palm blasted, golden light surged in the palm, and a golden wheel was extremely dazzling.

However, above the golden wheel, an astonishing evil spirit is obviously surging at this moment.


One person came with a sword

The sound of the sword should have been crisp and unpredictable, but it was also mixed with astonishing evil at this moment, making the sword's power astonishing.

Xiao Yi frowned, "The means of Jinchen Academy, and the Sword Qi of Tianque Academy."

"You are the arrogant of the Five University Palace?"

As soon as Xiao Yi's voice fell, he glanced at the faces of these ten people and recognized them.

"Chief of Jinchen Academy, Jin Chen."

"Chief of Tianque Academy, Chen Shi."

Xiao Yi was suddenly stunned.

Long before the evil repair disaster in the Central Territory, no longer, even before the disaster of the Demon Territory, there was a civil war in the Five University Palace, and no one knew the reason.

Ming Huan Xuegong was destroyed, and the disciples, elders and other warriors of Xuegong all died.

The rest of the academy also suffered many damages and suffered heavy casualties.

Many Xuegong chiefs and Xuegong Tianjiao have mysteriously disappeared.

"Explain clearly, maybe I can give you a good time." Xiao Yi stared at the ten people coldly.

The power of the ten attackers was just a joke in front of Xiao Yi.

Jin Chen's face was grim, "I Jin Chen, I won't humiliate my teacher when I die."

"Of course, I have to pull you back."

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

There was a loud explosion.

All ten people blew themselves up.

Ten breathtaking evil spirits swallowed in an instant.

Xiao Yi just wanted to do something.


A sword sound came, a sharp sword, breaking the monstrous evil spirit.

A figure stood in front of Xiao Yi.

The figure, with his face covered, cannot see his face clearly.

However, there was no concealed breath in him, but Xiao Yi instantly recognized it.

"Zifeng." Xiao Yi said his identity.

The visitor took off his veil and looked at Xiao Yi, "Brother Xiao Yi."

"I have been staring at these evil cultivators for a long time, but I didn't expect Senior Brother Xiao Yi to be one step faster than me."

This masked warrior is the young master of the sword domain, Lin Zifeng.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Good ability, I can easily pass through the kendo restrictions I set."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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